Authors and Arrogance

"No, authors are not arrogant because they are authoers, they are, of course, humans first?:) "

Author's aren't arrogant because they're authors, authors are authors because they're arrogant.
Hey Muffin, you're in good company reacting this way to success or failure in your writing. If you want to feel better, read Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner. She was an executive for one of the big publishing houses and is a writer also. In her book she talks about the mental highs and lows of some of her clients including many big names. After reading that you will have to agree we are all a little on the arrogant or the "to be pittied" side depending on the day.
My moto is The hell with it, let the letters fall where they may and if they spell a word that people like-- great, if they don't --que sera sera!!
I was riding SO HIGH... the air was thin

I had posted the story I'd co-written, Prenuptial Visit, and the votes and the emails were pouring in. (Or at least in my opinion, pouring in... I got more than fifty the first day part one was posted.) This story has had more views, and more votes than any other I had written to this point. All good... saying write more... this is great... you get the idea...

And then... I received this:

let me ask you a question. am i to believe that it took two people to compose this steaming pile of dog shit and neither of you realized it isn't even a story? who's the nitwit who suggested that a sick woman's pussy smelled like a dead mouse? some stupid prick who likes to smell dead mice i guess. the thing i hate about this site is that they allow incompetent assholes like you to waste the time of important people like me. jesus christ the next time you get the urge to write, as least have the common decency to throw the shit away when you're done with it.
worst "story" i've read here and i've read some real shit before. you definitely get an "f" for this. and please be true to your word and share my input with the other asshole too.

Well, needless to say... it would have taken all the oxygen on earth to get me back up after reading this email.

So, even though I've gotten 153 + emails for that story, 846 votes, and over 35,770+ views.... this is the one email I remember more than any other.

And no email address left either.....
Re: I was riding SO HIGH... the air was thin

mlyn said:
So, even though I've gotten 153 + emails for that story, 846 votes, and over 35,770+ views.... this is the one email I remember more than any other.

And no email address left either.....

In a week or so, you'll remember this post for the humor of how much vitriol you managed to get from some sad troll who can't stand that you (and your co-author) write well and are appreciated for your efforts.

Any time you get negative feedback that is this far from the norm, it's more often because you aroused envy in the poster than because you offended them with your words.
To: Weird Harold

You're right! And this bozo is probably the guy who just plagiarized me over at the site with the same story!!!!!
Never said:
"No, authors are not arrogant because they are authoers, they are, of course, humans first?:) "

Author's aren't arrogant because they're authors, authors are authors because they're arrogant.
Cartoon Humility

Whenever I feel a little too pleased with myself, I flash on an old Warner Brothers cartoon. It's one of the few where Wile E. Coyote SPEAKS. Know it?

In the beginning, he offers himself up as a "Genius," and even produces a card with that as his title. After a few minor mishaps and adjustments, he puts his a particularly brilliant scheme into action and, talking to himself, decides to give himself an upgrade:

"SUPER-genius. Yes, I like the sound of that. Wile E. Coyote, SUPER-genius..."

And of course, he is immediately clobbered by something heavy falling from the sky by his own doing.

There but for grace go I.

Km and all ,
strength and honour.
As has been said we new writters are amazed totaly blown away 30,000 plus readers and votes that put us in the top 500. or even better the top 75 of a catagory listing.
This writting lark is adictive for me anyway. I left school just about able to read and write let alone publish to the world . So we don't make money at it. BUt heck look at the friends and support we have.
These forums are a great learning curve for us all.
Lets keep learning.

Just to make some one else feel real good
look at Veragem if her work doesn't take you back to yr teenage years then your dead below the neck. Phew!! got me thinking about some early experiences in the last century. More stories to write.
By the way how's this for a compliement one of my Fan's went out bought a new Fushia Pink Viabrator so she could read my stories which were right up her ally.