Artifact of a Forgotten God-Closed

"Yesssss" she moaned to his question if she was ready after she recovered from the first epic orgasm of her life. She moaned loudly as his movements got fast lifting her hips up to match his as best as she could until he let his load flow deep into her womb.

"oh my" was all she could say as they lay together. "I think there are some benefits, but also we'd also have a pandemic of women stuck with children that the fathers would be quick to disclaim as their own, and with the laws being such that women weren't allowed to provide for them it would be difficult. One thing at a time my love."

She tugged lightly at the ropes. "I wish these were enough to keep me here with you, and not have to wait another night to be with you. But hopefully soon we'll be able to move you to my reality and have a proper honeymoon, where we can lay in bed all day."

She smiled, "though with you around, i don't think we'll be getting much work done." she laughed lightly wrapping her legs around him.
He returned her smile, caressed her arms and then he reached the ropes around her wrists, the ropes vanished, setting her free. When he felt her legs wrap around him, he realized that somehow the ropes there had vanished on their own, or had she done that? He shrugged inwardly; it didn’t matter. What mattered more was what she was talking about.

“Yes my love, I can’t wait for that as well.”

How would that be, to walk again among mortals, breathing real air again, not to be confined to a dreamworld?

How would that be, being together with her for real, sharing pleasure but also trivial things which somehow would be new to him.

“And I thought you had servants to do the work for you and I will have as well, so spending the whole day in bed should be possible, but I don’t know how much of that a human body can take.”

He smiled broadly at her.

“But I am very willing to put that to the test.”

He gently ran his fingers over her body enjoying the feeling of her skin beneath his touch.

“When will you be ready? I think the bond is strong enough now for me to survive the transfer.”

“And what will I do here alone without you until you return?”
"If you think you are strong enough my love, then I can do the transfer tomorrow. But once Lord Ackers awakens or rather you awaken with in his body. You will be forced to stay in the hospital for a week or more. The doctors will be confused as to how their diagnosis could have been so wrong. You will be considered a miracle."

Using her freed hand she stroked his face. "We will not be able to be alone like this until we are married. I will come daily to the hospital to spend time with you. But they only allow so many hours a day. After you have been released. We shall have a short courtship, which will need to be at least three months to be considered respectable."

"And yes my love we have servants that take care of our grounds and preparing meals, and washing our clothes. But we both have large estates with tenants and workers we shall have to look after, as well as rents to collect. Although are estates are not next to each other, they aren't that far away. Yet we may be able to spend time over night. If we are careful prior to marriage. I know my manner has secret passage ways. We can travel while the servants sleep. We may want to consider at some point purchasing the lands between our estates to create a larger holding."

She raised her head up to kiss his lips with passion. As it broke leaving her breathless once again. She spoke again. "you will have to remember that Lord Ackers doesn't know me personally. So when you see me, you'll need to ask my name. If you say something like you remember my voice from your dreams. Then that will play in into the beginning of our reality story. I will need to take your amulet and bracelet back with me so you can have them in my reality. I will place them upon Lord Ackers prior to doing the transfer." she stroked the amulet dangling from around his neck.

Something happened when she did. Her hips pushed up as her nipples went hard once again. "I want more" she purred blushing a bit in the request.
Tomorrow? He thought, that was fast. He couldn’t wait to see her in person, to hold her, kiss her, spend time with her. But this would also mean a long time without most of that, a long time getting used to a new body, a new world and a new way of living. Was he ready for that? Was he ready to pretend he didn’t know her, that he didn’t love her? That she was his?

But this had to happen sometime and why not now? Why not get all those things done as soon as possible? He nodded.

“Tomorrow it is then,” he agreed, trying to prepare for the things that would come. But apparently other things would be coming first. The passion with which she kisses him surprised him no longer. She was hungry for more, more of him, more of the things he was doing to her, more of the pleasure and the freedom he was offering.

When she pressed against him, purring, demanding, begging, he grinned. One hand slid down between them, feeling the wetness of their previous lovemaking, feeling how ready she was again. His face close to hers, looking her deep into the eyes and waiting for the reaction he brushed over her clit, waiting for the intake of breath that came with his touch and savoring the sounds she made.

His fingers moved gently, slowly, ignoring her urgency, waiting for her to reaction. He smiled at her with a glimmer in his eyes.

Kat inhaled swiftly as his fingers brushed over her clit, followed by a hungry moan as her back arched. "yes please my god" she moaned in response to his question. How could she not want more of her husband in his god form. Such a short time to enjoy him in his god state. Lord Ackers body as attractive, his personality however from what she had heard would be last to interest her.

She was slightly worried about transference, what if he wasn't as strong as he needed to be. What if he couldn't heal whatever ailments Lord Ackers had. What about the Lord Ackers that may exist in the body still? Then there was of course the introduction to his life. Learning all he could and adapting to life Lord Ackers had. He could easily use the transformation of his personality to that of a near death experience.

His desire to leave an heir, to grow his holdings for him and his wife to unite, etc. She didn't know much about the life Lord Ackers led, other then he was a notorious womanizer, a gambler, a drinker, and there was no telling how many bastards he had. Not to mention whatever income he had left. If any. They had a lot of work ahead of them.

Kat rose her arms up to be tied again, as well as stretching her legs open for her ankles to be bound once again as well. She was his entirely.
When she reached up her arms the bonds reappeared out of nowhere and the same happened with those for her legs. He hadn’t done anything and so he wondered if it was her doing? Was she getting control over the dream? Why? Had she taken over some part of his power?

He crawled back and stood beside the bed. The sight before him was splendid. This red-haired beauty was lying there bound and ready. She was his, she wanted him, she wanted to belong to him and she wanted him to do things to her that would any other woman of her time blush.

He waited a short while longer, waited for her to squirm a bit, waited until he could see her wanton need then he raised one hand, and a soft feather appeared in it. He deftly moved it to her neck and let it dance over her breasts and belly and down between her legs and over the insides of her thighs.

He knew that this teasing her after what they just had done was a mixture of pleasure and a bit agony but he needed to hear it from her mouth.

“Tell me what you want.”

The feather danced up again, circling her breasts.

“Tell me what you really need.”
It took Kat a couple moments to find the words after his assault with the feather between her thighs, Or perhaps it was just to gather the courage to say it out loud "I want to feel you inside of me again" She finally said with a blush that traveled through her cheeks.

There was a part of her that was scared their plan would fail. It was odd that things moved so quickly with them and felt so natural.

The feather ticked her breasts as he circled them. A soft gasp and moan escaped her lips. "I really need to have you take me with the fire that burns inside of you" she managed to get out as another blush took hold.

Her eyes looked into him with the love she had for him and the hunger she carried for him. She was his.

"Please my god" she moaned as she tugged on her restraints.

For the moment she was putting away her fears and concentrating on the man in front of her. Her eyes took his Adonis like features and stored them away. The way his touch ignited her.
He smiled as he saw what his teasing was doing to her. She was wanton and willing, she wanted him… no she needed him and he savored that her face was showing exactly that.

He let the feather wander down again over her belly and between her legs, dancing and teasing there, making her hips buck and twist.

He felt himself get hard again (this was something new as well, he normally could control this part of him better) but refrained from entering her right away. He wanted to try something different this time.

He knelt beside her, all the while the feather touched her lightly and he enjoyed the sounds she made with each touch. The feather vanished and a wave of his hands let the bonds disappear. Before her disappointment could register, he grabbed her hips and rolled her on her belly. His grip was strong but still gentle, making sure he wasn’t hurting her but leaving her no choice as to presenting him her backside.

The bonds reappeared with another wave of his hands. This time more and more slowly. They sneaked across the sheets, fasted softly around her wrists, ankles and thighs, spreading her legs slightly. He now knelt between her legs and lifted her hips up so that her already dripping pussy was just the right height. Then he reached around her to find the protruding nub between her folds and touched it gently, knowing that it still must be very sensitive.

He sidled forward, pressing the tip of his hard cock against her opening and then bent forward to whisper in her ear.

“Tell me to take you.”
Kat determined the feather was a tool of pleasure and torture all wrapped into one. Never would she look at the delicate thing the same again. He had her body moving in ways that she'd be certain to feel in the morning. She grunted and moaned gasping and purring at every little touch ha made with it.

She found herself excited at the idea of how creative he might be with regular day to day items he found. Things had changed a lot since his time. Not to mention her society was different than Egypt's even in this day and age.

No sooner had she begun to crave it did it disappear, her bonds had disappeared, and she'd been flipped over and rebound. She felt his hands on her hips lifting her up. Then touched her aching clit causing her to moan with hunger. Oh how she needed and wanted him. As if he heard her desires he pressed himself against her.

His words made her blush as he whispered deliciously into her ear.

She responded softly at first "take me". It had been soft and meek, so she redid it. "Please Take Me my god" with conviction and pleading combined. The way she said it left no question that she wanted him to take her again in whatever manner he could think of.