Bladder control as humiliation and punishment?

Very hot. Would love to try this.

It sounds like you're very careful. Has she had any negative issues like soreness or uti's?


I love pee control, but to physically restrict it through a catheter, WOW, and incredible level of control.

Cookie, very hot indeed
no issues so far

Little soreness occasionally - esp if you fuck with the catheter in, but no UTI’s in several years, but we are very careful with sterility. EG only sterile saline injected into the catheter.

However fucking with a full bladder and no way to let go is very hot for her, as is vibes etc while filling her up.

Got to get the right cath size for her too or there will be leakage, and we’ve never left it on over a few hours with me letting her pee as i allow.
Both catheterised

One thing we will try one day - both catheterised and swap pee - me into her and her into me. Start by drinking lots but one has an empty bladder and the other one full... Then get the toys out...
It has been a good run.

Goodbye everybody. It is time for me to go now. Things have changed for me and I won't have time for this anymore. I'll leave my profile up and check PMs when I get time. But I won't be posting any new adventures. So long and good luck to you.
Just be careful with this one. You could get water poisoning or worse.

Reminds me of the time my then BF and I drove to Reno. We had no idea that the roads would be icy that time of year. Whatever route he took was a very deserted one. We stopped for gas. They had one bathroom but the toilet was filthy and had no seat. I refused to use it and wrongly assumed there would be some other town along the way where we could stop. I purchased a hideous pre-made sandwich as we'd missed lunch and I was hungry. Also drinks.

From there, the trip was scary. Nothing but snow, ice, a town or two of 12 or so and one huge mansion. Left me wondering how they bought food.

We both needed to pee but me far worse than him. He never drank much liquid throughout the course of the day and even at that was known for not having to pee.

I would up drinking more and more liquid to stave off the hunger pains.

We finally made it to Susanville, CA and found a restaurant that was still open. It was past 10 pm. I dashed to the bathroom, first thing. The bad thing for me is that when I've had to hold it that long, it takes we awhile before I can pee. And then for the next day, I have to pee constantly!