big black ebony booty wife

Damn - what a beautiful hot sexy woman. I hope we get to see much more of her --especially if you have any of you getting it doggie style or even better, you fucking that fine, fine ass of hers.
Re: Tropical wife- wife in the shower

tristanwoo said:

read this before looking at pic

i never thought of showing off my wife before, but about two weeks ago something happened that started me thinking about it.

two things combined to cause the situation wife wears glasses or contacts and without them has very poor eyesight. our apartment the bathroom opens directly into the living room.

while my wife was having a shower a friend of mine arrived early.
He came in and sat on the couch.
I was in the other room getting organized and could hear my wife talking as she was getting ready. This part of her ritual when we go out, she leaves the bathroom door open and talks to me about where we are going.

I heard a little scream and rushed into the living room to find the bathroom door slamming shut and my friend sitting on the couch with a big smile on his face.
Appaerently what had happened is he was sitting on the couch while she was getting ready. She had seen him sitting there but because of her blurry vision thought it was me, the only reason she realized it wasn’t me was because she had walked out into the living room (completely naked) and walked right up to two feet away from my friend on the couch.

Im not sure why he never said anything, and let her just walk out naked but he must have got a good view

Later him and I had a conversation about her breasts and I realized that it turned me on, so I decided to post some pictures on the net.

These pictures are from the exact same spot he was sitting and are of exactly the same thing he would have seen.

I didn’t make this up this is why im posting

my friend you should be proud of her.. you have a beautiful wife... and a very sexy one....
I can relate...

I also have very poor eyesight. However, I've never had the experience your wife has had. Of course had I walked up to someone completely naked, they probably would have run away screaming rather than me. LMAO

Tell her she's gorgeous, and should have your friend over again to get some more "personal" pic with him.

Keep Posting!
Well I am a woman that has a black lover....and I just had to comment on your beautiful wife...she's gorgeous and lovely smile

and I for one agree BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL:D
Re: tropical wife - smile

tristanwoo said:
she has a fantastic smile i was trying to come up with a way of showing it off without giving away too much of her face
Her face looks beautiful, from what I can see. She's a lovely lady. :rose:
Re: Tropical wife- wife in the shower

tristanwoo said:

read this before looking at pic

i never thought of showing off my wife before, but about two weeks ago something happened that started me thinking about it.

two things combined to cause the situation wife wears glasses or contacts and without them has very poor eyesight. our apartment the bathroom opens directly into the living room.

while my wife was having a shower a friend of mine arrived early.
He came in and sat on the couch.
I was in the other room getting organized and could hear my wife talking as she was getting ready. This part of her ritual when we go out, she leaves the bathroom door open and talks to me about where we are going.

I heard a little scream and rushed into the living room to find the bathroom door slamming shut and my friend sitting on the couch with a big smile on his face.
Appaerently what had happened is he was sitting on the couch while she was getting ready. She had seen him sitting there but because of her blurry vision thought it was me, the only reason she realized it wasn’t me was because she had walked out into the living room (completely naked) and walked right up to two feet away from my friend on the couch.

Im not sure why he never said anything, and let her just walk out naked but he must have got a good view

Later him and I had a conversation about her breasts and I realized that it turned me on, so I decided to post some pictures on the net.

These pictures are from the exact same spot he was sitting and are of exactly the same thing he would have seen.

I didn’t make this up this is why im posting

What a wonderfully erotic story.. I once had a very similar experience.. and I have to say. I find your wife amazingly attractive.. I look forwad to seeing more
Re: tropical wife - sleepy sunday morning bj

tristanwoo said:

thanks for the comments

id love it if someone would send me any fantasies they may have about her

attaching a sleepy sunday mornig picture.

and I have to say.. you are very impressive yourself.. would love to see more of you as well
wow.. you are stunning as well.. Im aching to see more of both of you.. alone.. or together ;)

wow shes so hot

ive been gazing longingly at those hips and big round lovely butt, your gf has an amazing body, nice slim waist, great boobs and from what i can make out of your bj pics a cute face. im glad she let you post her pics shes a definate hottie, shes left me hard and wanting to see more of her

ive been waiting sooooo long to see a beautiful woman of color here........very nice. thanks for sharing her with us !
Re: tropical wife - sleepy ass

tristanwoo said:
evan worse quality than the last one but the only other together shot i have

shot of her sleeping ass and me relaxed.

she has such a wonderful rear view.... my goodness....Call me Hurricane SPIDEY.....I could be a tropical hurricane anytime.... with that nice view.....

(i have fantasies about guys with small dicks rubbing themselves on her ass while she is passed out. i know its odd but what are you gonna do)
Re: Tropical husband

tristanwoo said:
didnt expect that

ah well its only fair

picture i made for my wife after i caught her looking at naked calenders

*picture of a dude* both look great...hopefully you'll be able to do some couples pic eventually. :rose:

Very sexy tropical lady there!!!! Tell your friend thank you for me. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing this beautiful woman nude.

I would love to play with perfect breast, cum from behind and mount her perfect ass!!!! I would love to see a pic of the sweet necture that is between her legs!!! :p