
Arnold rushed into the room, "Sorry Professor, these thieves are destroying the property! I'll deal with them." He turned to the crowd, "The professor needs his rest, leave him be! He'll talk to you in the morning and hand over his ring!!"
Prof. Plum

He held up a finger. "Arnold. Please. These are paying customers. I know how much you detest snobs, and I do as well, but if we treat these people rudely, they won't tell all their fiends to drop by. If they were in fact destroying property, and I don't doubt your word at all, I'll deal with it. The grounds are your business. But discipline is mine. Tell you what, you get yourself a glass of brandy, and stop by the kitchen's to get yourself a snack. I've seen the things you wife gives you, and it's near a crime. I'll handle these blueblood hooligans, you get yourself some sleep. You need it more than I, with all the back-breaking labor you do. Oh, by the way, I've been talking to some of the lads in the town about a little part time work to help your load. I'll bring them by to be looked over by your keen eye."

He smiled warmly at the groundskeeper, and nodded lightly. "Now go on, before you spend all night out of bed. Liam, as you were saying?"
Arnold exited the room, "Thank you sir, they have a ring of yours that was buried on the grounds." He walked toward his quarters, not knowing what he would tell his wife.

Liam looks crestfallen as he sees the trail of mud that they had brought into the house. "I am sorry Professor , in our haste to come and seek you out, we have forgotten common manners. Here is you cane as you asked for. What we are here for is that we have made a startling discovery out at yon windblown tree. When we got there, we saw a sparkle under that base of the tree. In admidst some questionable material was a ring. The questionable material was the bones of an unidentified person. I did not examine the body in detail, but judging by the lack of any soft flesh left on the body and no insects around it; that it is at least 8 years interred.

This is the ring that we are talking about. One of the young ladies mentioned that it was a bloodstone ring. I am not familiar with gems with all my devotion to my studies. However, even I can see that this is no ordinary ring and is of quite some value. So I can not figure out why someone buried it rather than keeping it. Take a close look at the ring. No, I will not let it leave my hand, but look and see if you recognize it. " Liam turned the ring in all directions, hold it so the Professor could examine it.
Prof. Plum

"A body, ehh?" He turned his attention to the ing, righting his glasses as he peered at it. He stopped him fro moving the ring, and brought his hand closer to the fire, looking inside the ring. Tere was a small inscription, probably missing their eyes in the dim light of any light outside. ICORXIIIVXIMC, quite odd. He knew someobjectsthat had the dtes onthem inRoman Numras, but this wan't that. "Funny inscription inside the thing, though. Looks like Roman Numerals but it's not. I-C-O-R-X-I-I-I-V-X-I-M-C. A whole lot of letters for gibberish. But if it was under that tree, I'd have to say more than eight years. Graned,itcould have en plaed there, but is probably a grave hundrdsof years old. Of course, the ring doesn't belong to me. We should put it back with the owner, rebury the remains, and mark the grave. And yes, it is a Bloodstone. All in all, not a very remarkable find. This house is quite old, and it's probably just an old family member. If I may ask, why are you o worked up about this, were is everybody else, and why were you out by that tree in the first place?"

He looked up at the young men, siting back, his hands resting on the top of his cane. It was quite odd for such young men to be so worked up over something so common as a body on old manor grounds. Perhaps children, or women, but grown men?
Detective Lovejoy

Ignoring his questions Lovejoy continues where Plum ended and says "Children, women...and detectives Professor Plum. You assume that the body we found tonight was that of a distant relative. Surely, you would care enough of your family to want the person identified and given a proper burial. Let us see if we can determine whom this person may be? It would be best to trace the period in which this person may have lived. How long have you owned the manor Professor?"
Prof. Plum

He raised an eyebrow. He stood up, leaning his weight on his cane as he stared at the man. "And detectives? Why would that be? Is it detectives jobs to mark every grave, or are you saying there's something else involved in this? And for your information, I've owned the manor, and the land it's on, basically the entire island, for six months, and am in no way related to any of it's previous owners. It's no distant relavtive of mine, just a body that so far I can only assume is in an unmarked grave."

He sat down again, looking up at the two men, curious. "But I get the feeling there's more, isn't there? If this were just a body, you wouldn't be so uptight. So, what is it? Present me with the facts."

"Well professor, we noticed that the body looked to have been damaged before interment based on the position of the bones. Also, some of our party thought that there was a spirit, call it a ghost if you will, that was seen near the grave. Some of our members were going to follow this spirit and see what would come of it. Did I miss anything detective? "
Detective Lovejoy

"No my friend, I have nothing to add to your surmisal. But I must wonder this, have there been any reports of strange apparitions by any of your previous guests in the 6 months you've owned the manor Professor?"
Prof. Plum

He sighed, and put his head in his hands. "Ghosts, you mean? Surely, a man of science,...nevermind. And no, because I've had no guests before you lot. I've spent the last six months fixing the place up, and getting some guests for the opening. Of course, had you bought a room, you'd know this was the grand opening. Oh well. And what do you mean the position of the bones? Was it not in a coffin? Did you pry it open? Or could the roots have shifted the bones, and maybe the body before it? You have no facts, only vague guesses and insinuations."

He rubbed at his temples. They were running around, trekking in mud, tromping across the grounds, for what? He'd seen nothing. It all made no sense to him. "Well, I suppose we should at least see who it was. Although how, I know not. Tell me this, gentlemen, was it a man or a woman?"
Zoé Lépine

I took M. Guthrie's arm as we proceeded in the pursuit of the phantom luminescence. M. Grey was coming along side us, until we reached the small lake. The beautifully cared surroundings were almost left unnoticed, though, such was the driving force that had attracted the three of us that far. The apparition continued down the path along the lakeshore until disappearing against the doors of the small boathouse.

"Venez vite!" I said, disentwining myself from M. Guthrie and running towards the minute building. Both of my companions did the same. M. Grey opened the doors, cautiously and entered ahead of our small group. We slowly crept in, closing in on the ghostly figure in the darkened back of the room. Amidst the tiny boats and miscellaneous paraphernalia, we saw the figure stretch up for something before fading away completely.

Wet to the bone, the three of us looked at each other quizzically and slowly approached the exact stop the ghost had vanished, raising our dying lamps to try and see what it could be reaching for.
Detective Lovejoy

"Well professor deduction would tell me the body was once a woman. What man wears such a ring?"

Sighing Detective Lovejoy puts his hands in his pockets and rests on his heels. "Yes, the others are out chasing the apparition we saw. If you wish to join them then Liam and I will accompany you to ensure your safety."

"Ey, Professor, just like the detective said. I will accompany you to the others to keep you safe, if that is what you want to do. I must admit, I am intrigued by all this. I wonder what they are finding at this point. Come with us, you seem to have an active mind, maybe you will see things that we do not. "
Prof. Plum

He stood up, leaning heavilly on his cane. He walked to the window, looking out into the night. Dark, forbiding, cold,....and wet. He shivered, and truned back to the two men. "In the middle of the night, an old man like me? Unless you want a much fresher corpse on your hands, I should think not. I'll have a look in the morning, once you've all had a chance to gather your wits. Really now, ghosts and murders based on no facts. It sounds like a silly children's story to me. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going off to bed. We can deal with this in the morning. I suggest you get the others and take them to bed as well. Certainly your ghost doesn't have any pressing plans, and can wait until then so well all don't catch colds and join it in the grave."

He walked passed the two, using his cane for support. He sighed, and moved to the stairs, his cat following him as he slowly made his way up the steps, thinking of his nice, warm bed.

"Well Detective, we are not going to get any answers out of him at this point. I say that we try to go out and find the others. Do you agree with that assessment of the situation?"
Alexander Grey

Alexander walked in with the other two and searched around. the room was dark and did not offer much to help them see the appiration. it seemed tohave dissapeared. the three of them moved around finding this and that, but nothing really turned up useful, untill Alexander found a book. in the dim light he couldn't read it. "hey, can one of you two coem over here and shed a little light on this?"

The boathouse was dark, with our lamps barely adequate to penetrate its gloom. The boats cast long and doubtful shadows. The smell of wood rot permeated the still air. A couple of mouse scurried to the safety to the darkest corners. The lapping of water from the lake against the walls could be faintly heard.

Mlle. Lépine and Mr. Grey were reaching for the spot where the ghost had ‘reached’ for before disappearing. But the dimming lamps and the stale air did not help matters much. The boats were stacked neatly on both sides of the walls, but the ropes and oars were strewn all over, making the search harder in the dark. I had nearly tripped a few times amongst the boating paraphernalia.

Then Mr. Grey found something that apparently the apparition had wanted us to find. A book. Mr. Grey’s lamp had dimmed to a point where the shape was only barely visible. I threaded carefully to where Mr. Grey was with my lamp firmly gripped in my hands. A misstep would negate all our efforts.

‘May I, Mr. Grey?’ I asked as I handled the book and scrutinised it closely under the light of my lamp.

The book turned out to be a journal of some sort. The bound leather cover was faded. The gilded words on the front cover was also faded, but enough was left of the gilt to make out the word that said simply ‘DIARY’. Even more surprisingly was the fact that the Diary was bereft of it contents. The cloth strings that held the pages together inside had long turned to dust. All that was left was the covers. Turning it left and right, upside and down, and inside and out, I could not see the reason why the ghost wanted us to find this Diary.

Then when Mlle. Lépine’s lamp shone over my shoulder more closely, I espied faint letterings. The one good thing about Indian Ink was that it took a long time to fade. And on the inside cover of the Diary were present the words, written in Indian Ink, Laura Charlesworth .

‘Laura Charlesworth. Hmmm… It seems we now have a name, probably associated with the ring that we’ve found earlier. The night have been fruitful after all. Shall we return to the manor, and wake the Professor up? I’m sure that he would be thrilled at our discovery…’ I said, with mirth and triumph filling my eyes.
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Alexander Grey

Alexander nodded "of coourse, maybe he knew somehting about this laura! we've looked around, i donno if there's anything else to find, and if there is it's not like we can't come back." Alex smiled and began walking to the door, in his failing light he stumbled over an ore. but got back up and held the door open for the other two, letting the pale silver of the moon shine through the dust.
Prof. Plum

He grumbled to himself about the way his guests were acting as he changed into his nightclothes. He squinted, and picked up his glasses from the nightstand, taking his cane from where it leaned againt it. Using it for minial support, he went to the door, and threw the locks. He'd never done so before, but it seemed that people these days had no manners.

Showing little if no repect for the dead the way they seemed to wallow about in graves, no respect for the house they stayed in, or the owner. He had a suspicion that when the others got back, they'd try to break down his door to argue with him. He remembered how stubborn he'd been when he was young.

But then, he always had facts to back him up. All they had was an assumption about a ring with a almost nonsense inscription, and what might have been a murder so long ago that if they found out who the killer was, they'd probably just be accusing another group of bones under a tree.

He sighed, and put his cane back against the nightstand, setting his glasses down as he squirmed his old form under the covers. Turning, he blew out the candle, and let himself drift off to a land of slumber again.
Detective Lovejoy

Remaining silent for a moment as Professor Plum leaves the room, Detective Lovejoy waits until Plum is gone before he speaks to Liam. "No, friend as difficult as it is to doubt what I saw, what we all saw I must admit the possibility that our friends are chasing their collective imaginations."

Sucking his teeth Lovejoy says "Lepine, while she failed to remember my trained mind would have long thought of such, was correct. The house itself must be full of clues. The staff needs to be questioned. For some we can wait until the morn but whoever we may see awake now should be asked some questions."

"I would also like to search the library. I intend to do so now. Tell me Liam, will accompany me or go in search of the others?"

"With how the weather is outside, and since there is plenty of them together; I will stay with you and check out the library. Maybe they can explain the inscription on the band for us. "
The Library

Just across the hall from the Study on the first floor, the library was four great walls covered with bookshelves filled with books of every sort. Old, new, on any number of topics. Several bookshelves were in the room apart from the walls. Books were everywhere, in no particular order. An old armchair had books stacked in it. A couch and a few chairs were near the double doors of sturdy oak. But, dispite the mess, the books were well kept after.

The library housed not only many books left my the previous family, but the professor's own collection, which was enough to rival many a nobel's collection. Most of the books were about history, which other thrown in at odd and seemingly random places. The only person who could find anything in the whole mess was Plum himself. On a long table was a lamp, ready for use, with a large book next to it.

It's shape keep it from the shelves, and it's unique topic kept it from being thrown out. On the first page, bold letters in a scrabbled hand started with the title of a nearly unreadable book.
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Leading Detective Lovejoy to the library, Liam takes a step back in awe. He has never seen so many books in all his life. Even the library back in the university was not as extensive as this. Liam saw in astonishment that all four walls were covered in books as well as stacks on the floor. Liam looks in consternation at the daunting task ahead of them. He starts to sit down in an armchair and notices the books on it. He picks them up and stacks them on the floor. He gratefully sinks into the chair. "Ok, Detective, where in the name of the Lord do we start? "
Detective Lovejoy

"We can start with this." Lovejoy says as he walks over to the desk and holds up the book that lay near the lap on the desk. "For so large a book it must be of great interest to Professor Plum that he leave it on the desk."

Looking around at the shelves Lovejoy adds "But perhaps the book is so large that it can't be placed on the shelves." With a sigh and a frown Lovejoy pauses.

"We have but one source of light so we will have to work closely together. I admit this will be a tedius undertaking but if we start at the wall on the right of the room from the bottom to the top and work our way around we will know whether there is a clue to be found."

"As repugnant as the thought seems we must remember thus far we have been led to each clue by whatever it is that we have all witnessed. While I'm usually not inclined to rely on fate, this circumstance defies normalacy. We will search the shelves. The bottom most row is my responsibility. We will alternate rows until we've looked at each section. If anything looks recently accessed then it is likely accessed often. Those will be the ones that demand investigation."

Liam agrees with the detectives idea and wants to modify it a bit. "I can tell the most recent selections by looking at the amount of dust on them. It looks like the housekeeper does not come in here to dust ever. I will pull the books out a little further that have been recently looked at. So far on the shelf on this one side , it was only one book. This may not be as daunting of a task as we expected. "