Are you dominant or submissive

If I had to label myself which I do not do to or for anybody it would be 'submissive', to a fault is the way to describe me. Thank you RachelWalsh for the description.
Humans are so complicated we need labels to understand them, but we're so complicated that labels also hide too much important stuff. What's a sentient to do?
Truly depends on the person I am relating to

I think I’m reflective of their needs and sexual characters, at least subconsciously, some are clearly one way or another. I’m not often attracted to people like me though.
49 now and been naturally submissive my whole sexual life for nearly 30 years plus x just the way I am x no apologies x x x
No reason why you should apologize, some of us LOVE submissive women! I'm Dominant, can switch occasionally for the right woman.
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I find some people’s definition of submissive interesting. Just because a woman is being penetrated does not make her submissive nor does me being the penetrator make me dominant. But ive talked to quite a few that believe it does.