Could Be Much Of What "Biden" did Was Illegal


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Oversight Project investigation: Biden autopen signature used on 'every document we could find'​

The Oversight Project is questioning "who controlled the autopen" because "they controlled the presidency."

By Nicholas Ballasy
Published: March 8, 2025 5:17pm
Updated: March 8, 2025 6:55pm

The Oversight Project, an investigative arm of the conservative Heritage Foundation, alleged an excessive use of autopen signature by former President Biden when he was in the White House.

"We gathered every document we could find with Biden's signature over the course of his presidency. All used the same autopen signature except for the announcement that the former President was dropping out of the race last year," the organization wrote on X alongside examples of Biden's autopen signature.
The Oversight Project is questioning "who controlled the autopen" because "they controlled the presidency."

Following the Oversight Project findings, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey called for the Department of Justice to investigate whether Biden’s "cognitive decline allowed unelected staff to push through radical policy without his knowing approval."

Bailey argued that if the widespread autopen use turns out to be true, "these executive orders, pardons, and all other actions are unconstitutional and legally void."

More here:

If Jill Biden or another unauthorized individual secretly signed executive orders using an autopen, knowing that Joe Biden was unaware or incapable of understanding them, this could constitute fraud, and usurpation of executive authority. The specific criminal charges could include false statements, impersonation, and conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government under multiple federal statutes.
The speaker has said a lot of things.
There needs to be an investigation into the matter. Joe Biden needs to be interviewed under oath and questioned about every one of those auto penned EOs.
There needs to be an investigation into the matter.
The DoJ will decide based on recommendations from the legislature or states.

Joe Biden needs to be interviewed under oath and questioned about every one of those auto penned EOs.
Your bias continues to be noted.

I know you've already decided on the outcome and will react accordingly as conclusions are made.
The DoJ will decide based on recommendations from the legislature or states.

Your bias continues to be noted.

I know you've already decided on the outcome and will react accordingly as conclusions are made.
The DOJ will act on the orders of the President or the Attorney General. We're talking about E.O. here.
This is minor compared to Dementia Joe ordering the assassination attempt X2 on Trump! But then he's too cognitively impaired to testify in court! It should be fun to watch what happens! And if these don't send him away, there is so so much more! The guy was a career criminal and he deserves everything he's about to get! MArCH MADNESS Enjoy the fun! 🏀🍿🏀🍿
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Glad you're already on board with the authoritarian/autocracy 👍
You were on board for the authoritarian autocractic persecution of of Donald Trump by Joe Biden and his DOJ. That isn't what I'm suggesting here. There is enough at stake to warrant an investigation. Take note that Trump personally signs his EO.s. It should be easy to confirm if they are legal or not. My research has uncovered the following:

1. Official Procedures & Documentation

Presidential Directive or Authorization
  • There should be written, recorded, or witnessed approval from the President explicitly authorizing autopen use for a specific E.O.
  • The White House Counsel’s Office should maintain records confirming presidential approval before the autopen is used.

Signature Logs & Authentication
  • The White House staff should maintain a log recording when the President reviews and approves documents for autopen use.
  • Electronic or physical evidence (such as a digitally signed memo, video record, or written instruction) should exist to confirm authorization.

  • The Chief of Staff, White House Counsel, or other senior officials should be able to attest that the President explicitly reviewed and approved the order.
  • If questioned, these officials should provide sworn testimony confirming the President’s role.
You were on board for the authoritarian autocractic persecution of of Donald Trump by Joe Biden and his DOJ. That isn't what I'm suggesting here. There is enough at stake to warrant an investigation. Take note that Trump personally signs his EO.s. It should be easy to confirm if they are legal or not. My research has uncovered the following:

1. Official Procedures & Documentation

Presidential Directive or Authorization
  • There should be written, recorded, or witnessed approval from the President explicitly authorizing autopen use for a specific E.O.
  • The White House Counsel’s Office should maintain records confirming presidential approval before the autopen is used.

Signature Logs & Authentication
  • The White House staff should maintain a log recording when the President reviews and approves documents for autopen use.
  • Electronic or physical evidence (such as a digitally signed memo, video record, or written instruction) should exist to confirm authorization.

  • The Chief of Staff, White House Counsel, or other senior officials should be able to attest that the President explicitly reviewed and approved the order.
  • If questioned, these officials should provide sworn testimony confirming the President’s role.
That's not research....that is you asking chatgpt and copy/pasting its answer.

The DoJ decides whether to pursue an investigation.
Was every Trump rape legal?

It's not illegal if the President does it, even if it happened before he was elected.
That's not research....that is you asking chatgpt and copy/pasting its answer.

The DoJ decides whether to pursue an investigation.
That's research. The DOJ, or the President can order an investigation or appoint a Special Counsel.
LL74 doesn’t have his wife’s permission to post here all day, which is why triggers so easily.


Nancy Reagan ran the country for most of Ronnie’s second term.

Jill knew what Joe wanted most of the time…who cares?

Trump’s way crazier than any of that!
That's research. The DOJ, or the President can order an investigation or appoint a Special Counsel.
No, that's copy paste. Research involves taking multiple sources of information and making your own analysis based on that information.

The President can do lots of does not mean that they should. The DoJ should always be independent in their decisions. The President should always provide advice and allow them to be independent.
Crazy! Unprecedented! Madness! You should read this The Robot That Helped to Make a President.
