Choose your Own Adventure Styled Fantasy - 5 Players

"lead the way, m'lady" Yorvik whispered and fell in silently behind her. weapons ready and keen, experienced eyes scanning the surrounding forest. Although he was a bit out of his element in this wooded area. Adaptability was a trademark of a good thief.
Grimlock eyed the stone suspiciously, although he didn't want to hold it due to the erratic nature of their current predicament he suspected that it may have a possible use in the future.

He followed Inariel and kept his senses alert and ready for any danger. Deciding that they needed all the help they could get he launched Zortha in the air to scout ahead and allowed Droga to do the same by foot.
The jungle was filled with many dangerous creatures and plants, an even the sting of a specific insect was enough to make a human very ill for several days. Some amphibians were toxic, some plants were carnivorous. The ways to die in such an environment were endless.

As the underbrush rustled with movement, something seemed drawn to the sounds of talking.

Soon it would feel as though Grimlock, Inariel and Yorvik were being watched, and indeed they were.

A guttural growl echoed from a thicket of bushes directly behind them, and with stalking slowness a flat fur covered snout pushed through the leaves to sniff the air. Picking up each of their scents. Soon a pair of yellow eyes, and the face of a huminoid catfolk was visible. It's eyes narrowed, glaring at the intruders.

The growl continued, before the creature disappeared again, leaves moving as the animal ran through the undergrowth as if circling its prey.

Nin was a feral catfolk child, having been raised by the jungle after her family was taken by slavers. Fleeing, she had lived as a wild child for the past ten years, and if she had of celebrated birthdays, she would have recently had her sixteenth.

Occasionally they would catch a glimpse of her form through the trees, she had tan and brown colorings, a white stomach and seemed to wear a ragged skirt made from leaves. Her chest was covered by a similar looking item of makeshift clothing. She carried a club and seemed to have made herself a longbow.
... he launched Zortha in the air to scout ahead and allowed Droga to do the same by foot.

What Zortha saw:
Greenery, to the horizon, The Great Forest. Zortha would have an inherent knowledge of the wood, the trees passing a message to the bird; this was The Forest of White Silver, or Era'l-ka V'ne. Occasionally, looming higher than any tree, but just as thick, were pillars of the White Silver, old relics from previous civilisations.

What Droga saw:
The same greenery, his scent would pick up mostly the damp ferns, but there was unmistakable aroma of Chaos, pear drops, in the air. Even the humans would pick that up. Droga would spot some obscure insects and bugs, but other than the smell, a normal forest.

The Pixies:

Aniuskha and Yha'a fell from the branches on the robins, fluttering to the ground. Hiding amongst the dense feathers they spied on the troupe, Aniuskha watching the feral feline as Yha'a followed the movement of the larger fellows.
"What now..." Yha'a asked her lover.
"We wait... I think we take the elf woman..."
Grimlock caught the scent of another. They were quick but what his eyes could not catch his nose picked up.Definitely female judging by her pheromones. An enemy perhaps? Only time would tell, he kept close tabs on the new arrival should they decide to become hostile.

The silent but deadly hawk swooped in above and Grimlock held his arm out to catch the majestic bird. In a language only he could understand, his companion conveyed the message of their whereabouts. The others looked at him when they finished conversing.

"It seems we are in The Forest of White Silver. Be on the lookout for danger." he explained.
Inariel watched as Grimlock had a covert conversation with his hawk. After a few minutes he revealed their locations; the Forest of White Silver. Inariel searched her memory for any knowledge of this place.
((I was once told that I don't act on my urges enough in games, that being said, if I die, I regret nothing! I have lived as few men, urr, felines, dare to dream!))

Getting her sneak on, having changed positions enough to stop the newcomers from possibly following her too easily, Nin got low to the ground and her padded feet did all the work. Soon, without even the sound of a twig snapping, and with the patience of an experienced predator, she came within pouncing distance.

The tendons and muscles within her limbs seemed strained with the anticipation and poise, and waiting among the leaves and underbrush she looked like a stone statue.

Moments passed, as she watched a delicious looking robin sitting on the ground. Licking her lips, she narrowed her eyes, the muscles in her legs rippling as she tensed up for the final lunge. The tip of her tail flicked from side to side slowly, as if counting down the seconds, and when the robin seemed to be relaxed, she pounced!

With a growl her body burst from the underbrush, her paws extended, club in one hand ready to smash the bird if she couldn't grasp it with her sharp claws.
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A sudden noise of rustling leaves catches the notice of my ears, quick eyes scan for the source while gently nudging Inariel to silently alert her of possible trouble.
Droga growled at a nearby noise rustling in the trees. Both Grimlock and the other halfling noted the same. Grimlock gestured with a single finger to his lips to remain silent.

Using his years of practiced stealth Grimlock slowly moved toward the bushes to investigate. In a small clearing a humanoid looking creature sat with a robin in its hand.

Grimlock crept further forward and when he had judged his distance correctly he pounced. The small feral creature which he discovered was female struggled with him fiercely but Grimlock had the advantage of strength on his side. Droga bounded in and blocked of any chance of escape.

"Who are you? Why are you following us?" He growled deeply.
Hearing someone coming after her too late, Nin let go of the robin that was to be her lunch and instead found herself rolled across the ground. Struggling, she hissed and tried to claw at her assailant.

"Who are you? Why are you following us?"

The creature spoke, but Nin didn't understand all of it, but she heard the tone in his voice.

Snarling and hissing again, she bit down on his arm harshly and started to shake her head about vigorously, trying to get his grip to loosen. If you have ever seen a wild animal cornered, they were capable of almost anything.

With the taste of blood in her mouth, she noticed Droga and hissed at the canine.

With rather uncomfortable words, she spoke, but it was obvious she wasn't very well educated, language wise.

"Nin not follow, you follow!" she cried out.

Suddenly she stiffened and the hairs on her neck stood on end, looking at the robin she sniffed the air. Even with all the scents her brain had picked out one of danger. Glaring at the robin, she hadn't had time to see that she had possibly been holding a pixie mount.

"Let go! Nin leave! Nin go now! Nin not follow!"

Struggling, she seemed to display a sense of urgency about trying to get free, and not directed at them being the dangerous ones.
Grimlock felt the sharp pain of her teeth sinking into his flesh, had he not been used to hunting difficult prey he would have lost his grip. As it stood it only made him angrier. At such close proximity he picked up on all her scents, from what he could gather after a quick sniff was that she was native to this forest.

The feral cat creature couldn't speak the common language very well but Grimlock understood well enough. Grimlock loosened his grip and stood back slightly, he kept a close watch on her just in case she decided to make any sudden moves.

Grimlock noted that she was paying more attention to her captured prey than to himself and his wolf. He took a closer look and saw the pixie riding the bird.

The situation, as they often do, escalated quickly. Inariel stood and watched as Grimlock struggled with the cat girl, bot feline-like creatures wrestling for the upper hand. Nin, as she had called herself, appeared to be quite annoyed with Grimlock for stopping her and assuming that she was following them. All it took was one look at the girls paws to see the real reason she had pounced through the trees... and also another reason for her eagerness to be free.

On the robin's back there was a saddle made of thick leaves, probably knotted together by the little pixie who say upon it. The pixie probably wouldn't be pleased that it had been pulled down mid-flight, especially if the cat-girl had hurt it's mount.

"Greeting strangers." Inariel said calmly, concentrating on putting all of her most relaxed and serene emotions into her voice. "It seems that we have been introduced on bad terms. I am Inariel Sei’rionne of Arrenatis. I mean neither of you any harm." She looked both at the wild cat girl and the angry pixie.
Scampering out from under Grimlock, Nin jumped towards the closest tree and climbed to the first low branch, enough at least to be out of the way of Droga's jaws. She seemed content to lick her lips clean of the man's blood, but never took her eyes off the pixie and bird.

However, as Inariel seemed to try and make peace with the pixie, Nin hissed again.

"No, no trust!" she said, scowling down from her perch.

Then she seemed to get aggravated with herself, unable to say what she wanted.



Ah, no like!"

Hissing at the pixie she suddenly seemed to look all around them, not liking to stay in one place for very long.

"I go now," she whispered, huddling close to the branch of the tree.
Grimlock watched as the cat girl jumped away to the nearest tree. Inariel was attempting to open a line of communication and Grimlock was very interested in what both parties had to say.

Nin as she had introduced herself was difficult to understand but he was partially getting the gist of it.

He awaited the response from the frightened and angry pixie.
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Yha'a watched as her lover was cast aside by the cat creature, that which had left her homes, her kin. She snarled on her robin on high as Aniuskha crawled helplessly across the floor, having been sent across the ground.

When his vision returned, he found the elf woman over him, legs divine and terrifying as they reached to the heavens. He grinned a little, smirking, aiming some magic at her ankles, a pinprick that would leave a temporary evolving tattoo of bizarre shapes.

"FIENDS!" He'd cry out, panting on the soil...

Yha'a snarled again, waiting the time to plummet...
Yorvick knew very little about the fairy folk, but what he did know was that they rarely travel alone. Where there is one, there is usually a dozen or more close by. He also knew his swords, as magical as they may be, where next to next to useless. The best weapon against such small and quick foes he had in his arsenal was the sling and his dead aim that all halflings possess. It's one of the reasons why the sling is so favored among them.

While everyone else was busy trying to make friends with the grounded fairy, Trust comes in short supply for a rouge. so quickly and quietly, He replaces his swords and draws out his sling and loads it with a lead shot. Then carefully scans the trees for the fairy's companions.

Keen quick eyes catches a flutter of wings of a robin, although he can't see a rider upon it. chances are good there is one. with a grin he aims carefully at his first target and waits.

"Ouch!" Inariel hissed, and then looked down a the pixie standing at her feet. Her ankle stung terribly and she didn't even want to know what he'd done to her. "Small Ones, please" Inariel said, feeling as though all chances of redeeming the situation were slipping away, "we mean you no harm. Leave if you wish, I will not impede you."
Climbing down from her perch among the leaves, Nin moved towards a path nearby and started to head back towards her home. She had no intention of remaining where the pixies could see her, and would feel much safer once home. Nobody had followed her there before.

Turning back towards Inariel, Grimlock and Yorvick, Nin gave a small wave before taking off again.

If they didn't want to remain outside during the night, with the many creatures who stalked the into night, perhaps they might follow. If not, Nin would find herself safe at home no more than ten minutes later.

Her home began at the edge of an uprooted tree, and after diving inside a small burrow about big enough for a human to fit through with some struggling, it opened up into a decent sized cave. Inside she had reed weave baskets full of glowing beetles, that gave off a green luminescent glow and allowed those without low light vision to see. Along the walls she used nooks and crannies to hold all sorts of herbs and objects she had collected over the years.

Towards the back of the cave was a pile of furs, the creatures they came from seemed about the size of large dogs. From the thickness of the collection it appeared that this was her bed. And scattered around it were bowls or sacks of food stuffs. Many seemed to be rather well made, and possibly were stolen from other tribes or races within the forest.

Nin made herself at home on a rough branch she had dragged into the cave, that now served as a bench seat.
Grimlock followed the small cat girl even though he was still unsure of her intentions. In an unknown land however she seemed to be the best guide. He commanded Zortha and Droga to remain outside as he observed the tree dwelling of their new companion. Due to Grimlock's large stature, he found it very difficult to fit inside the small opening, after a few minutes of awkward struggle he managed to squeeze in and seat himself on the floor.

"So. How long have you been living here?" he asked gruffly still trying to find room for his arms to relax.
Weighting his options carefully, Yorvick decides to follow Grimlock and the cat lady. "Those two I can handle. a horde of faeries..not so much" he says to himself.

After Grimlock squeezes his bulk through the small hole. the halfing leaps in easily and bumps right into Grimlock's hefty form.

"Ouch" he yeps as his rubs his head and makes his way around his big companion to survey the cat lady's lair. Then raises his eyebrows in approval. "Nice" he says as he walks around, "Very Nice"

But as nice as it might be, Yorvick still has no idea who this creature might be, or what her intentions are. so he holds tightly to his still loaded sling.
Nin was worried that the new guests in her home would make a mess, they were large and clumsy, and had already brought mud in with them. It was unavoidable, and she knew in such close quarters her small size would prove an advantage.

As they settled down, she brought over a small bowl filled with red berries. And after noticing some weary looks (as most people gave towards berries they had never tried before), she took a handful and ate some. Returning to her perch, she sat rather hunched, as if uncomfortable with the presence of others.

But she also seemed curious, and glanced around the group from their hair styles and markings, to the clothing they wore and even the weapons they carried.

"Living here?" Nin questioned, as if trying to recall what that meant. After a few seconds, as all her answers would end up being, she replied.

"Ten cold times and four cold times. Not knowing what a season was beyond its occurrence, or knowing how to count beyond how many meals per day, or how many moons appeared before becoming a full one, she went by how many times she had survived the winter. So far, in this place it was fourteen years worth. She held up both her hands, and then four fingers to give them another idea.