anyone play second edition D&D?

While I never got into 3ed I would like to mention that I had a half Orc woman named Teena. She had pretty much big everything and liked to wear flowers braided into her hair.

And yes, she did get offended sometimes about comments like that. She had the scalps on her belt to prove it....and she wove flowers in their hair too.
I am considering running a module or an adaptation of such.

I would say it would be a between model there will be combat but I expect good roleplaying


all dice rolls should be done via
and emailed to

rolling method for stats would be 4D6 drop the lowest
repeat 6 times arrange as desired

racial limits would apply, Don't have them memorized but yeah

is there a call for a low level, or a mid level campaign?

let me know and I'll update rules and such
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Any level suits me. I kind of prefer to avoid Ravenloft (The campaign setting, not the Moderator) How many players have you got?
Heeeeey! Oh wait, the setting not the... Me... LOL! Still, what would Strahd say about your disdain of his realm? Don't make the lord of vampires cry DOS... He is a weepy sort.
I know. The lord of all vampires is actually just an angsty little emo kid. Granted, an angsty little emo kid who can rip most adventuring parties to pieces, but...
I think that is the first time I have ever heard Strahd be discribed as angsty and emo... LOL! Get him together with Jander Sunstar and boy do you have a pair of 'feel my pain' vampires. I wonder what Jander REALLY ment when he 'taught strahd to call to the wolves'... LOL! Is Tatyanna just a beard?
I have you so far who has committed fully
a few others have expressed a bit of interest but I do not have deffinate yes and or no's

the setting would be generic made up fantasy or forgotten realms
probably the former