Articles of Impeachment Scorecard

Question for tomorrow:

Will either Representative Tulsi Gabbard or Representative Julian Castro, both actively seeking to gain the Office President Trump currently and constitutionally occupies, honorably recuse themselves from voting as their running for President positions are unarguably in direct conflict?

The Democrats don't need their supporting votes to easily impeach Trump, so why won't they do the undebatable non-partisan and honorable thing?
How is putting country before party or self-interest "partisan"?
Presidential hopeful Castro voted YEA for both Articles of Impeachment.

Presidential hopeful Gabbard voted PRESENT for both Articles, the only Representative to do so.

Your previous comment on McConnell recusing himself seems to be a ploy that was previously successful with Jeff Sessions. I think lessons learned.

Chelsea Gabbert voted her conscience ( P ) Admirable
How is putting country before party or self-interest "partisan"?

Because as a candidate you're voting to eliminate your competition, conflict of interest but obviously not enforced. I don't believe it was brought up in the rules committee. Hard to stay awake through that fuckfest.

See what happens in the senate, those votes will be interesting. Maybe that's why Nancy is holding back articles of impeachment to the senate, maybe influence senate rules, you know " a fair trial " The absolute most partisan impeachment proceeding in history.

Articles of impeachment with no statutory legitimacy. They say impeachment is a political process, it sure is in this one.

Maybe when a dem president is in office they'll impeach for abuse of wardrobe.
