Are Stories Being Pulled for Using AI?

they aren't bending on their rule and their interpretations of what is or isn't AI. To date, I haven't run afoul of this. My writing isn't terrible good, and my editor doesn't improve some of my work, as it is my style and I must change the passive parts myself. He does fix some grammar errors. And fixes missing words that aren't in dialog. I'm hoping my work won't fall under this level of scrutiny some of you seem to be under. I've bothered checking my work on a checker. I'm not sure I want to.
I had one submission bounce back for AI and I have NO idea how to use AI. I resubmitted it with a note and it went right through. It may be a little bit of a hassle, but I think it helps protect actual authors who may take some pride in their writing to not have their craft undermined by AI.