Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

"It was your first time, really?" knowing it was a difficult subject. I didn't want to say, "How was it for you?" and drive in her shame. A virgin and I can't remember anything. Shame for me. More for her. Damn it. I shouldn't be thinking about this. My emotions are as confused as her's, probably.

Drawing in a breath and letting it out slowly, my gaze turned to her with a soft toned voice, "Look, Gra'tia, don't beat yourself up. I know that's hard given the circumstances. It won't do you any good to keep kicking yourself. What's happened has happened. Can't change it. What matters right now is, we get to Sindiium. We do what you hired me to do. Can't lose focus on that."

Pausing to gather my thoughts, my eyes turned back to the hyperspace tunnel. I would frequently gaze into it to lose myself in thoughts.
Her eyes returned to him, though the only thing that betrayed this was her helmet turning slightly in his direction. What he said was rather sweet, given the circumstances, and she felt grateful that he didn't hate her. Hatred and anger were so easy to summon when one didn't have a villain they could grab and throttle right then and there.

After a long period of silence, he would feel a gloved hand rest tentatively on one of his own before hearing her soft voice say, "Thank you, Redar. I appreciate you." She then quickly withdrew her hand as though touching him for too long would burn him and she cleared her throat awkwardly.
She touched me. It was heartwarming in a way. Her pulling away made me chuckle on the inside. For a warrior she was still awkward. "You're not so bad yourself," giving her a reassuring smirk then looked away. A warm feeling entered my chest. Now I felt good about myself. Now Gra'tia can feel at ease.

Good thing to, the NAVI-computer chirped. "Looks like we are approaching our next stop," I said glancing over at the computer that flashed a red light, a warning we are five minutes from exiting hyperspace.
She did feel better, letting herself relax a bit. He was right: it had happened. All they could do was finish the job and then go back to Thrask to kick some Slime-dealer ass. He didn't hate her, and that was a huge relief in of itself. The woman smiled to herself under her helmet. While she still wished it hadn't happened, she had to admit that in a way she was grateful it had been him. Few people could forgive such a thing so easily.

Gra'tia nodded at him and strapped herself in. Not that she would need it. Sindiium was a pleasure planet, and rumored to be extremely inviting in both weather, cities, and people. Likely their landing would be as smooth as butter.

She tapped something on her arm and read some text, her own notes. "We're looking for a casino called, "Sensual Suggestion." My contact will be there and we can meet her at the bar. If you want to join, you're welcome to do so. If not..." The woman glanced at him again. "Well, there's plenty to keep you occupied."
Sindiium was new to me. A pleasure planet, countless fun. I would rather stick close to Gra'tia for I would feel out of place. Best to stick together. I'm sure there would be a lot of other ladies of the night to keep me warm, this was part of the contract and we must see it through. "I'm sticking with you," I replied bluntly.

The NAVI-computer beeped as I strapped myself in. We fell out of hyperspace and Sindiium loomed in front of us. She was right. It was a pleasure planet. More land than Thrask with gentle weather patterns. Entering the name of the casino into the computer, it quickly spat out a route for us to take. "Okay. Got our coordinates," glancing at the console as we entered the atmosphere. Both hands grabbed the stick tightly expecting a harsh entry like Thrask. To my surpise, we eased right on through it. Rather disappointed really.
Thank god... She sighed. She was pretty relieved it was such a soft entry. Immediately, the console beeped with an incoming communication. Once it was turned on, a sultry voice came on.

"Welcome to Sindiium... Before you enter, please be aware that our laws prohibit the use of blasters, lasers, knives, or sabers... for violent means, at least. As long as you agree to this, you are welcome to come and stay for as long as you like." The voice almost sounded like they were trying to seduce them, putting extra emphasis on the word "enter" and "come" as though the very thought of those things made the person on the other end horny. What is your intended destination?"

"Sensual Suggestions Casino," Gra'tia answered shortly, feeling somewhat awkward about the interaction.

"Mm... delightful." Was the response she got.
That made me blink several times. Was that a real woman on the other end or some droid mimicking one? Very seductive. I glanced over at Gra'tia, that was weird. Felt uneasy. No weapons? If this was a pleasure planet then they must have high security to keep it going. Okay. Okay. Just follow the rules. No need to get angry about it.

We skimmed over the surface, passing by the many lavish buildings of this place. Weaving around other ships in dock. Ferry people back and forth from one side of the planet to the other on their various field trips. Lively place. Bright and colorful. Couldn't help but smile.

"Once we get our clearance to land, I will set us down and lock up the ship. Once we meet your contact, we can go from there," I replied patting myself down. My blaster is still on my hip. That would be left in the cockpit. Felt myself over for any other weapons. Stuff I kept in my pockets. This feeling of being searched upon landing filled my mind.

Druk! What if they search the ship! If they do, the panels for the hidden compartment should do their job.
Gra'tia Pondered for a moment. "You don't think my armor counts as a weapon, does it?" She hoped not. It was true that she had several volatile weapons in her gauntlets and such, but they weren't super obvious. The woman didn't have anything else to wear other than her skin-suit, and she didn't foresee herself feeling comfortable with that thin layer of cloth as her only garment (other than her helmet of course. They could pry that from her cold, dead hands).
Lips pursed and glancing at her, "Hmm. No. I don't think so." After looking her over once, my eyes went back up to see every inch of her body. Druk. What if they want her to take it off? We get a fight and we don't get to accomplish our mission.

"If they say no to your armor, tell them that it's against your religion to take it off," I replied. "If they don't ask about the gadgets you're carrying, then don't say anything to draw attention to them." Speaking as I removed my belt and holster and laid it over the console so it was within reach if I came back.
She sighed, "I don't particularly like lying, but I suppose it does have its place at times, and it is true in regards to my helmet." The woman unholstered her own blaster and went to her room to stash it. When she came back, the ship was just touching down in the Casino's lavish landing zone. Now was the time to contact her.

The Mandalorian pushed a few buttons on her gauntlet and a voice answered, "Gra'tia! I didn't think you'd be able to come! Are you actually on the planet or just passing by? I can meet you in orbit if you need."

"No, no. That's won't be necessary. We've just touched down on the Casino, so we should be able to meet you shortly."

There was a pause on the other end. "We? I thought it was just you."

Gra'tia glanced at Redar. "I have my... friend with me."

"Wow, you have a friend? That's great! Is he from a different clan or...?"

"Oh, he's not Mandalorian, we met on a job and are currently traveling together."

The other voice seemed slightly relieved, though Gra'tia didn't pick up on it. "Okay, that's fine. I'll meet you at the bar if that's okay?"


With that, she turned off the channel and nodded at the smuggler. "I suppose it's time to go.
Firmly nodding to her, I turned and pressed the release button on the cockpit ramp. A hiss from the pistons as it yawned open. The ramp touched down. Gave myself one last pat down. Nothing left on me except some credits, just in case. Taking the lead and coming down the ramp, the first people to greet us are a pair of uniformed security officers wearing dark blue uniforms and broad white leather belts across their chest and waist.

"Welcome to Sensual Suggestions Casino," one of them smiled warmly. "Before you can proceed, we need to scan you all for any weapons. Please raise your hands," pulling out a scan baton from his waist belt holster.

Glancing over at Gra'tia, this was it. I approached with my hands raised above my head. Pointing the tip of the bulb shaped rod around my body, the guard slowly scanned around the entire length of my body. Across my chest it beeped. The guard pulled back, "Sir, I need to see what's in your pockets."

Reaching inside I fish out and hold out in my palm a bunch of credit chips. The scanning resumed. Satisfied that I was clean, the guards said, "Thank you, sir. Please step aside while we scan your companion here." At the same time, several droids came forward to scan the Outlander. Following their instructions I stepped aside, pocketed the chips, and patiently waited.
Gra'tia also came out with her hands out, submitting herself to the droid for inspection. It started at her feet and kept beeping until it reached her helmet. At that point the officer was looking at her incredulously as though she couldn't possibly expect them to let her in like that.

"I'm sorry miss, but you have blades in your foot-pieces, grenades and blasters in your gauntlets, electric tasers in your torso, and some sort of firing mechanism in your helmet. We're going to need you to change into something else before being allowed entry." The officer tried to remain polite, but made it clear that they weren't going to take much pushback.

"My armor is part of my religion," she tried, hoping it worked.

The officer raised an eyebrow, "and keeping this planet free of violence is part of ours. You can either remove your armor, or stay in the ship."

"Can I at least keep my helmet? It only fires a marble, and I only use it for..." Fuck, she felt weird saying it, "erotic punishments."

Her statement was received with a more thoughtful look and the officer leaned over to consult the other in hushed voices. When they were done, they nodded to her. "The helmet can stay."
Body tensed up when the officers rambled off the illegal weapons. Karabast! At least the religion defense worked, to a degree. That meant Gra'tia had to go back and change out. Then I remembered, she didn't have anything else. Scratching my chin, I wanted to call out to her that there might be something for her in my quarters, but the guards turned to me, and I was forced to keep silent.

They dismissed her to change, leaving me to remain outside, waiting with arms crossed and tapping my foot, impatiently. The other droids continued their scan of the Outlander. While we waited, the officers asked, "What brings you this way?"

"Have a good time. Meet some friends here," forcing a smile. My answers are calculated. No stuttering or pausing to think. Can't show that I'm holding back or they would get suspicious and question further. "Some friends of ours are waiting for us inside," figuring, hoping, that the crowd inside is too big for the guards to know all of the attendants inside.
"Some friends, huh? Are you the ones that Mandalorian woman is waiting for? It's rare to see them in general, but two at the same place at the same time is even more uncommon." The officer continued the conversation with interest.

It wasn't long before Gra'tia had come back out. While she didn't want to be there in a skin-tight bodysuit, it wasn't as though she had much of a choice. She was given one more scan before the officers were satisfied with the fact that she no longer had any additional weapons.
When she came out the guards had their eyes on her. I mean, ON her. They didn't need the scanners. Their eyes are doing all of the work in seeing that figure in a body suit. Eyebrows buckled looking at her. The conversation the guard and I were having was forgotten and they allowed us to leave. At the same time the droids finished their scan of the Outlander. Finding nothing they left, and I locked up the ship.

Walking side by side with Gra'tia, I lean into her, "How do you feel?" Rather silly question to ask. We went up the steps towards the casino. People we past are looking at us, rather at her. I could see them leaning into each other, whispering and pointing. As if it's the first time. Some laughed. Other leered. Don't know how Gra'tia was feeling, I was feeling nervous with all this unwanted attention.
"I am absolutely fine," she replied quickly, though a moment later she admitted in a lower voice, "well, I'm actually very flustered right now. I feel very... exposed." The woman still stood tall as she usually did, but she could feel a lot of eyes on her. It wasn't the. usual curious or malicious gazes she got when she entered a new place, it was more that her body was being assessed. People were drinking in every inch of her, a few of them even seeming to chuckle and whisper something to their partners. Perhaps they thought she was a voyeur or something. It was rather... embarrassing.
Take it all in stride. We are here for a mission. Not to be part of a person's perverted fantasy. I tried not to look at her. It would only add to her worry.

"We will be less exposed once we meet your contact. Then we can find a spot to talk things over in private. There's a lot of booths here," I said slowly craning my head around. Looking at all of the glowing faces. People basking in the pleasures of the place. Throwing dice, playing cards, sitting in booths and drinking and laughing. Having extravagent meals. Dancers in the distance. Some of the men had busty women on their laps. Others had men on their arms. Here anything goes, I guess.

Music hummed from an overhead PA system. There was laughter and drinking and eating. I could smell the cooked meat lingering in the air. This looked to be a nice place.
"Yes... I am hoping so." She spoke tensely, her gaze flicking to-and-fro under her helmet. It seemed that a lot of people thought she fit right in to the "pleasure planet" aesthetic. Her gait became quicker as she bee-lined for the bar.

Soon it came into sight and on one of the stools sat another woman with similar armor to Gra'tia's. Her own helmet was dark blue and silver, and the rest of her armor was also missing. Though this woman had found alternative garments for herself, namely a sensual read dress that accentuated her curves. Her hand had a hold of a bubbly pink drink with a long straw.

When she saw Gra'tia, she put it down and stood up excitedly, coming over and giving her a long hug. "Gra'tia! It's good to see you! It's been ages!" Her hands crept down and she squeezed both of Gra'tia's asscheeks, prompting her to jump and chuckle in a flustered manner.

"It's good to see you too! Your situation sounded... dire, so it's good to see that things are not as bad as they were previously."
I stood there blinking several times. Trying to make head and tails of this. A Mandalorian woman, wearing her helmet and a...dress? That's a new one. Kind of funny. It must be a camoflage. It's working. The eyes on us lessened. When this contact hugged Gra'tia and then grabbed her cheeks, I stood there red faced. This is very unusual. I'm starting to like this place already!

The Mandalorian in the dress had her face concealed, but I could feel her eyes looking at me through her visor. Studying me from head to toe. Kept up a strong figure. Back straight. One hand at my side and the other other lightly waving to be accomedating.

"Hi! I'm Redar, Gra'tia's companion in all of this. What's say that we get ourselves a booth, huh?" giving a smirk and then looking slowly about for a place, a place well in the corner and in the dark. Away from prying eyes.
"That sounds like an excellent idea, Redar. I am Sigrun Katan, and I welcome your company." One could tell she was grinning under her helmet, her voice giving away her pleasant disposition. "I actually already have a booth reserved, come with me."

With that, the woman took Gra'tia's hand and led them over to a plush, violet booth in the corner of the room that had high backs to the seats that curled away from the room itself. No one would be able to see them within unless they walked around them and into the corner of the room. In essence, they had the booth to themselves. While Sigrun seemed exuberant and outgoing, Gra'tia was still reserved and somewhat awkward. The squeeze to her ass had been rather embarrassing, but she wasn't going to say anything to make things weird between. It was true that she hadn't disliked it... but it wasn't something she liked having done to her in public. She had always known Sigrun to be playful, though she hadn't ever taken it too far thankfully.

When they got to the booth, Gra'tia scooted around the round seats to the middle, Sigrun scooting in next to her to her right side and leaning against her fondly. This was met with Gra'tia simply sitting there stiffly. Shooting and fighting were her fortes- relationships were her weakness. She wasn't adept at navigating the social intricacies, even with a friend from the past.

Sigrun fixed her gaze on Redar and beckoned him to sit. "So! How did the two of you meet? How are you getting along?"
Sitting there and comparing the two, it was night and day. Gra'tia being as rigid as a statue. While Sigrun is fawning like a lovestruck teen. Decided to sit on Gra'tia's left as there was more room for me there, and we ended up wedging her between us.

"Well, Gra'tia found me. She said that she needed someone to help run supplies, and someone referred her to me," leaning back against my stiff-backed seat. We are getting along. The whole incident with the Slime is best kept between Gra'tia and myself. With one hand I brush over my short hair and look at the two Mandalorian women, one in a dress and the other in a skintight body suit their two helmets shielding their faces leading me to wonder what they looked like.

"I would say we are getting along. Though, I have to say that our journey, so far, has been rocky. After we met and left the station, the Imperials tracked us down. We had a brief firefight before escaping. I have no doubt that they are still on the lookout for us."
"Fucking Imperials..." Sigrun scoffed. "A bunch of blaster-happy assholes.It's good to hear that you two are managing though." She gave the other Mandalorian a teasing smile as she pushed a button on the side of the booth to summon a waiter for drinks. "Our Gra'tia can be a bit standoffish, so don't feel bad if it's strictly business with her."

Gra'tia was glad she had her helmet on in that moment. It was true- usually she did keep people at arm's length, but the way she said it so casually didn't make her feel particularly good and she wasn't sure why. She let out a weak chuckle and shrugged, "nothing wrong with keeping things professional."

This was received with a playful tone as the other woman replied, "yeah, yeah we know. Luckily, you have me! As long as I'm still kicking, you're always welcome to visit."
Inside I wondered, how did these two get to be so different? It's obvious to me they knew each other, and seemed to observe the same religion and are of the same people. How did Sigrun get to be bubbly and Gra'tia be so flat and monotone? Well, there are some things that Sigrun didn't know, and probably shouldn't know about us.

Forcing a smile, I said, "She can be that way, yeah, but it hasn't hampered our progress. We got away from the Imps and made a couple of detours to throw off a pursuit. I wouldn't say our tracks have been dusted, but I think we are good for right now. Unless someone here recognizes us. Given how everyone seems to be enjoying the games and drinking."

Leaning back and stretching out my arms to get the tightness out of them, before they come together and rest on top of the table.

Speaking of drinking, a lovely lady wearing a cocktail dress sauntered over to our booth. Putting up her bright face and smile, she bent forward slightly to speak to us. "And what will you be having?" she asked us as I laid out some credit chips onto the table.
"I'll be having a Bukkake Special," Sigrun replied.

Gra'tia didn't like that all the drinks had some sort of sexual theme to them, but what could you do when you were on a pleasure planet? "I'll just have a non-alcoholic juice."

The other Mandalorian shook her head, "oh no you don't. She'll have the Cocksleeve with extra cherries."

"You know I don't drink when I'm on a job," her voice was tense as she looked at Sigrun.

"You're not on a job right now- you're here to help me out. But first, you're here to relax with me before we get to the nitty gritty details. Come ooon, you can't always be a stick-in-the-mud." The blue-armored woman whined.

There was a pause before Gra'tia reluctantly answered with a short, "fine."
Reading through the list of drinks made me chuckle and shake my head lightly. Such naughty things. When the Mandalorians are giving off their orders, and then bickering about what Gra'tia should have, I was allowed to read the list a little further.

Gangbang Jubilee. The DP Slurry. The Raw Dog Spice. Who comes up with these names really has a perverted mind. I like it. Sigrun was trying to get Gra'tia to loosen up and I looked over the cocktail waitress. Eh. Not as busty as the whore we left, and not a redhead. Eh. Still looked cute. By the looks of it she's been working this job for years given how she can move around effortlessly in those heels.

When it was my turn, I replied, "I'll have the Snowjob, please," nodding to the waitress before sliding over the credits to her. Normally I don't like to drink during business. Here I should make an exception. Gra'tia was uptight and rigid. She needed to loosen up and Sigrun knew just how to do that.

This business was between the two of them. I was just along for the ride right now. Still, if Gra'tia was meeting Sigrun as her contact, then it would be best to conform to the situation. It's just like business, if you want to appease a potential customer, you have to adapt to the customer's needs and desires. It's not to be taken personally. It's all about making the deal. If Gra'tia just takes one drink that would loosen her up and put Sigrun at ease.

While that happens, I take my drink and watch the show with my front row seats!