Choose your Own Adventure OOC

We don't celebrate thanksgiving here, but thank you for the lovely sentiment :) I hope that you, your family and your friends have a wonderful holiday season!
Well, that is just lovely! Thank you muchly! And to you tooooo!

Also, am I waiting on anyone. I have just one post since my last one and I've been waiting to see what to do next but it ain#t changing much
I think the post you are referring to is just relevant to blackpenman (who you are still waiting for a response from). The three of us that have been transported by the stone are all ready for more.
Sorry I haven't been posting, I am having some RL problems, you can skip me if it is necessary.
Hey guys, I gotta leave this RP. I have lots of problems with RL, and other RPs demanding attention. Sorry.
Okay, so I am bored as and need something to do. Something I haven't been doing up until now, since a thread either gets my attention or it doesn't.

So, is there anywhere I can step into this one?
They'vejust reached the forest, I think all the characters are in there. Maybe they meet your character there?
Right, posted. Just a brief character profile.

Name: Nin (no last name known)
Race: Catfolk - wild
Class: Ranger/Rogue
Age: 16
Height: 4"6'
Weight: 100lbs

Personality: Protective, shy, mischievous, energetic, youthful

Physical description: Tan and brown color, darker stripes, yellow eyes with white stomach and points (tips of nose, ears, tail and paws). She looks underfed, but is quick and agile.
OK, just saw the Hobbit..can I have a sword like Sting and a ring of invisibility too? :D
I haven't seen The Hobbit yet, so no spoilers! However I can add in gross amounts of excess world :p
UMM, no thanks, We're good. LOL

and I would never add spoilers. I hate them myself.
So, what doom would befall Nin if she pounced on one of the pixies birds and ate it for lunch?

Well, I suppose she is predatory, and hungry...and it would look just like a bird.
WHOA A LOT HAS HAPPENED. I can't keep up with that speed.

Someone just tell me vaguely what happened to the pixies. I've picked up most of it
Nin pounced, and was interupted as she was about to eat the robin when Grimlock pounced on her. The robin, and pixie are unhurt and free again, Nin had to let it go to struggle with Grimlock.

So all in all, a lot happened, but not a lot happened at the same time.
No worries Thomas. it's a busy time of year for all of us.

Just FYI, my character abilities, knowledge and weapons are all based off of Advance Dungeons and Dragons 5th level rouge halfing.