Arcana and Steam: A World in Peril (OOC)

Keep in mind that this is a civilized world, and that society is quite strict in its punishments, especially at a time when the nations of the world are at war. If you kill, expect for the local officials to pursue. If you kill them, expect for national officials to pursue. If you kill them, expect the world's most powerful mercenaries and heroes to be set after you. Murder is an extremely serious crime at a time when every body makes the difference in a battle lost or won.

No one is invincible. If Garathos himself were to wander into Ulvire, despite his significant prowess, he'd still be overwhelmed in hours. Might means nothing when you're facing down an army of thousands. Arcane power would give no additional options when dozens of highly trained, well-equipped mercenary and adventuring groups are set on your trail. Speed amounts to nothing when an arch-mage freezes you in time.

I don't mean to scare you with what I'm outlining- just to remind you that every action has serious consequences, and that without a very good reason, you'll want to steer well clear of murder.
He is civil, just don't tempt him. As a Noble Lord he holds himself higher than most those before him and as such belives he is above most laws, however as a true warrior he belives that death should only come to those that deserve it (ie people that make him angry or try to hurt his companions.) He feels he is above all laws agreed apon by the law makers and will only bow down to his Lord General. He is loyal to the point until it serves his interest not too be since he aspires to become Lord General himself.
Regaurdless this sounds like a lot of fun
Name: Ereal

Sex: Female

Race: Demon (seductres/not exacltly but kind of sucubus )

Place of Birth:Uldergrath(sorry I guess I'm making up a small city I don't know
just don't wanna be born in the main one)

age: 68

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 123 lbs

eyes: Deep green almost mesmerizing

Hair:Long flowing brown

Skin color:tan

Apperance:Nice firm 36c breasts full lips and a very subtle tail thats about 3 ft long, it adds to her seemingly perfect body.( she can make herself look like a human an elf and with the right makeup a very strange looking Dragon)

weapons:She is proficent with the bow a demon sharpshooter but is used more as a spy because of her she carrys a small poisned dagger and she can use her tail.

Backround: Uldergrath is a small city in the middle of a desert in the demon continent. So as you might imagine the life there is rough and it's military training is even harder. Graduating from a school there is very prestigious. she is currently being assigned to the human city Eliorne as a "diplomat" she is planning to assasinate the main general for the human forces.although young she has proven herself on the front lines and in the spy games.
After giving it some thought, I have reconsidered and I will not be writing in this thread. It looks like a great read but I just don’t have the time or energy that it would require. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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Thank you Maid, I hope this doesn't disappoint

Name: Valgomi or Valarie
Sex: female
Ranks: "administrative assistant" (read: secretary) / trouble shooter / and occasional Envoy
Race: Lich formerly Elf
Place of Birth: Tarlonel
Place of Unbirth: Eliorne
Age: 1200
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100
Eyes: green
Hair: Blond
Skin color: Pale white
Physique: trim and tight
Weapons: Thanifex see bellow
Description: Despite that Valgomi has been dead for 700 years, she looks to be 500 still, about 30 by human standards. She keeps her light green hair exceptionally long, keeping it at about 4ft in length. Her clothing varies based on her current task. Most of the time she wears elegant silk gowns favoring outfits that feature waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and the ocean. When troubleshooting she tends to favor more durable clothing the commoners occasionally wear. On her right hand is a thin gold ring made of two bands twisting around each other. She is rarely seen with out Thanifex near by.

Bio: Valgomi, or Valarie as she often goes by in human lands, is an oddity among the Elves. The average elf lives well past 800, often in excess of 1000 years, so they don't think about expanding their lives. At the age of 300 Valgomi was considered one of the most beautiful women in the city going off of the number of suiters she had. In the next 100 years she saw her popularity drop greatly, and at that time she decided to preserve her remaining beauty forever.

Over the next 100 years she crafted two items, a magic ring and her phylactery. After that she crafted her third most treasured possession, Thanifex. These three magic items of hers are detailed bellow in the order crafted.

Her magic ring, she found the design for this ring in an ancient text written by Uter Li Nutz, a well known necromancer, and a less well known necrophiliac of the ancient world. The ring when worn secretes a very hard to detect oil over the wearers body, this oil prevents the dead body from decaying. She made a copy of this ring and had it enchanted to be impossible to remove from her hand. Having stumbled into this item she began to look at ways to die.

Her phylactery was the next item she crafted. Having looked into ways of dieing such as vampires, liches, ghouls, mummies, and the like; she decided the lich was by far the best option. She crafted a small white gold globe and placed her soul inside it giving it a warm glow, she used to keep it on a gold chain around her neck, but after a run in with Ustel Morsure, he holds onto it now. Ustel has the charismatic ability to talk people into acting against their better judgment, part of why he rules the human nation. After this transaction she entered into service under him. She doesn't know where Ustel keeps her soul, but naturally she fears termination from her position and eagerly obeys commands.

Her final magic item is a weapon she has crafted over the years, Thanifex. The weapon is an obscure invention of the gnomes known as a chain spear, it is a normal looking spear, but by twisting the shaft a chain the size of the shaft, 4' 2", emerges between the shaft and the tip, another twist will recall the chain. She has had plenty of time master this complex weapon. Thanifex is more then a normal chain spear however, and posses several magical enchantments. First it is glamored, and with a word Thanifex can be disguised as stained wooden staff, with a green crystal atop. Next when she gestures with her hand and says a command word, the weapon appears in her hand from any wear up to two miles away. Third the metal Thanifex is made of has been magically hardened to be near indestructible.
I'm really looking forward to this! Brilliant character profiles.

Morgoth, send the map on when you're ready and I'll set it up to display. I love maps. :D
Great bios all around.

Once again, I'll be taking the role of a moderator, as well as any notable individuals you may come across.

Thanks for your patience so far, everyone! The IC is up! Enjoy!
You're too kind, Abraxas, but I do appreciate the vote of confidence.

How've you been, my friend? I've not seen you in some time!
"Please, sir(s)," I say in my bestest Olivia Twist voice. "I'd like some more."

Brilliant!! Maybe I should just sit back and let you all tell ME your stories instead of scribbling my own. ;)
For the strict purpose of assembling a number line based on the time we joined lit this post exists.

Now if we could find some one who joined in 2003 for the next post it'd be awsome.

Edit: Okay my post is long and is mostly a display of Valeries magicle talents via her gear and home. So readers may want to skip it if its not their thing. I'll start to hunt DG's sucubus in a post tomorow.
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I am very impressed and hope that I am not too late to join. Here is a bio just in case.

Name: Telemarelak
Sex: Male
Race: Dragon
Place of Birth: Livrotolgaren
Age: 952
Length: 51 feet
Eyes: Yellow
Scale color: Blue
Abilities: Lightning breath, various magical abilities (mainly transmutation and illusion)

Background: Telemarelak is an adult Blue dragon who tends to prefer an isolated existance. He has occassionally taken a humanoid form to mingle with the mortals in an effort of curiousity, and more then once to dabble in the pleasures of the flesh. He is segregated from his race for the most part, as he prefers to carve his own fate in life, though he will heed the call of his true master if needed. He has taken to experimentation and has created a humanoid/draconic sub-race to protect his hoard. Though few in number they are a formidable troop to watch over his possessions when he feels the urge to visit humanity. Telemarelak has a deep hatred for Dwarves and has very little patience for their stubborness. He has been known to torture those who venture near his home.

Description: Telemarelak is large and his scales reflect his age. Dominated by blue, his underbelly is a distinct yellow and his lower scales slightly gray. He has a horn potruding from his snout, a characteristic of his clutch, and a vicious snarl when angered. In humanoid form he prefers the guise of an elf wearing a blue hooded cloak with long blonde hair. The cloak is embroidered with yellow and covered in silver runes of obviously magical origin. He wields a sabre in this form and always wears a smirk.
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I am unable to continue posting anymore. I will no longer be in this thread or any others Ever.
Okay, you have me concerned. If you spot this, can you tell me why?
I realize that what I am doing makes little sense, but hopefully it will all come clear soon. I may need some help when I get to a certain point in this backstory though. Not sure if I'm up to the scene I want to create.

In the meantime, I am thoroughly enjoying the other stories that are unfolding. *wriggles*

Thanks for the reads!! :heart:
Yeah it is starting out to be a really intensive thread, of course we do have a great core of writers and Morgs threads from what I remember before my hiatus tend to be very interesting and filled with both action and intriegue. I like the character diversity and each one is distinctly different, it will be interesting when our characters begin to meet. Can't wait for that!