Book Porn

Cool. For me, even with the sharpest pencil, I'd still not manage to stay in the lines. My hand shakes to much. A genetic condition. But I keep the crayons around because....

We have a coloring book squirreled away under or bed. We got it in 1975 when we went to a Red Skelton show for our 4th wedding anniversary. It's a 2' x 3' coloring book of line images copied from Red's clown paintings. Needless to say a crayon has never touched it's pages. I'm not good enough and my wife refuses to.



I used crayons a lot in the early stages of my recovery from a stroke during in-house intense therapy sessions. The crayons appealed to my childhood memories as I struggled to resume my identity and my place in the world as I came to grips with "waking up" in a body I quickly understood as truely being my own. :)
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I'm a fan of compendiums and collected works. My favorites are Greek dialogues and plays, Shakespeare, Tolkien, Doyle, Agatha Christie, Arthur C. Clarke, Asimov, and Douglas Adams.
I built a tall bookcase around 20 years ago. It's not full yet, so my books take approximately 20 square feet of wall space.
Public libraries full of books are becoming less common as they become multimedia entertainment centers. That may prompt a revival of what people had before public libraries: private libraries and reading rooms with membership fees.
I built a tall bookcase around 20 years ago. It's not full yet, so my books take approximately 20 square feet of wall space.

My reduced library is only 5,000 books but I have 30,000 on my e-reader.