Black Ops Project-X ( Mutant Spys )


I love You Man But Did ya Not pay atintion to the last part of my post Erlyer.

(Sudenly WIld Card Flikerd In And Out of existance.Bulets Passed through him Befor he SOlidfiing again. ~That was wird~ He Thought " Come On Magnus You Know What I Am I Can Be An Asset An you know it " Again All WIld card Could Do Was Wait. AN Hope He Dont Fire Again)
OOC: My mistake, allow me to clarify, the guns fire until the heat signature is gone, so they keep firing automatically until they are either out of ammo, destroyed, or the target is gone.
Rantic observed out the window as the turrents kept going off. Magneto had called Avalanche on standby, meaning that if the guns didn't work Avalanche would. He recgonized the guy from S.H.I.E.L.D files, it was WildCard, he knew about his affiliations with X-Force and X-Men. He even heard a rumor about WildCard being genetically created but you can't believe everything you've heard. Magneto would destroy WC with the flick of the wrist, and he was at risk of being exposed, he had to do something fast.

Rantic ran up to Magneto, "Sir, let me deal with him!" "You're brand new at this are you serious?" "Yes sir I'm eager to prove my loyalty." Magneto scratched his chin as his magnetic energy flowed around his other hand. "Very well, but do anything out of the ordinary and I'll rip you both to shreds."

The guns deactivated as Rantic ran outside and to the front gate, speaking to WC through the adamantium bars. "Listen you don't know who I am but I know who you are. Get out of here! Tell Fury that I didn't try to escape my plane was shot down. Magneto has whatever the guards were transporting, I'm trying to find out exactly what that is, in addition to whatever Magneto has but I'll need to by some time." Rantic stood in the cold for a minute after conveying his message to the mutant.
Wild Card

"I Reconized You You Were at charel's For A breef moment. But thats Not the Point i Dont Work For Any Fury Any more IM A Lone WolF I thought My First Boss Might want Me Back i Guss I Was wrong. " WilDcard walked Foword Let me Give You A tip In This Joint D.T.A He Than punched Rantic As Rantic hit The Ground WIlD Card Droped HiS Ring On to Him. He than trund and walked away. " OH YEa Kid Good Luck Ill Tel James Nick Your ok. Ive Got Bad ThingS To Do " With that Wild Card Walked Off.
OOC: DT, not really sure what the exchange was about but I'll run with it...

Rantic got up from the punch that had hit him from the otherside of the gate. He realized that WildCard had given him his ring, a messenger ring, this would allow him to contact the base directly. But would Magneto detect it? He slipped the ring into his boot for now.
Jaewon Cairo in " The Incarnate"

I was enjoying my moment of "passion" with my "partner" when the big breasted redhead from the flight came over. I was just about to introduce myself when suddenly I was punched straight in the family jewels. My eyes crossing I fall onto the floor and cup my wounded pride and joy.

As I began instinctively use my powers to raise my pain receptors to lessen the pain, while at the same time I felt myself begin to black out as she gave that half ass warning to our new teamate. Before they could walk away however I began to awaken or more like the angry side of my personality awoken. I rarely subject opponent to a physical fight due to my warped sence of fairplay but when Guila decided to strike me in such an abhorrent way I lost control of my power levels. I began to slowly lift myself off the ground with the hood from my Sean John leather coat covering my eyes. Once I got to my feet with my eyes letting off an erie glow underneath that hood.

They say a mutant best weopon from prejudice and hate is annoymity. After all how can people call you a mutant if they do not know you are one. However with one solitary blantant move I shattered my annoymity by well raising my power levels to an almost uncharted level in public place (the airport).

(written in third person please forgive me)

Jaewon Cairo is a control freak. As a young man fed up with being control on the street by crimelords, he began to fight scratch and claw his way up the underworld mountain. As a show of superiority Cairo never allowed others to make him act out of aggression. He was a man that demanded respect by any means neccessary. He never minded him if you hated or loved him as long as you respected him. Now confroted with person whose will is strong enough not to let him get that desired control, for the first time Cairo acted out of control. Pushing his power levels to heights almost uncharted. With all his abilities acting in unison Cairo's power levels were so high that most of his clothes were reduced to rags with his body glowing in pure red temporal energy. With eyes glowing and body radiating power The man known as Genesis looked at the two women and pointed at Guila Fira and with a voice that could part the clouds he bellowed " How Dare you?"
OOC: Phoenix, PM me before you post again, I have an idea to discuss with you.

Guilia realized that Jaewon wasn't exactly in his right mind, "..have to subdue him.." She sprung into action before yelling, "We're undercover remember you're drawing attention to yourself!!" She withdrew her tranqualizer gun and fired a couple of shots, hitting all the right places. She hoped that their target didn't see the exchange or that the mission hadn't been comprimised. They would wait for Jaewon to wake up before they would move on.
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Wild Card (Return to the Wild pt.2)

After Geting Back On his Bike Wild Card Came To A Dision He Was Not Just Going Back To Project -X Wild Card Speed Of For Parts Un Know. hed had A wiked glow in his eyes.
Jack Frost In "Looking For Destany"

Jack Frost Ducked as A titel wave of energy Came rushing At Him Jacks white lether cloths Truned to A Bluish black Color. His Skine Torned To Ice His handsome Fetuers Stayd The Same. His Wavey Black Hair Turned to A Bark Blue As He raised to Face The Force Af The Titel Wave He Droped the tempeter of the intier rome His Comrade Wave Passed out And the Energy that was about to hit him Faded Way. Forges Voice Came On The Loud Sppeker Good Work Jack But You Better Though that room Fast Be For the Boy Gets pnamonea . Jack's Clothes Truned from Bluish black To a redich Black His SKin Turn A firey red His Hari A Darker shad Of Red The Tempitur of the room Reched 100red Dergrees Fast The Boy Wave Woke Up ISwetting . Then Jack And The tempeture of the room trund back to normal . As He And Wave Exited The XDR he Saw Cable, Bishop, Irons , And X-Man And Some Other X-Force Members retorning From A Joint Misson With Nick fury and Shild . Jack Saw That Domino And Cable were not Happy. Jack Had Become A Good Friend Of CabelS Scince Jooining The X-Force. Jack Walked up to Cable Adn Asked What was Wrong Cable explaind That The Lost Nick He Had Dissaperred Jack Was Stundd But Mor Than that He Felt A Need To FDind Nick So Jack Set Of To Wasington to Start His Surch
The Brit

The Brit Sat at Home Base Cheking out the com systms he saw Acom light flash and than heard Lebeau's voice and then he answerd " hello Project -X here the Brit speeking " lebeau said that he was going under cover somthing about magneto and to tell Mr fury about it And Resgning. The Brit told fury about Logen's missage and told him that shortly after that trasmission the com link was totley turnd off menning it had left lebeaus hand
Wild Card (Return to the Wild)

WIld Card Just Arived in to NewYork City On His Way to Florida He Need to PiC A Few things up ConSidering He Had now Reall Powers Other than His Un brakeble bones. He road up to A Un Marked Building that Belonging To The Old Hell Fire Club Its WHere they Stored High Tech. weponrey The Had Deveped. He used some plastiec Explosive He had to Blow the Doors He Quikly Defeated The gards Of the Building And Took An Armery And laoded His Bike Down With Wepons. Wild Card Raod oF He SooN Stoped At A Smale Dinner Some where between New york And Florida To get A Bite To eat . He Walked in to The Dinner AndTook A Seat at the Counter A Good looking blond waitress Came To him

" What Can I Can I Get You HandSome? "

" Well Mon'Cherr Ill Take A Southern Fried Stake, Green Beands And A Salid Oil An viniger dressing. "

" Will That Be All "

" Yea And A Tea"

She Wallked In to the Kitchen. Wile She Was In the Litchen putting in the Order Wild card Flikerd In And Out Of Reality Again. It Was Only for a second But it was still Strange. Son the waitress Was Back with his Food. He ate the food and flirted with the waitress A Cople of readnecks Starte to mess with him.
" hay mutey You stay away from Our woman" Wild Card just looked at the men And Than Drew Two guns from under his Long Black Trinch cote. He Pointed The Guns At two of the men And the spokem " Technicly Gentel men I Am Geneticly enginerd freek. Mutent is born I was neverd Born ." He than looked At the Wait ress "' AN Frankly Gentel men She Cute But I Have My EyE On Some One WHois Way Better Looking Now Ill Be Leaving ." He than walked out with out paying for dinner . He raod of riding a news paper " lets see The CUben Peace Am basseder Is going To be in Florida This week end And their Close to Littel Havana And Cuba As Some Strikt and Un Humain Polices On Mutants." HE soon Arived to Littel havana There Was Some things He Had to get Out Of His Way If he was to do what he wanted. An Hour after he Arived To littel Havana He Walked Up To Stone And rouge On there Therd Day in Florida. "Hay Stone Make A move" Wild Card Yeld As he Drew And Pointed A gun At Stone And waited for him to Say Or do something.
Jaewon Cairo in "The Power of the Mind"
I awoke in a lil white room. I do not know what came over earlier. The last thing I remember was being socked in the crotch by my suppossed partner then darkness. Oh yeah my neck itches too. Hmm for some reason I am wearing a damn collar and can't scratch it. Dammit why can't I get this damn collar off. Hmm maybe I should dig into my bag of tricks and teleport outta here. Wait why can't I teleport hmm this could get annoying. Waitaminute I read last month in some top secret government files I hacked into that the US government was secretly funding research on inhibitor collars. Damn looks like I have been collared literally. Irony being the butt of my own joke.

Sitting the corner of the room I noticed my surroundings. It was a plain white room with nothing inside of it but was a table and a chair that was bolted to the floor. Deciding that I did not want to sit in the chair I took a seat on the floor and began to meditate and contemplate a plan to get out of here. Hmm I wonder where the others are. Hmm waitaminute why should I give a damn after all I blame them placing me in this mess.

Focusing using meditation I began to raise my inner power levels to the point where my telepathy (the strongest of my stolen power) began to seep through the inhibitor collars field. It was nowhere near the level I operate but for the time being this is what I am stuck with and I have to make the best of it. Straining and pushing my powers farther and farther I began to pick through the mind of the guard.

Hmm according to that oaf, I lost control of my powers freaked out and hit the overload button on my abilities. Hehe I am proud because according to this doofus my power registered off almost all the scales they have here and on the plus sided they got my female conterparts stashed off in some posh suite here under the New Orleans International Airport. That is so cool I did not know that the army had secret bases under all the airports. Interesting.... note to self: take advantage of that someday.

Ok enough of this nonsence, getting deeper into this morons mind I made him open the door to my cell. After knocking him out cold I searched him for the key to my color and was dissappointed at the fact that the mental midget watching me did not have it.

Realizing that in order to use my telepathy I severely weakened my physical body. Crawling over to the guard I turned him over and recognized him from my governmental stay at the Vault. He was Rupert Starsmore, one of the highest ranked officals in charge of intelligence. Deciding that I wanted to know what he was doing here I found out a bombshell. Starsmore told me while this stunt was almost expected he had a better incentive for me to cooperate with this project. Showing me pictures of my son and daughter he told me that if I did learn how to play well with others he would kill my children.
Guilia awoke quickly on the couch of her apartment in Rome. Her head was pounding, what had happened? She remember being at the airport and then it's all a blank. A tall black man entered the room,

"Hello Miss Feria, are you ready to cooperate now?"

"What's going on, wait I remember you, you were at the airport in the background somewhere."

"That's correct Miss Feria, my name is John Irons I'm a newly recruited operative for S.H.I.E.L.D I was at the airport to tail your team in case something went wrong."

"What happened..."

"Well when you and Genisis began fighting your covers were immediatly blown so we had to gas the entire airport and erase your teams presence from everyone's memory. "

"What about the mission?"

"It will be taken care of, unfortuneatly we had to abort this time around but perhaps you will have another go at it."

"What about Lizz?"

"Lizz is alright, don't worry about her, worry about yourself. You have bigger problems right now. You signed a deal with S.H.I.E.L.D that you would operate to your fullest capactiy with Black Ops. Because of your attitude, your first mission was a complete failure! Our employer wants to ensure that this doesn't happen again Miss Feria."


"Somehow I'm not convinced. Just remember what's at stake for you here."

"I know I know."


John Irons turned his back to leave when Guila stopped him.

"This isn't my apartment is it?"

"No this is all an illusion you will soon wake go back to sleep and wake up with your teammates. Mention nothing of our conversation to them."

"Wait I remember seeing you in the computer now, you worked for Xavier once!"

"I was with X-Force for a short time but that story doesn't concern you. Good day Miss Feria."

Guilia felt very dizzy and fell asleep on the couch again.
Rantic approached Magneto,

"The intruder has been scared off sir"

General Edgar interuppted them, "Scared off!!He could give our our location."

"Be quiet Edgar! Very good Norman. It's good to see that someone can do things around her without the use of powers or guns, consider yourself in my good graces."

"Thank you Sir."

Magneto turned to the general, "Edgar please leave us, I want to speak with Norman in private."

Edgar sauluted Magneto and disappeared into another room.

"Tell me Norman, do you like Salmon?"

"Yes sir, very much so."

"Fine then, you will be joining me for dinner tonight as my special guest. Until then you are dismissed."

"Thank you sir."

Rantic thought this was highly unusual, "We never heard of Magneto taking a likeing to any of his soilders before, than again no one ever used reason in his presence before." He would report his findings to base with his comm ring before getting ready for Magneto's dinner.

Lizz woke up in A lab that she was fermiler with. Her head was killing her. She looked A round And Saw The Brit holding A File.

" Now Miss X Or Do You prefer Lizz"

Confused SHe answers " Lizz Will be Fine. Where are the others, What Happend?"

" Thats what We want to Know you were sent to Guid And Watch over the rookys and Make shure that The mission went with out A Hitch."

Now A litle confused and Worried " How Was i To Know That he would lose ConTroll."

" You Are A Traind Agent . And A Powerfull mutant. You Have Animal like sences, You Right Hand Absorbs Powers and Memerys , Your left Hand Can Give an explosive charge to Any thing.

"it Stil... it was Out Of My Hands " She Said in defence

"You were luky That Another government Agincey Was Working The Case to."Holding Up The file in his hands."Do you know WHat this Is"

She shakes Her Head "No I Dont "

" This Is The Answer To All Of Your Questions You Have From when You Awoke 3 years Ago With Out Your Memery. You Know Who You relly are, Where your from, Who and Where your family is. If you Dont Cooroperate Andn DO as you Ar expected This File Will Be Burnd And Who Will Never NKnow Whats in It . " He Truns away and walks Towords the door. He Stop be for Leving.

"Oh And Dont Think About Use ing that right hand of yours Becaus Only Three men in the world Know whats in this file One is missing The Other is Hell To Get A Hold Of And My mind Wel It Would Kill You Befor You Got the in fo You WAnted ." He Than Walks Out Of the Labe And Shuts the dorr than Pushes A Button That Fills The Room With Knock out Gass.

OOC: Ok I think Im Falowing

Rouge was standing with Stone on the corner, waiting for the light to change, when Wild Card walked up to them. She opened her mouth to greet him, but he cut her off.
"Hey Stone, make a move."
Rouge's mouth dropped. She couldn't believe it! What was he doing??
"LeBeau! What do you think you're doing?!" Her words exploded out of her mouth before she could think. She had no idea how to handle this situation. "Stop it! Put your gun away." Stone's eye's hadn't waviered as he looked LeBeau straight in the eyes. "Put it away LeBeau." She said. She heasitated. "please?"
Wild Card (Return to the Wild)

He Pulls Rouge Colse to him with his Free Arm He Kisses Her And Fires his Gun At the same time. Stone fell to the Ground Un Consis . Wild Card Didnt kill him The Gun He Used Was Designd to Use Magnetic Pules To Render One Cripeld. How It Would Afect One that is Like Stone Is Un Know Al it Did Thus Far is knock him Out. Wild card Brakes the kiss And Leans over Stones Body. he Quikly Grabs Stones money And His Government issued ring. he Then Truns To A shocked Rouge "He'll live Love. And Dont Worrie im Just making My Creators Proud" He Than grabs rouge And pulls her close again And Kisses Her Deeply.

Rouge was still surprised. He said Stone would live, and she believed him. She was shocked that he was able to kiss her without her absorbing his powers and energy. He kissed her again, and now that some of the shock had worn off, she found that she was kissing him as well. When he broke the kiss, she asked "Who are your creators? what are you talking about." she laid a hand on his forehead. "Are you sick?" His forehead was awarm to the touch, and she wondered if he really was sick, and why she couldn't absorb his energy.
Wild Card And A Kiss

"Im Not Sick At All. Im Going bad And Im In Love With you. And What Do you Mean Creaters ." He Leans In For Anther Kiss When He Fades in And Out Of Reality. he Solidifys Still With rouge ." I Ve Got to Go I Have Some Cuben diplomats To Dill With " He Gets On His Moter Cycle Rides Up To Rouge " I M Just Living up To The Name Of WillD Card He SMiled now help Stone And I Wil See You Again." He Road Off As Quikly as he hit.
Jack Frost

Jack Sat In The Office of the Directer of us Special oprations And inteligence Agiences James furry . Jack Was reading over Sojme Files When James Walked In . " Dad."

"Than who the hell Are you?'"

" Well It seams Ive Been Filed under liveing Myth And X-Force. The Names Jack Frost "

"The wether imp?"

"Yep. Im Here To him Find Your Brother Nick"

" Wel We Are Short handded I Just found out that my Head of Project -X Frist Says Hes Going under cover Than He Puts One Of my men in the hospitel Which means hes A Rouge Speaking Of Wich is Now Out Ther With the hospitleize Man And She saids Hes Cgone crazzy . this meanS im Two men down. You want to help? Get To Florida And Help Rouge."

With that Jack Smiled And Stood Up And Flew To Florida.
Rantic entered the inner sanctum of Magneto's castle to find a long oak wood table that could seat at least 20 linebackers and adorned with two place settings across from eachother at the end of the table. Magnus entered the room in full garb, "Must never take that off," Rantic though to himself. Magneto sat down and began eating salad as Rantic joined him under candlelight.

"Tell me Norman, how do you feel about humans?"

Rantic had studied Magneto in great depth for a paper he wrote at the academy so he knew exactly what Magneto wanted to hear, "Well Sir, I feel that humans are to us what apes are to them. We are the next step in evolution, and if they can't accept that they must be forced to by any means necessary."

Magneto knodded in agreement as the salad dishes were taken away by some servents. "What about fellow mutants who sympathize with the humans and feel that patriots such as ourselves are the enemy?" "The same way. If they're not with us then they are against us. Hopefully by extinguishing a few upstarts we can convince the others to join our cause."

Rantic was pretty confident with his answers as two bowls of chicken broth were brought out. Magneto raised a spoonful to his lips as he asked his next question, "Norman, tell me about your foster family." Rantic was shocked, he wasn't expecting Magneto to ask personal questions, "My foster parents sir..?" "Yes, and please call me Erik"
Jaewon Cairo in "Training Day"

Ever since my lil meeting with Starmore the kind folks of the US government have been going out of their way to train me. There was only one rule in order to survive my opponent must die. This kinda worried me because whenever I kill a mutant I gain their powers.

The first couple of people where humans mostly martial artist. While they proved difficult the man with Superstrength known as Gilgamesh was a handful while physical he was far beyond my strength his mind was easily prey for my telepathy. After a few minutes of treating me like a rag doll and pounding me to a pulp I unleashed a telepathic attack that nearly shredded his mind

The next mutant was a man, Rajah whose reflexes were off the chart. You would think that it would be easy to nail someone like that but na huh no siree. Utilizing Superstrength I tried hitting him but his reflexes were too fast. Then using my telepathy I tried to attack his mind but almost got stapped by the sword he was wielding. With my powers no longer an option I resorted to my most valuable asset: My superior intellect. Pretending I was going a telepathic attack I waited till just when he was about to stab me with quickly dodge the blow and hit him with a thundering right cross knocking him to the floor unconscious. Walking over to his body I pointed to the control booth where the fed were watching through the transparent unbreakable glass wall and horrifying slit Rajah's throat. With his amazing reflexed added to my abilities I looked at the wall and noticed another interesting fact the more power I add the larger my physique began to get. I mean EVERY inch of my body seemed much bigger. I went from smooth swimmer like body to small bodybuilder.

Grinning at this revelation, I picked up Rajah's sword wiped my blood on the blade and threw it at the control room. While the glass did not break I saw many of the figures inside that room flinch. It is too bad the room is too dark for me to see the faces of the assholes that has me out here performing like this is a scene from Gladiator. With my government issued fatiques in rags and my blood already flowing I spat at the side of the room and said "Well is that best you got or do I have to entertain you somemore." " Come on is this the best you can do." I could not see the faces of my captors but I could have swore that I saw one of them inside begin flash this huge menacing grin. Before I could get the chance to rile him up the door to the room opened up and in walks this gigantic monster of a man. He was dressed in all black with a sleeveless shirt with gigantic muscles and a buzz cut. I gulped hard and got into a fighting stance and prepared for the worst

Inside the control room

Rupert Starsmore ( Chief of Intellegence): Hmmm subject X13 aka Mr. Cairo is an exceptional agent but his attitude is not controllable yet hmm. Hollice what do you think usual breakdown routine and then if that does not work a major mindwipe

Hollice Land Tunnel ( Head scientist for Charles Land Ingram and Taylor industries and resident chief doctor for Project X): It would not seem unresonable, but those things tend to have horrible reprecussions. Regardless I think breaking him down would work better in the long run.

John Irons: Holl don't forget you have to evalute the health of the other two to make sure they are capable for their next mission. And by the way do you think it is wise to lock Cairo in there with Nikita after all that is no man. He is a monster and is just as dangerous with or without his powers

Starsmore: Then this should be much more entertaining that the other two fights. Excellent.
Rantic and Magneto had been talking for hours when Rantic realized it was almost time for him to send a report to S.H.I.E.L.D. He excused himself, telling Magneto he was sleepy and was going to bed. Rantic went outside, behind the walls of the main tower. He lifted the communication ring WildCard gave him and started to report, "No news on Magneto's plan's yet or on what he's doing with that box. What's in it maybe I can figure it out?" His comm ring crackled back to him, "That is classified information. I also want to remind you that you are still the number one suspect in the arms deal scandel." "Yeah yeah, I'll address that when I can prove I didn't do it," "What have you learned so far?" "well um nothing really, had dinner with the Man himself." "and what did he tell you, what did you talk about?" "Nothing really, we talked about growing up and families. For a war monger he's really a nice guy." "remember that nice guy is one of the most dangerous beings on earth! He's tried to slaughter millions of innocents hundreads of times. Stop socializing and figure out what he's gearing up for now!" The comm went silent and Rantic went to his quarters.

The next day Rantic was called into Magneto's inner sanctum. Their were two other men their he didn't recgonize they talked to Magneto with arabian accents before their host finally introduced them. "Norman these men are interested in purchasing the device you were on board that plane with. They've offered me 1.2 million for it, what do you think of that?" Rantic could't let the device leave Magneto's hands until he figured out what it is and who these other men were. "Well sir that's a horrible idea!" "Why is that?" "Well Erik, that particular weapon is used by S.H.I.E.L.D to eliminate super powers from an entire country to the Hulk." "Well why haven't they done it yet then?" "Government red tape sir! It's just too risky. I wouldn't sell it for less than 2 billion dollars." One of the men turned to the other and said something in Arabic, Rantic didn't quite catch it though, something about american rats. The other man turned to Magneto and said, "We consider that an insult! We will not stand for---glll" The man's speech was cut off as Magneto slowed the flow of blood in his body, causing him to pass out. He turned to the other man and said, "Bring him back to your employer and tell him I won't budge for anything less than 2.5 billion!!" The man scurried out of the room with his college in tow. Magneto just muttered, "...can't trust these radical groups, they'll blow you up with your own bomb. Thanks for the assist Norman." "No prob Erik." "You know Norman you remind me of my son before he chose to betray me. You sound like your much smarter than he is and will ever be though." "Thanks." "Alright report to your post."

Rantic knew the only way to figure out what the device was is to investigate for himself. He began to run to the artillery bunker as he saw the arabic men's jet soar away from the castle.

The Doctor handed his report om lizz to the brit
"here you go sir She Cheks out Shes in perfect helth"
" Oky Doc Could You Get Me The Med files On Logan Lebeua"
"Sarry But I Cant Mr brit Lebeua's Files Are Classifde only Henry Macoy, Professer X, And A man named Forge Has actsess To Them."

The Brit Walked out of the doctords office He looked at Irons. " Lizz is ready to be Trans ported to the Safe Hous

Rouge had recieved a call that morning, and was told to meet her new partner at the airport. WildCard hadn't killed Stone, but he had hurt him badly. She tapped her gloved fingers on the armrest. How was she supposed to know who this guy was. They didn't even tell her his name. . .
And LeBeau thought he was in love with her. It made her feel . . . she didn't know quite how she felt. But it was different. She hoped this guy would hurry up. She needed something to occupy her mind until she saw LeBeau again. They needed to talk . . .