Bry’s Haiku - bringing back art and culture

I know. So that means
I wasn't fucking talking
to you, mate. Jeezo.
A multi-option
Response follows to select
At your discretion.

a) outrage

In the future, please​
Refrain from spraying unclear​
Shit straight through the fan. 😒

b) acknowledgement

Wasn't sure yanno?​
Please remember that Aussies​
Are dumb as all fuck. :rolleyes:

c) conciliatory

Sorry, that's my bad;​
I should have read carefully.​
Will do so next time. 🙏
And, while it's been fun,
I should stop dicking about
And get back to work. :rolleyes:
These days I’m decaf.
Doc says no caffeine or I’ll
Have mood swing mania. 😞
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And this is me straight.
Imagine Jett on Red Bull!
Lit would be on fire. 😂