Camelot 2001: The Return of Heroes


He moved the gun just as he pulled the trigger, hitting the wall, leaving a mark. Something had surfaced in his head, something sombody had said, something about sins being taken from lives, about Merlin forgiving, and he let go of the conflict. As he did, more words came into his head, words he lived by. "The essence of balance is detatchment. To embrace a cause, to grow fond or spiteful, is to lose ones balance. After which no action can be trusted. Our burden is not for the dependent of spirit. -Mayar, Third Keeper." He spoke these words aloud, a mantra that he lived by. His mind clear and at ease, he looked around, suddenly knowing everyones name. He looked at Gawain, and taking knowledge from both lives, he said "Hey, theres this one Monty Python movie that you have got to see. I know that you would love it."

He hadn't seen the gun. Bors had been searching the eyes of the others as they arrived, letting the buried memories resurface as each of them slowly revealed their hidden souls. Jewel's body was alert but relaxed; she realized this was far beyond her experience and had decided not to fight with Bors for control. That would have meant too much thinking about impossibilities and multiple personalities and that path led to madness. As is was, she wasn't sure she wasn't mad, except that Bors seemed to have a handle on the situation. They spoke to each other in silent whispers, and it was Bors who controlled her limbs.

But Jewel's mind was still active and when the gunshot shattered the quiet of the cavern she knew what it was. The mean streets of L.A. had trained her well, and her instinct was to drop under the table. But Bors also knew what it was, although he couldn't say how. His instinct was simple. Chivalry was a code of life. More than a vow, it impregnated his very being, it was a definition of life. Intellectually, he knew that these were all knights of the table and thus all male. But his mind had still not fully correlated that knowledge with his eyesight.

The gunshot boomed and Bors launched himself to his right at the nearest female, one with thin-rimmed glasses. They crashed to the floor with Bors on top, ready to die in defense of the maiden.

He knew in mid-leap it was a mistake.

Hey mister knight, isn't that one of your friends? asked Jewel sardonically. Bors grimaced and looked at the figure below him.

"Safer," he said in anguish, "I... I am truly sorry, old friend. This.." he gestured at his body helplessly. "This is all somewhat confusing." He stood and offered the other a hand up, looking at Palomedes uncertainly. Just a moment ago he had tried to kill himself, and now he was babbling about Monty Python. Had he lost his internal struggle with madness?
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The sound of the gun jump started something within her. Barbara was used to it. This was the kind of thing she responded to after someone had been shot. Lucan didnt know what the gun was other than to search her memory but he did know that one of the knights of the round had just tried something dishonorable.

Jumping to her feet Barbara/Lucan let out a shout. "Palomedes! In the name of our king, what are you doing? This is no way for a knight to act, man! Put the blasted thing down and lets listen to Nimue. She must have some idea of what is going on."
Nimue stood up when she heard the gun shot. "My good knights please listen to me. I know this is hard for you all to take in. Even I have had problems with my now , how should I put this, split personality. I know it's difficult to believe this but it is true. Our king is threatened and Merlin has called us all together to once again fight for Arthur, The man I know you all love dearly. So lets put our present situation aside as well as our past problems with one another and look to what is important. We must band together and save Arthur from whatever evil may be threatening him and us"
Destiny/Safer had been lost in thought, exploring her new memories when the shot rang out. She promptly jumped up stumbling backwards out of her chair. Her eyes wide in fear, but something inside of her ready to defend.

She didn't have much time to think in this situataion as suddenly another woman lept towards him and drug him to the floor falling smack on top of her.


How had she known the name... she raised her hand to her temples before letting her him take his now smaller and softer hands, as she/he pulled him up Safer brushed off. Safer looked out through the eyes as Destiny stayed safely behind him.

"It's allright Borrs."

He brushed his clothes off a bit his eyes turning to look towards the gun freshly fired. Then to Borrs, who looked a little frightened and confused. He clapped his hand on Borrs back reassuringly, still a little confused by the soft cloth that met it... things certainly were so different now. Safer stared intently between Polymedes and Nimue.
Richard Ko/Sir Galahad

My train of thought is interrupted by a voice....another familiar voice, calling me "Son?"

I turn to see another man, a westerner, but he is my father, his name is, "Sir Lancelot!" I can't help but say it out loud as more suppressed memories overwhelm me. Something in particular stands out in my mind; where is my mother?