Authors' Choice Awards?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

I wouldn't worry too much about having all categories represented. This isn't reallyabout fairness. It's about what we liked.

Dr M okey doke! now i feel much better, I think i know whats going on now!*L*

Yup i totally agree with thw 1-10 scale and yup we can always condense it down to a 1-5 if needs me.

Time limit sounds good to me both for nomination and voting.

lets see how this goes....

and as for bribery.....well i'll PM that to ya ;) *L*
dr_mabeuse said:
WSO, if you won't be around for the nominating then you are certainly excused from nominating. No one has to participate either in nominating or voting. If you want to appoint someone to take your place, that's another option. Just let me know. (We'll miss your aggressive niceness though.)

i can do nasty dear, i simply prefer tact.

the nomination time is fine, but the voting time is way too early. one week probably isn't long enough to read 15 stories. don't forget, some of these are novellas... and if you're speed reading to get through everything then you're not going to be able to give a well thought out critique when asked.

i suggest nominations in by Christmas Eve, voting PMed to dr. by January 1st.

i think keeping the nominations in the open is a good thing. it will allow other readers (apart from the Critic Club) to see the kinds of things we look for in stories.

are we nominating any story by any author? i see some nominations are suggested for authors i've not come across in the Hangout... i think i need to get out more ;)

perhaps for the first tester round it would be a better idea to each nominate one of our own stories... just so we can get an idea how everything fits together.

(i'm offline in about 3 hours.)
wildsweetone said:
perhaps for the first tester round it would be a better idea to each nominate one of our own stories... just so we can get an idea how everything fits together.

Actually, this may be a good idea - A test round of sorts. Being it that we would put up one of our own stories, we could test out the voting/rating system and how it would play out.

Because they are self-nominated in this test, a "award" does not need to be given - this will just test the waters and get a consensus if we are on the right track and all is fair. This also allows all our "recommendations" to not get lost in this first try.

yeah I afree with WSO and Kristydoll maybe the suggesting one of our own stories for the first tester round would be a good idea. Then we can see how it all works without getting anyone upset*L*
Oh My oh my!!!!

THings happen so fast around here... I have to agree with the nominating one of our own stories for this as a test. We have a better chance of not alienating everyone that way particularly if the process requires some improvement, and Jan 1 as a deadline for critical and analytical scoring sounds better to me, around the holidays anyway. When things return to normal we can go to the one week thing. My suggestion is that we have a separate thread for story nomination just to make it easier to find the nominated stories. And that my friends is my final suggestions... from here on in I take orders...

One slight degree of change perhaps. How about picking out a story of the author below you in the list. That way no one picks a story that was deemed high on the normal voting list.

Hehe, or someone please pick one of Mine for Me that they liked. I have a few continuing stories that I wouldn't even know where to begin in nominating one of My own lol. Or I am open to suggestions. If not I will grumble and pick one, and hope it is My best attempt at writing.

Okay. That's probably a good idea to nominate one of our own for the first round. So that's now official policy. Svenska is the only one who's nominated anything yet, so she'll just have to nominate one of her own stories.

I'm not sure what you mean by a separate thread for each story. Please, have mercy: keep it simple.

I also don't understand the nominating a story from the person under you on the list. Then we'd have to read all that person's stories before even nominating. So let's just nominate our own.

I think WSO's gone on holiday or is incommunicado, but she left me a nomination for her story, (which is "Lifeless"). But I don't understan what she meant. First she says that a week miughht not be enough time to vote, then she suggests that voting be done by Jan 1. Isn't that a week after Xmas eve?

Anyhow: Deadline for nominating is still midnight Xmas. If all the nominations are in before then, fine. Since we're nominating our own stories, we shouldn't have any problem meeting the deadline.

Now: how's this going to work out when you see how all your friends rate your stories? Are we going to engender some bad blood?

HEHE you're probably right, dr. m. I didn't really think about that whole person below you thing very well. I am still open for nomination suggestions for Myself though lol.

As for bad blood. See My quote below My story links, hehe. That is how negative responses shall be dealt with. Ok just joking. It may cause a few negative feelings I think, but it is for the greater good and I don't think anyone is going to rip anyone else apart. Just constructive criticism and more extensive feedback I would hope. Ok I have said My bit I am finished now.
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I'm glad to see this almost settled *grins*. Was starting to wonder if it might take us until xmas eve to sort this all out.

I'm not sure what you mean by a separate thread for each story. Please, have mercy: keep it simple.

Just start one new thread titled something like "Nominated Stories and Discussions" or something along those lines. This way it is easy for us all to access all the put forward stories (and links).

Now: how's this going to work out when you see how all your friends rate your stories? Are we going to engender some bad blood?

I don't think bad blood will ensue. This is my feeling - but if we can't take criticism and feedback on our own work, we have no right to be dealing it out.

How true

kristydoll said:
I don't think bad blood will ensue. This is my feeling - but if we can't take criticism and feedback on our own work, we have no right to be dealing it out.

Well spoken, dear :)
Bad blood? Nah, not here. I have no problem if I get a 1 from every person voting. It jsut means I need to try harder LOL. Nominating our own is a great idea. I think WSO meant that we should nominate by Christmas Eve and vote by Jan 1.

I'll keep an eye on this thread to see where and how we will nominate. And am I correct that votes will be PMed to Dr.?


Hey Doc... Do you think you could spell out all the rules ( or guidelines) we have to date? Have we made decisions yet? As far as bad blood I think all the nominated authors have had stories critiqued and have critiqued stories as well (wasn't that one of the criteria for selection?). The term IHMO will probably be used alot and typically the criticisms are constructive and intended to teach as opposed to offend. I'm looking forward to getting started.

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I just started a new thread, "Critics' Recommendation Award". Pretty catchy huh? (Would someone please tell me if I'm spelling "recommendation" right? It doesn't look right to me.)

The rules, such as they are, are posted in the first message, along with a list of the participating critics. I hate rules, but I guess they're necessary.

Post your nominations to that thread, and any public discussions or critiques you want to have. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. Any questions, contact me.

recommended spelling of recommendation

Dr M

You have spelt it correctly.

If you can keep your head whilst all around are losing theirs,
you clearly don't understand how serious the problem really is!
Dr M I thought exactly the same years day is i think a week after christmas*L*

Woo hoo things are happening!

I am in agreeance with the bad blood thing, I don't think it will happen, all of us here can take a bit of criticism or maybe even alot *LOL* we'll soon know though won't we?

Ok now I have to make a i choose a story that the voting public liked or my favourite..hmmmmmmmmmmmm?