Casting Call: Sailing of the Crimson tide investment insurance agency

Khad & Crys & Chewey & Lauren,

I was dredging last night looking for treasure and look at what I've found...:D


Yer sick man sick ... 'avin' nuthin' betta ta do then dredge ... :D
as my name is on the "thread starter position" i thank you Zir
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when i become high ruler of the planet, all people who point out meaninless typo's will have their mouths duct taped! *smirks at Arc*
*pouts* :(

But then who is gonna lick all the chocie still on ya Khaddy ... hmmm ...
uh.... zir? *laughs* fine fine. no duct tape.... yet!

oh, and any of you, just say you're ready, and i'll put up the main thread.
Remember when the second scene cut in? The guy was adding 'live organ transplants' to the giant list of things they owned. Funny, funny stuff.

I can't beleive you're seriously doing this. Pirating accountants sailing their building through the cities of the land. Well, Hell, at least you know how to end it if it gets boring.

"Over the edge with you!"
I'm playing "people are not wearing enough hats" Harry.

And I'll keep bumping this to give me time to post a real bio.