Are men really obsessed with large boobies?

Some are, I guess. I love tits in whatever shape a woman chooses to share them with me. That ranges from virtually non-existent sweater bumps to mammoth love pillows and everywhere in between.

What I don’t particularly like at all are grotesquely engaged breasts. I mean, I understand if you want to be larger, whatever reason, but huge and abnormal looking doesn’t interest Me.
I'll gladly play with whatever is presented to me, but if I was going shopping.... I have always subscribed to the notion that "Whatever you can't get in your mouth and both hands is wasted." B- and C-cups are nearly ideal, and even A-cups have more appeal than giant 'milk jugs' that can be a literal pain for women to carry around.
That is the social construct - that all/most men want large breasted women. I would challenge that. Certainly some do, just as some men might prefer redheads or short women or long legs. But is this alleged and nearly universal big boobie fetish real?

In my previous incarnation here as LusterMunky I had several fantastic playmates. All had large breasts. But I didn't even know that when we started communicating and then playing. Their boobie size had absolutely nothing to do with my initial attraction to them. I liked and then enjoyed our play time because of who they were, not because of their tits.

So question for Lit men: Is breast size a big deal for you? Why?
And for Lit women: Do you believe your breast size in any way influences your interaction with Lit men?
I like big boobs but not obsessed. Small boobs are great too! 😍

I'm more of an ass man though (shocker 😱)
Some are, I guess. I love tits in whatever shape a woman chooses to share them with me. That ranges from virtually non-existent sweater bumps to mammoth love pillows and everywhere in between.

What I don’t particularly like at all are grotesquely engaged breasts. I mean, I understand if you want to be larger, whatever reason, but huge and abnormal looking doesn’t interest Me.
Mammoth love pillows 🤣🤣🤣
If only that would fit as a tagline. I’d change mine in a minute. I love truth in advertising. 😂
Interesting post! I did notice that many people looking more at me (or rather, my chest) then my friend when we are out, she has a B cup and I a D. I also encountered people that didn’t care but also people that thought mine were too small. I guess there is many preferences and I like that. I think it is the same as with the ‘every girl wants a big dick’ mythe, which is also not true necessarily. But that is a different topic ;)
I think it is all about preference, too.

What I know for sure is that bigger boobs get more attention. Mine were bigger than all my friends' and growing up I sometimes felt like a walking pair of boobs because everyone's eyes reverted right down to them. Not to mention the real struggle of finding the right underwear to hold them. But I learnt from a very young age to embrace their bouncing power and I just love how they fill out a tight top or a swimsuit.
Love the boobs your with every way she wants you to but give her a lot of R E S P E C T