Clearly the Allure has Won!

I have a feeling I’d revert to my 6 year old self and tear off that wrapping paper as fast as I could. Especially when I have a really good idea what’s inside :)
Oldies but goodies!
Merry Christmas, I hope Santa spoiled everyone:)

This particular Santa has emptied his sack all over your stocking ... naughty Santa!

All silky and smooth, if I tied the bow like on a present, would you unwrap me like a gift?

I can see the silky ... but the smooth? Somewhere between your thighs I hope? I'd love to have you as a gift - even partially wrapped

The slow unwrap is often a huge part of the excitement and build up... wouldn’t you agree?

I'd try to be careful unwrapping you but I can't say I won't use my teeth or rip things off!

Partially unwrapped and smiling now💋

I'm partially unwrapped too ... stroking myself wishing it was me making you smile

Wishing you a Happy New Year and looking forward to seeing much more of you and your hot, sexy body in 2021!
:rose: :kiss: :heart:
Morning tea and tub... sure wish there were extra hands to caress me beneath the bubbles...

What you do with pictures disarms any words I can conjure...perhaps a better man can correct me, but I’d be lying if I said your allure hasn’t won my speech.