Bra/Panty/Underwear Contest

thanks for sharing

Snork Maiden...
PS Patty...
Sienna (care off Tony!)

you're all gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing your pics...
Snork said "please 'scuse the stretch marks "

Stretch Marks - the only stretch marks I'm seeing are from tying to stretch the pageI printed that on to life size.

Ohhh Myyy - What a hot babe - where have you been

nice ladies, very beautiful bodies :)

and i think the only one that minds the stretch marks is SM herself LOL
Ladies, Thank YOu


Snork, Amber, Patty, and all the others, Thank you. Thank you for your lovely bodies, and your lovely pictures. Thank you for having the fun to show these pictures, I think you, and my penis thanks you.

Great Thread.........

I would like to thank all the Ladies here and say that you all have Beauty far beyond the Physical sense too, however you all seem to put us Men in a Frenzy. Thanks for sharing and Congratulations to SnorkMaiden (and her S/O) on their shared Venture. Happiness to you Both.

just bumping this up in the hope that one of the lovely Lit ladies will enter this delicious competition!
WOW!!! This is one of the best threads I have ever seen. It was one beautiful woman after another.
First there was the always beautiful Sexy Amber wearing that sexy black thong what a beautiful ass. Than came along Princess4u wearing that little satin & sheer number yummy. Than we had lovely Wildrose with all those little hearts. Would love to have you joining the action ayntime. Mae13 showed up wearing those amazing black lace panties looking as hot as ever. Than Snork Maiden popped in looking sexy and beautiful as always. You are one heavenly creature. Congratulations on the baby. Mixelplix showed up (my first time seeing her hoping it won't be the last) wearing a bra made of hands, if you ever need to replace one I have 2 hands that would love to be fitted on you. For any of the ladies I misses I'm am sorry you were all so beautiful.
What can I say ladies a great thread thanks to all of you. One beautiful woman after another. How did us guys ever get so lucky?
Re: I know I'm gonna regret this

Snork Maiden said:
:eek: please 'scuse the stretch marks

OMG snork you are beautifull

The sun has just cum out on my day the birds are singing and all is right with the world.
Altho itwill be Hard fro me to get anything done today at work