Anyone wanting hugs and random non-sex chat on the thread here?

Maybe you should try imagining a Queen and an Alchemist snuggled on a Bean-throne. The Alchemist gently kisses the Queen. The kisses move to her neck - lingering and languid. And she begins to kiss her way down...

Maybe think about that. 😈 God knows I am now!
I’m starting to care less about Guardsman Jack’s reaction, and more about where this goes… 🥵
You say go down a little further, my Queen? Gladly. 😘
Mm I did say that, but I’m feeling I just need to shift you onto your back, sensual Alchemist, and find out… how might your breathing change if I kiss you… there? And if my hands just move down to your hips, while I press you into the bean throne…?
That would be me!!

So far I have only managed to turn whine to gold. Err, dollars. It's a slow and painful process, which is why I spend nearly all my time in the lab.

In the lab? I had a yellow lab for a decade and 1/2. Hundreds of lbs. of shit bags to claim, but all that love?
Oh…it’s a beaker/burner kind of lab.

Kindly disregard
No humping here, thanks.
I just had to be social for the last 2 hours. I'm done. Time for a nap. Then lunch. Then maaaybe some humping.
Replenishing your energy should help
And quit bragging that you still have lunch to look forward to 😂