Cowboy Bebop: Demiurge -- OOC Thread

who me? nah, my guy is a born leader. at least untill everyone finds out he';s full of shit.
no no no... what I meant was are you going to end up turning against us when you screw everything up... or maybe just have to deal with everyone getting pissed at you?
oh heh, don't worry about him siding with the criminals, he grew uip in a bounty hunters ship!
jeez, I post my charcter after three days at 3:00 in the mroning and the thread starts to go somewhere... where's Jacobo?
It's only midnight here! ^_^

I like all these characters. I just hope I don't have to be the only girl. That might get a little scary, at least for Lena. o_O;;
you could always play like the girl on the show... and there aren't really a lot of female bounty hunters aside from Heavy Metal Queen....
So let's see: currently, the players are Khad, 4U, Hy, AW, and I? I want to try and keep track of things. ^_^

Everything seems good so far. Hy, what sort of functions do you plan for your character to have ability in?

As for Lena, she has a cool nerve and a practiced indifference toward death that makes her skilled at piloting and gunfighting. She's learning physical martial arts, but she still needs to work out. Her build remains slim and girlish -- the kind of girl that if she wore a baggy shirt and loose jeans and put her hair up under a baseball cap, you'd mistake her for a boy. So, hand-to-hand, she can't fight well yet. She's just as aggressive as any man when her life is in danger, though.
Little more info on Ty:

Ty is the Maitenence type. Mopping, sweaping, cleaning the toilets, and sometimes tuning parts of the ship or the weapons. Other than that, Ty is just good at bounty hunting.
Lets see... I got Jet, Jacobo's got a female Spike.... and we got two maintenance people... all we need is Ein! (Thats a joke.)
my character

Ok, due to insomnia & a chat partner last night I have a character in mind for the game. I'm gonna play a more experienced character, & yes, he's a bounty hunter.
Let me get ahold of Jac & hash out the details & I'll have him posted tonight
AW's character is going to bring his own armed shuttle along, which will help. The Pleroma will have it's own away-team ship for dogfights as well, the Mariankind.

Mariankind, deliver me from evil -- I think it's cool, anyway. ;)

So, 4U, your Jet character will take care of most of the computer stuff then, too? I guess we won't exactly have a hacker, but we'll probably just make due.

I think our two "maintenence" people are very different from each other, though, which is nice. Hy, do you think Ty will be able to impress Lena enough to split the cash with him? It's not like he's gonna do it for free -- she'd probably think he was crazy if he offered -- and, of course, he is a good martial artist, but would she be able to know that? Hmm, maybe we could set up a scene where Ty helps her out when she arrives looking for allies -- some sort of impressive hand-to-hand combat that makes her more keen towards adopting him as a crew member. Yeah, that would work, if you don't mind that sort of introduction. ^_^

Heheh, a female Spike -- yup, that's pretty much her. I'm afraid she isn't much of a Faye (Lena's not very good at not taking things seriously, even when she wants to), and isn't quite as well-built or scantily clad, but you guys will just have to make do, right? ;)

Hmm, an Ein... hey, guys, in the world of Cowboy Bebop, how good has Artificial Intelligence been advanced? There aren't androids, I don't think, but can you hold conversations with computers? I'm pretty sure no, but I just want to check.

Heh heh, I just realized how odd that sounds: "not very good at not taking things seriously." Still, it's the best way to describe her. She's overanalytical and overly serious. ^_^
scratches his head* you people are looking far too deep into this, he's not applying as a ship jockey, he's a bounty hunter, not a mechanic. he just has the know how to fix junk
OK Gang, here is my character (some things are real general because I haven't seen the damn anime yet)

ok, here goes
Name: Alexan Rosantha
Working Name: BloodWynd
Description: Male, 6'2", 230 lbs. 34 years old. White hair worn back in a long ponytail, no facial hair. He has a ice blue eye. His left arm, leg, & the upper left side of his head, including his left eye has been replaced with a black metal cyberwear. His artificial eye is red, but can have the glow turned off for night ops.
History: Alexan was trained for wet ops. He was the guy you sent in to do the dirty jobs that couldn't be done, & he did them well. That is until the day he was sent to target a man, & his family were with him. When the man's daughter got in the way, he hesitated, and was gunned down & left for dead by his bodyguards.
His employers retrieved his body, & suprisingly found him still alive. What followed was one of the most advanced cybernetic replacements performed on a man, & the fist try at mind control.
This was their mistake. On his first mission with his new body, the control chip fried, and he remembered all that had happened to him, and all that he had overheard during the operations. He disabled the tracking device built into his arm, & stole a armed and armored shuttle, & headed to Mars. There he rebuilt his life as a bounty hunter, and a good one. He takes hard cases, ones that are dangerous, and delivers as promised. He has been rougue for 5 years now, & has recently noticed that something is missing from his life. He has grown distant from people, and almost emotionless. He fears he is loosing what little humanity he has left..........
Khadgar said:
scratches his head* you people are looking far too deep into this, he's not applying as a ship jockey, he's a bounty hunter, not a mechanic. he just has the know how to fix junk

Oh, I see. I'm sorry, Khad -- I don't mean to misrepresent you. That's just the impression I got, since you said he was sort of a cabin boy, right? What sort of bounty hunting skills does he have, then? Does he know how to shoot, etc.?
*whistles* black ops? extreemly sucessful BH that goes after the hardest targets? thats pretty high scale for our operatiomn.
like it says, he's gone and caught bountys before, a half dozen of them, he's skilled in that art, he's just lying his all off about HOW good he is.
actually, he's getting to the point of suicidal missions, & when he realized this he dissapeared for a year.

Me & Jac are still filing down the rough edges, so it will probably be modified somewhat.
I like your char, AW, but you might want to make him maybe five years older. If he spent five years as a bounty hunter, that would mean he escaped his employers at age 27... pretty young to take on the big shit. He should probably have been around early thirties then, and then now maybe he's, I dunno, 36 or 37...
Also: 4U's and AW's characters both seem kind of like Jet-style characters -- though AW's is probably more serious on average than Jet is. Maybe, 4U, you should post some more information on how your character acts, as well. Perhaps your character has the sense of humor that has died out of AW; it would be interesting if, since you guys might be around the same age, you'd try to become friends, but AW would have so much of the life beaten out of him that the relation ends up uncomfortable.

Or something. It's just an idea. I don't want to tell you what to do, but I also don't want to tell you to change things without giving you any options I've thought of.
anything to comment about my own char? something you;d like to talk about alter?