Trapped In A Kiss (closed)


Sweet Zydrate
Mar 10, 2010
Jenna Dawson
Age: 42

Was she crazy?

She was alone. It had been 2 weeks since her divorce had been finalized. Her... the former Mrs. Dawson, now just Ms. Dawson... well, Jenna, but still. She didn't walk away with nothing at least. There had a been a pre-nup, which left her with well over 200 million dollars. But the money was nothing to her. She had gotten married out of love but obviously, he had been married for convenience. Tale as old as time for Jackson Dawson of Dawson Industries.

What they did there? Jenna never really paid attention. She wanted to but was always kept out of the loop. Jackson treated her like she was stupid and always told her "to not worry her pretty little head about it". That pissed her off more and more lately. So, she threw herself into her education and had become a teacher. She had wanted to work but of course, she couldn't but now, she was free to do what she wanted.

So that was what she did. She needed a real vacation. Nothing with servants or bodyguards hovering over her...following her every move. This was the first real vacation she had been on in a long while and she was going to enjoy it. No one here on the island knew who she was. At least, she didn't think so. Not that it mattered. She had made a list in her head of things she wanted to do; sleep, read, eat... rest and yes, relax before returning to real life where she would need to find a place to live and then of course, she wanted to work. She'd need to set up some--

"Excuse me Mrs. Dawson," someone had interrupted her thoughts as she sat in the warmth of the sun, letting her mind wander. With a sigh, she moved her sunglasses up onto her head and looked at the waiter who was holding a drink out for her to which she took. She didn't bother to correct him as she had done so already the past 3 times that day. Jenna thanked him for the drink and he walked away as she took a sip before lowering her sunglasses back over her eyes.

The ocean was beautiful. There weren't many people around but a few locals and of course, some others like her. She had been nervous to go out in her blue bikini... she wasn't in her twenties anymore but then again, she thought she looked OK for the day. Besides, who was she trying to impress? With a sigh, she placed her drink on her table and stood up before walking toward the water. She wasn't a good swimmer but she wasn't going to go in.. just walk along the beach half in the water and then some. Afterward, she would go to her room and change before finding some place for a late lunch or early dinner. She wasn't sure. There were also some small street vendors she could test out.

The possibilities.
Terry North was 28 and looking forward to his next life beginning. He had just recently left Navy. He had done ROTC in college and enlisted immediately upon graduation. Because he had graduated with a 3.98 GPA (that damned summer Spanish class cost him the chance at a 4.0) in Finance and Marketing and when he enlisted it was determined that he would serve his country better using his degree than spending time overseas.

Although the work was boring, Terry made a lot of connections both in and out of the military. His ability to market the Navy and make it look more attractive caught people's attention. At a marketing conference, he met a lot of influential business people, including James Worthington, Paul Stewart, and Jackson Dawson. He spent time talking with all of them.

He left them all impressed, and each of them wanted him to come and work for them. The one who put the most pressure on him was Jackson Dawson. Dawson invited him to dinner with him and his fiancee, a curvy blonde who couldn't put more than two words together in a sentence. Terry knew why Dawson kept her around. Dawson promised him a big starting salary, great benefits and a wonderful office in his corporate building. Terry wasn't sold on Dawson. He seemed sleezy. Terry wasn't convinced that he would follow through on any promises.

James Worthington didn't put pressure on Terry. He told Terry he would love for him to come to work for him, but he understood if he wanted to go elsewhere. Worthington sold Terry on what Worthington International could do for him. Worthington sold Terry on his business not on how much money he had or how many bimbos he could get with.

After leaving the Navy, Terry asked Worthington if he could have two weeks to go on vacation before starting. Worthington, to Terry's surprise not only agreed to it, but told Terry that he would pay for it. He also recommended small island getaway. Terry took him up on it.

Terry couldn't believe how amazing the resort was. Anything that he wanted, someone was there to get it for him. It was uncomfortable for Terry. He didn't like people waiting on him like that. He liked doing things himself.

He decided to go for a walk on the beach. He put on a pair of black gym shorts, and decided to go shirtless in order to get some sun. Strolling along with his feet in the water, Terry couldn't believe how amazing this was. He thought to himself, "it doesn't get any better than this." That was until he saw the incredible red head in the blue bathing suit.

Fortunately, he was wearing sunglasses, so she could not see how he his eyes moved over her amazing body. He nodded his head slightly to her as they passed, and then turned to catch a glimpse of her from behind.
Jenna was caught up in her own thoughts and musings when she notice the man doing much the same as her, walking along the shore. In the one direct look she had given him, she had seen a lot and liked it. He was tall, maybe a few inches than her. Dark hair and eyes hidden behind sunglasses. She nodded to him in acknowledgement and briefly thought of her hands running down his chest and stomach...

Shaking her head a little, she pushed those thoughts away. It had been way too long since she had been with a man... hell, she and Jackson had separate rooms almost from the beginning of their marriage. Even up to her marriage, they had never... well, had sex. It wasn't for her lack of trying, he just thought of her as a business deal and she hated that. She had thought she could change his mind and he would grow to love her. But no, none of that happened.

She had the opportunity to cheat, sure... but she didn't. It wasn't in her nature. But yes, she knew Jackson got his thrills somewhere else. Hell, she was replaced almost instantly by some blonde who was just a few months shy of being able to legally drink.

With a sigh, she stopped and looked out once more out toward the ocean. She was getting hungry and she needed to get back to her room and shower then change. She wanted to tour the small town and see what they had to offer in ways of entertainment and food. She needed to stop thinking about her past and worry about her future.


A couple of hours later, Jenna had changed into a white linen maxi skirt and a cropped button top. It wasn't too short but the hint was there. She had eaten a wonderful lunch at a small cafe and was now walking around the streets, stopping in to some stores here and there before finding herself at a hotel bar where it over looked the ocean. She ordered a long island iced tea, her favorite and gazed out at the water once more. It was so pretty here and laid back. She could stay here if she wanted. But she didn't really want that... she wanted to do something useful with her life and she knew teaching was just that thing...
After finishing his walk on the beach, Terry made his way back to his hotel. He went up to his room and walked out onto the balcony. Leaning against the rail, he looked out over the ocean. He couldn't believe that he was staying in a suite in an ocean front resort hotel, with a balcony overlooking the beach. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity for him. Would he ever be able to afford this on his own? He could only hope.

Walking back into the room, he went to the mini fridge and took out a beer. He dropped the cap on the bar and walked back out onto the balcony. The thought of the woman in the blue bathing suit that he had passed on the beach went through his mind. She was beautiful, so damned sexy, and he was certain that she was extremely wealthy. Someone who would never give him a second thought.

After finishing the beer, he went inside and took a shower. Once he was finished in the shower, he dressed in a pair of khaki colored linen pants with a white t-shirt under a short sleeve button down shirt. He chose to leave the shirt unbuttoned.

Heading down on the elevator, he decided he would stop in the hotel bar before heading out to find someplace to drink. Walking into the bar, he took a seat at the far end and ordered a vodka cranberry. He thanked the bartender when she delivered it. He picked it up and took a sip as he looked around the bar.

Really? Was that her? Was the woman that he saw in the blue bathing suit sitting right down the bar from him? The striking red hair was a definite giveaway. He took a longer drink of his vodka cranberry as his looked her over.

Terry called the bartender over and told her he wanted to buy the woman a drink. He wasn't sure she would accept it. In fact, he was pretty certain she would reject it, but he had to give it a shot. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

He watched as the bartender approached the woman.
Jenna slowly nursed her drink. She didn't want to drink it too fast as she wanted to sit here at the bar and just take in the atmosphere of the place. It was quiet, save for the piano music playing in the background. She had almost started to think about her past but quickly moved onto other thoughts.

She didn't have regrets, just...longing?

She did talk with the bartender a few times but didn't interrupt her as the bar got a little busy since she had arrived. It wasn't a huge crowd but a few people just trickling in.

Just as she finished up her drink, the bartender set another one down for her, this time a glass of white wine. When she gave the lady behind the bar a slightly puzzled look, she spoke up, "From the gentleman."

She could have been discreet and of course, she could have rejected the drink but she didn't Instead, Jenna thanked the bartender and then took the glass and looked down at the end of the bar.

Why did he look-- wait... was that the guy from the beach? The one she had passed? She gave him a small smile and raised her glass at him and mouthed "thank you."

He was very handsome.

Ohh, all the naughty thoughts fleeting through her mind made her blush slightly. He was just being nice, it had been so long since anyone paid attention to her in that way. Sure, some men tried when she was married but as soon as they realized she was Jackson's wife, they quickly backed off.

With a deep breath of encouragement, Jenna picked up her glass, stood up and decided to talk to the man. If at least, thank him personally. What would it hurt?
Watching the bartender deliver the white wine to the woman, Terry was anxious to see her reaction. He was happy when she accepted the drink. Terry saw her look in his direction, and then raise her glass to him. He smiled at her, raised his glass in her direction and mouthed "Cheers."

His normal reaction would have been to get up and make his way down the bar to her once she accepted the drink, but Terry hesitated. He didn't want to be too pushy with this woman. He had every intention of approaching her, but he was going to slow-play it, at least at first.

He moved his seat back and started to stand up, but he stopped when he noticed that she was getting out of her seat. He wasn't sure if she was leaving or not, so he just watched her. God, she was incredibly hot.

When he noticed she was making her way in his direction, he sat back and took a sip of his drink. He drank all of her in as she approached him. As she got closer, he stood up and pulled out the chair next to him. He smiled at her as she approached.

He held the chair as she took the seat. After sitting back down, he offered her his hand. "Hi, my name is Terry. Thank you for joining me."
Was she really doing this?

Yes, she was. Why shouldn't she? She gave him a small smile as she set her glass down and took the offered seat. He gave her his name and her smile widened. Was a little nervous? Well, she was, even though she did her best to hide it. Jenna wasn't one to make the first move in social situations. Most of it was because, not to be conceited, was because of her looks. Most men automatically judged her as an airhead. But that was far from the truth.

Giving him her hand, she shook his with firmness, "Terry..." she tried it out and held up the glass, "Thank you for the drink... I remember you earlier from the beach," it wasn't hard to forget because of his build... his shirt was currently unbuttoned and she had the sudden urge to run her hands over it but sighed contently, "So, did you enjoy your walk earlier?"

Jenna took a sip of her drink and nodded at his answer, her eyes remained locked with his as he asked her about her walk, "It was good. I love the beach, although I don't get to it often. And you?"
He noticed that she did not offer her name after repeating his. He was not upset by it. If she wanted to stay anonymous, that was fine with him. After all, they were just two strangers in a bar. Yes, she was gorgeous, but he had a feeling that she thought she was way out of his league.

He held onto her hand just a little longer than for a normal handshake, but not too long that would make it awkward. "It is my pleasure. I sent the drink down to you, but wanted to give you the opportunity to either reject it, or drink it without interacting." He smiled at her. "I also wasn't sure if you were meeting someone, so, I didn't want there to be an awkward scene."

"Yes, I saw you walking along the beach. It was a beautiful day and walking along the edge of the surf was the perfect way to spend some time. I really did enjoy it. The sand, the ocean and the other sights were truly amazing" He carefully allowed his eyes to roam her body. It was just a quick glance, but the view was fantastic. Her breasts looked amazing in the cropped top, and it was unbuttoned just enough to show ample cleavage. One could get lost for days between them.

"I don't get to the beach very often at all. This is my first time at such a great resort. However, I am hoping to find a way to make sure that it isn't my last time here." He was tempted, for a moment to delve into his story of leaving the military and getting ready to start a new job, but decided it wasn't worth it and that she really didn't care about his past.

The bartender came by to check on them as Terry was finishing his first drink. "Yes, may I have another. Also, can I have a bottle of water. I want to make sure I stay hydrated. I want to remember everything that happens tonight, and walking in the hot sun can really drain someone." He looked back to the woman. "Would you like another drink? And, before you ask, no, I am not trying to get you drunk to try to take advantage of you. It isn't my style. I just want to be polite and offer."

He looked directly into her eyes to see what her reaction would be.
His voice was deep and low but not so much so that Jenna couldn’t hear him. It made her wonder what it sounded like to have him whisper in her ear. She gathered herself and paid attention to what he was saying. She could tell he was holding something back but that was OK, she didn’t expect him to tell her his life story in one sitting. After all, he just got her a drink.

“I don’t get to the beach very much either,” she told him wistfully and gave him a small smile. “But, like you, I hope to change that, as much as I like this place, I do want to try other places like this… perhaps in the future.”

“I’ll have a water too, thank you.” She told the bartender as she turned her attention back to Terry. He was very handsome. Of course, earlier this afternoon she only got a quick glance at him. She bet he was hounded by women all the time. She did sneak a look to see if he had a ring on his finger and he hadn’t.

“Thank you for your honesty about not taking advantage, there are few out there that would admit that.” She took the last sip of her drink and set it down just as the bartender set down a bottle of water in front of them both and twisted the cap on them.

She took the bottle of water and opened it before taking a small sip and then gasped slightly, “Oh damn, you told me your name, but I didn’t tell you mine! Wow, I’m sorry, I’m really rusty at this.” She could feel her cheeks flush slightly, hopefully he would think it was from the wine, “My name’s Jenna,” and she held out her hand again, “I apologize Terry, don’t take it as not caring or being curt, I’m just extremely new to this whole solo vacation thing… it’s been a while and well, I have some time on my hands before I start my teaching job next week.”

Was that too much? Jenna didn’t think so, “Again, I’m sorry, I really appreciate you being nice about this and of course, for the drink… well, drinks…” Jenna smiled and took a deep breath, “I was just about to continue my walk around the town… would you like to accompany me? I mean, that is, if you’re free?”