Casting Call for When Darkness falls.

I don't know if you are still looking for new characters. I am new to the forums, and this is the first thing that caught my interest- at least it is the closest I have seen so far to the one I would have started.

my only problem might be that I don't know where it would be best to go back and start reading the thread or if someone can catch me up in a quick summary . . . or if it would be best for me to just jump right in - I can alsways make an amnesiac, lol.

Anyway, let me know.

And Mantra, I am sorry to hear that- knowing you or not. My friends are all still in training- most of them in the air force, a few in the marines- although one of them is active . . the person that is on the fling gas stations that handles the hose-- I don't know much about what I am talking about there, lol, and the way he explained it was that he was the guy that got to "play with the play with the big dick". But I am sure you have some Idea what I am saying.

In any case that was off topic. Just had to drop it in there.
I believe that we will be restarting it after we talk with Mantra.
The man stepped into the room, taking a moment to wander towards the counter top. His heavy boots clunked as he stepped across the hardwood floor. Their normally tan color marred and distorded with black smudges and splatterings of dried mud. Likewise the desert camoflaged uniform he wore had also seen better days, but the Hell of Iraq did not give a damn about starched creases or exacting haircuts or what color socks one wore. Still, the stripes on either sleeve were still sharp and the man's bearing was proud.

A black M-16 was carefully set on the countertop as he took the opportunity to pour himself a double shot of Captain Morgan's and pop the top off of a coke. A weather beaten 'boonie hat' matching the same desert pattern was set down to be exchanged for the coke. There was a fizzing noise and a clink as the drink was mixed and the now unneeded can replaced on the counter.

"As you can see", he began finally turning to face the audience. "I have returned."
As he took a sip from his glass, his eyes glinted with mischevious intent while his lips curled into a suggestive half-smile.

"So who still wants to play?"
I still want to play :D

* :kiss: a kiss for both my boys. :kiss: *

That's quite an entrance Mantra.
I'm doing great, I thought I'd swing by and see what was going on, and I saw that you bumped Darkness, so I thought I'd say hi. I've got internet again, so I'm thinking of coming back to Lit.

GAH!! A Ghost!!!


(Ankara sighting!)

Hiya! Long time no see.