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I am wondering if it's against forum rules to make a post about a encounter I just had with a member it's kinda comical. I responded to her post no names but it was about role play and she messages me back asking what role I'd like to play so I tell her it would be fun to be her boss. Hours go by so I message her asking if it was a bad idea and she says she isn't currently looking for roleplayer she wants to Skype... So lol I download Skype and I search her literotica name on Skype and it pops up as a Ashley not her btw... No responce so I message her again on the site asking for her Skype name turns out the only difference was a @outlook at the end of the name honest mistake right? Well I add the right Skype name this time and we get connected and I say I thoight you were a Ashley as to account for why I took so long and ahe gets confused and asks why are you calling me ashley? And aaks me to explain so I type... Turns out someone named Ashley has the same account name as you only with out the @whatever I thought she waa you thinking that would be the end of it but this ladle goes yeah right and starts getting defensive saying yeah right sure and yeah right calling me a liar. So I say sorry didnt mean to offend you I was just saying I thought that account was you I really dont undwrstand why you are upset if like to put this behind us and she replys if you like Ashley so much keep chatting with her goodnight lol at this point I think she is crazy I say I made Skype 10 mins ago just to talk to you I have no idea who a Ashley even is. So I block her she messayes me on kik and says something like he told me I was crazy and probably to kill myself... I never said anything remotely close to that so to bring this to a close I send her a reply on kik saying no one ever told you to kill yourself but you are 100% nuts and blocked her there toI. Is thia just something I should forget or what sorry if I shouldnt have even poatwd it here.
^^^ Keep in mind, this is primarily a literary site ( Literotica = 'literary erotica'), so post formatting like spelling, grammar, paragraphs and punctuation matter.
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Yeah I kinda just wanted to get it out there used my phone and didn't proof read wasn't really going for erotic here more of a warning. If you wanna jerk off to it I guess I'll go back and make it nice and pretty for you lol
Yeah I kinda just wanted to get it out there used my phone and didn't proof read wasn't really going for erotic here more of a warning. If you wanna jerk off to it I guess I'll go back and make it nice and pretty for you lol
As a general reminder or explanation to everyone on thread/posting rules:

1. It’s not against the rules for someone to disagree with you, post something you disagree with, post something mean about you, or post in the same thread as you even though you disagree. It’s also not against the rules to message me in anger or frustration, as long as the message doesn’t violate any of the rules below vvvv

2. These ARE against the rules.
- following someone from thread to thread via post stalking and continually targeting them with aggressive negative posts. This looks like constant badgering, not the occasional post in the same thread you happen to be in.
- threatening another user (a credible threat).
- derailing/hijacking threads; for example, if a poster went in the ABC threads and started an argument with another poster and completely hijacked the thread.
- posting personal information about yourself or another user.
- posting any content that violates the sites TOS.

If you have questions about these rules, please let me know. My advice will almost always consist of the following:
- report posts immediately that violate any of the above rules
- message the forum moderators with a link to the post in question
- do not repost a post that violates forum rules

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Dear Wife; Why is it members usually do not locate their locations either by city, state or area code?
Am I the only one

Has anyone tasted their own urine before, and found it quite arousing?
How would one REMOVE an attachment picture from threads even after the post has been copied to respond to it?
User Control Panel, left column, scroll down to Attachments. Review the ones you've uploaded, find the one you want. Right column, mark the check box. Bottom of screen, 'Delete Selected'.

Can't guarantee it will disappear from quoted posts, but it should.
User Control Panel, left column, scroll down to Attachments. Review the ones you've uploaded, find the one you want. Right column, mark the check box. Bottom of screen, 'Delete Selected'.

Can't guarantee it will disappear from quoted posts, but it should.

I have had this work and not work. Ultimately the only thing you can really do is ask the users who reposted it to edit their posts and remove it, if it still shows up after you remove the attachment.
I have had this work and not work. Ultimately the only thing you can really do is ask the users who reposted it to edit their posts and remove it, if it still shows up after you remove the attachment.

This poses an issue. I deleted the attachment already. It still shows up on others’ posts, even a squalid individual that I detest. It is what it is.

Feel the joy.
I seen your question before you deleted, though.

The Playground needs a moderator that actually comes in almost every day... not every couple of months. That's my opinion anyway. :rolleyes:

'I saw your ... '

I didn't see it however.
OK, what did we get for 15 hours of maintenance, other than a memory hole and a mess?
Pretty sure we got our money’s worth. :D

Thank you for the time , money and energy it took to do that shut down for maintenance Literotica.
