Are you dominant or submissive

Oh massively submissive. If I'm in bed with a guy especially. i like to basically be treated like a doll or slave. Whatever he wants to do he just makes me do. That's about as kinky as I get!
Please dominate my wife

Submissive to my male partner, but dominant towards any woman involved.

Sexy. I like this and would love you to take my wife as your lover. Please let's chat or role play this. Would you do it for real?
I'm dominant in every part of my life which is why I want and need to be submissive in sex. My husband doesn't understand. Had fun with a Daddy Dom for a while, but then life happens and the interest waned. Looking for a new Daddy Dom. Any suggestions?
In real life I am a true gentleman. Very laid-back and always laughing.

In the bedroom I have this ache to be in control and to feel my lover surrender and willingly go past the boundaries of comfort that she isn't even aware of it's there. I am extremely dominant male.
Career and life dominant, sexually submissive

Although some days I'm not sure and think there's a bit of a sexual switch there

But She wouldn't be allowed in real life so perhaps best left to fantasy

So yes I'd have to say meltingly submissive with a bit of an alleycat
Career and life dominant, sexually submissive

Although some days I'm not sure and think there's a bit of a sexual switch there

But She wouldn't be allowed in real life so perhaps best left to fantasy

So yes I'd have to say meltingly submissive with a bit of an alleycat

"She" may need to play at times and not letting her enjoy that experience may be damaging to her sexuality!
"She" may need to play at times and not letting her enjoy that experience may be damaging to her sexuality!

I know what you're saying but really it wouldn't work. I'm married and you can't switch on a sexual dominant who's been moulding you and your responses since you were 21

And if I could I wouldn't be as happy

So occasional fantasy suffices ..and even when I get to take the lead it's clear to me that I'm not in charge

Not sure I'm describing it well TBH
I m submissive But for a 50-year-old man it is difficult (impossible?) to find à Master or Mistress
Then I remain in my phantasms :(
Definitely submissive, leaning towards lg. When I'm having non-submissive sex it feels like I'm just not being myself and is barely even enjoyable. Definitely a sub to my core... sigh.

100% this with men. With women not as much, but not dominant either.
I'm Submissive sexually, always have been since losing my virginity x cant explain it, cant help it x I am what I am x x x x
Mostly submissive, but I'd like to learn to be more Dominant and have my own sub.