Closet Heroes and villains

"Don't do it..."


Crack! Kevin stumbled back and rubbed his jaw. 'Yeow! Fighting, rember Kev, your in a fight, start swinging!' Kevin ducked the jock's second swing and swung at him, only missing by an inch or so. The jock took the chance and took a handful of Kevin's colar and pulled him torwards hikm, connecting his knee with Kevin's sternum.

The jock pushed Kevin back just enough to pull him back and knee him in the exact same spot. "Hurk!"

"Ya like that freak?" The Jock pushed him back again and pulled Kevin back, but this time as soon as he lifted his knee, Kevin pushed it to the side hard enough to force the jock to let him go and spin around to try and keep his balance. Giving Kevin enough time to pull himself together and slam his fist into the jock's full force, knocking him to the ground.

"Fook! My node!"

Kevin held his side and taken a few deep long breaths. "Get him!" Two more jocks grabed Keving and beat him to the ground, then picked him up to his knees and held him in place. "Fooking basdard!" Kevin looked up at the jock, who's face around his nose was turning purple. "I'm gonda pound your punk-ass until you're noding but a pool of blood!"

Kevin tried to pull himself away from his two trapers but to no avail. "No ude trying to escape, you're mide now!" The jock started to take a few swings at Kevin's face, and a kick or two into Kevin's already messed up stomache. Then, he suddenly stoped. "Pid him up and pin him to the wall." The two other jocks picked the bloody Kevin up and slammed him up again the wall. Kevin's eye was swollen and starting to turn black, his nose was bleeding, he felt as if he was enternally bleeding, and his neck was so sore that he had to keep his head down. Evry thing was a blur, yet it seemed that more than half the crowd around them was yelling for them to finish him off.

"Come on, let him go already! He's had enough."

Kevin lifted his eyes a bit and tried to see who was talking, surprizingly enough it was Megan. "Yeah, besides its three one one, what the hell is he gonna do, beat you all up like some super hero?"

'Great, even Stacy's defening me... I must be really fucked up.. I'm gonna die by the hands of three chumps that'll probally be working at a fast food joint for the rest of their lives!'
Devon kept hearing the voice repeating in his head as Kevin fought and then was beat up. He actually examined the fight and Kevin was doing a good job until he was teamed on. The voice now only riveted through Devon's mind, poking and prodding at his very thoughts, "Help me...don't let him go..."

He stood there for a moment and went into his own little world as others began to hoop and hollar for either a finishing move or for the fight to stop. "What do you want?" he asked. The voice replied, "Help, him..." A few people next to him glanced at him oddly and then shrugged.

He stepped over into the circle that the fight had led them to. He knocked a few people out of the way and even slightly rudely knocked Megan aside and a few other girls. As he reached the jocks, he put a hand on one of their shoulders and spun him around. This jock was one of the others trying to join in on the fight.

Devon's fist came around rather powerfully and connected with the jock's cheek forcefully. The force behind it shattered the cheek bone and made his lip swell enough to start bleeding slightly. As he stood there by himself, behind the jocks still, he frowned, "You heard the girl, let him go."

((OOC: Sorry wanted to get some action in this at least ^_^))

T'lon watched the fight in silence, not making any move towards it or away from it. He could remember similar, and helping out whoever was on the bad end of it from before his parents died, when he was in school.

After a moment of careful thought he found an opening in the fence and slipped through, casually careful not to snag his jacket, and took a few strides towards the fight. He stopped himself a few yards short, however, suddenly reluctant.

He shouldn't be here.


Kicking the water idly, Euphoria avoided going home for as long as she could. She knew she'd really get it when she saw her Aunt. Maybe I should just run away... she thought kicking up a curtain of pool water that permeated the air with the scent of chlorine and sent light dancing.

((OOC: I need someone to notice T' one will know him. How do we want to introduce the other characters that aren't all in that one class together?))
Ooc: Heh, I was kinda expecting you wanted to. :devil: :cool:

Ic: One of the jocks holding him released him, shocked that somebody was actualy helping Kevin. This gave Kevin enough to turn and knee the other Jock holding him to the wall and push him off of him. Then his hearing once again maginifyed, hearing somebody running torwards him from behind.

Kevin shifted to the left while turning around, grabed the guys head, and pushed him further, right into the wall. He suddenly felt his ribs feel like they were almost shattered when the jock who's nose he broke speared him to the ground.
Devon wasn't horribly strong, but he knew how to fight. His step dad was a Marine, so he taught him various techniques for knocking out people. He got sidetracked, watching Kevin fight back. He smirked and didn't catch the fist which hit him square in the gut.

However he lifted up swiftly, seeing the second fist come at his face. He moved forward and swerved his body lightly. The fist whizzed by his face. He caught the jock by the arm and pulled him forward. As he did, the same hand that caught the jocks arm started to lock swiftly to a full detracted state. His elbow slammed full into the jock's face and slammed him onto the ground.

Quickly, he ran over to the jock who speared Kevin, but got derailed as a second jock tackled him into the wall. He let out a growl and began to struggle. They were out muscled and out manned, they needed a little more help.

((OOC: Happy Mr. T'lon? ^_^))
Kevin strugled to get up from the jocks lock, who was getting in a few good punches to his side. Kevin finnaly got an arm free and swung the jock down. He quickly got up and ran over to help Devon, but stoped. Kevin's eyes met with somebody, somebody who wasn't a part of the school.

"Who's tha- HURK!" Kevin was knocked to the ground, this time by two jocks.
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((OOC: Thank ye! ^.^))

It was the eye contact that did it. T'lon's eyes shfted from the boy to the boy beating him, and his eyes turned so light they were almost white. He stepped foreword and gripped the most dominant jock, typically the leader of the group he found and therefor the ringleader, by the back of his shirt.

He lifted the jock off the ground roughly, and waited until the jock looked at him before punching him. Hard.

The jock went limp instantly. All of his comrades froze in place, staring at T'lon.

"Leave...them...alone. T'lon said in quiet even tones, holding the ringleader aloft while blood dripped steadily from the boy's face.
The rest of the athletes let go of both Kevin and Devon. As soon as they let go of Kevin, he turned to his side and spat out a little blood from his wounded mouth, and with his good eye, looked at the person who saved them.

'Who's... That?'
Devon dusted himself off as soon as the Jock got away from him. He then glanced to the newcomer who single handedly beat and held the jock in place. He was impressed indeed. With a light chuckle, he moved to Kevin and examined him momentarily. "Burden of Sorrows.." He laughed and then turned to the newcomer(T'lon) and nodded his head, " more."
Kevin slowly stood to his feet carefully holding his ribs. He was only able to see through one eye, his jaw felt like dislocated, and relocated, and his ribs fel like a rhino stomped on them. Other than that, he felt fine.

'Burden of Sorrows...' Devon laughed then turned to the man and nodded his head. ' more.'

Kevin could only smirk. "Huh..." KEvin then looked at the person who saved their hides in a time of need. "Thanks alot..."

"Move aside, c'mon, move out!"

Kevin shot his head torwards the voices. "Shit, here comes the principal and his goon sqaud... We better beat it before they see us!"
OOC: Were you waiting for me?

Devon smiled as he looked over, seeing the principal start to plow his way through the surrounding people. He lashed out and quickly grabbed a jock from the floor and pulled him close, "...No one knows...about us, then no one knows about your girlfriend..." He smiled, letting the jock drop. He turned towards the cafeteria door and shook his head. Turning the other direction, he moved for the west wing cafeteria door instead, seeing as it was more crowded; they wouldn't be seen as easy.
Kevin started to follow Devon, but looked back, noticing one wasn't following. "Hey, Como-" Kevin noticed that the person was gone. '... Must have gone ahead of us.' Kevin turned and followed Devon, pushing through the crowd and slamming through the door.

'Where to now? Wait, I know!'

"This way!" Kevin pointed to the schools old gym. "They don't use it any more, we can hide there until the heat falls out."
((OOC: I'll assume other person is me ^.^ iffn it's not tell me and I'll manipulate my post))

T'lon let the jock drop, still out cold, to the pavement. Everyone scattered, and T'lon followed suit. He didn't need police after him or finding out he lived alone.

He had lost sight of the two boys who would most likely need medical attention, so T'lon ducked into a convenient door.

Damn. Cafeteria.

He leaned agaist the wall by the door and closed his eyes, trying to stop the blood from singing in his ears. After a long moment of deep, steady breathing he was able to open his eyes again and know they had resued their normal color and would therefore not freak people out.

Not that he couldn't do that well enough on his own, but that was beside the point.
Devon stood rather perturbed in the hallway, contemplating which way to go. But his conclusions were settled when Kevin gave the motion to go inside the gym.

He looked for the person that helped them, where did he go? Shrugging his shoulders he ran for the gym. Pushing the rickety blue doors open, the loud echoes of steel and wood could be heard.

Sighing, he waited for Kevin, before he shut the doors behind him.

A door opened and closed nearby, and Euphoria looked up.

"Hey! Who's there?" She craned her neck to see into the next room.


T'lon realized again where he was, and rammed his hands into his pockets, avoiding people's eyes. He walked across the cafeteria with his head slightly down, brushing over faces and hair with his eyes, searching for anyone bloodied.

In front of him a door closed, the sound echoing behind it, so he began making his way towards it.
Kevin ran after Devon and ducked behind the door before slamming it shut. He carefully watched the small dirty window as teachers and other staff members ran by. "That was too close for comfort..." Kevin slumped down and wiped the blood from his nose.

"Hey! Who's there?"

Kevin's head shot up, straining his already battered neck. "Well, so much for this place being empty."
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Devon ducked his head and grumbled, "Shit.." He glanced around, and then to the door close by. That door led into the Pool and aquatics area of the gym, no one was there usually, but I guess this wasn't the case. He lifted his head and then stood up, staring at the source of the voice, 'a girl?' he thought.

He stepped towards her, smiling rather menacingly. "Who?"

She was completely unfazed by him. "Oh good, you're not the dean." She blinked at him. "Hey, you've just been beaten up." She observed in casual tones.


T'lon hesitated outside the door, listening. He reminded himself that he shouldn't be here in the first place, but couldn't convince himself to move away.
Kevin almost rolled his eyes at that remark. 'Yeah, no duh...' He looked around a bit, this being his first time in the old abandoned gym. 'Huh... Never knew we had a swiming pool...'

"What are you doing here?"
Devon could only laugh, but then he turned around, glancing towards the door. There was a shadow in the crack of the door, someone was there. He slowly moved to the door of the gym and pressed his hand against it gently, "Who?" he asked as he pushed the door open gently.
Robert Smith

OOC: Sorry for the delay on my part. I plan to do the second back story tomorow. This psot is a few steps back.

IC: I was doing well at my little game. I had two points already and was going for the third. I tossed it and to my suprise the dork cought the ball. Well, I've been interecepted guess it's in his chance now.

The boring lecture raged onward and I waited patiently for him to make his move. Aparently he didn't understand the game, he made no atempt at all. The class ended after a very long boring lecture.

We moved into lunch one of the beter places of school, although the food had to be imported from home. I sat down at my usal bench Next to Rick and across from Jake and Paul. I began to fold a paper football, when Kevin walked by. Rick stood up. 'I bet I can give him a good scare.' "Kevin doesn't want to play, don't make him." Rick ignored me and moved off to taunt Kevin. I flicked the ball over to Jake.

"Avoiding home. Why'd you get beat up, insult someone's mother?" She kicked the water and watched it spray back down.


T'lon jumped only barely, backing up slightly from the door and blinking at the voice. He relaxed slightly when he saw who had spoken.
Back story: Dream 2

OOC: At this point I am thinking powers may become slightly stronger after each dream. in a few posts there will be a way to give it a larger boost.

IC: "Why are you holding me here?" A shadowy figure called out into the darkness around her. The room was silent except for the anger seeping out of the brown haired woman. "Who are you to trap me like this!"

'We are those that made your kind.' The darkness replied in a subtle tone.

"You lock me away and rob me of my power, you have no right to do this."

'And who are you to wield the power we gave you in such a destructive manner. Your purpose is to heal, and yet you would create another wound.'

"I demand my power back! You took everything from me! You robbed me of everything I suffered to create."

'We did not, we left you one gift.'

"And what would that be! the ability to stay alive and suffer!"

'Possibly; our gift is a chance. You awoke an ability to live forever, and we have not sealed that away. You will live to be reunited with your family, assuming they pass the test. How ever if they fail you will live to be the last of your kind.'
'Avoiding home. Why'd you get beat up, insult someone's mother?'

"If only it was that simple." Kevin walked over to the pool and cuped water between his hands, than slashed his face with it, letting the cold water cool down his heated face from the running and to clean of the wounds.

"Eeeehh... Its stings, but its better than nothing."


Kevin looked torwards the door as T'lon jumped back. For a second, Kevin was alarmed, but he noticed who it was and relaxed. "Oh, its you."