Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

"Oh, that was your intent?" For now it was my turn to feel foolish. First instincts were correct. The awkward situation made the hairs stand on the back of my neck. Reaching back and clapping a hand onto them and gently rubbing.

"I'll admit, I thought that what was about to happen. Then I had second thoughts. What if you just wanted to give a test taste? I didn't want you to think that you are just a piece of meat."

The faint taste of chocolate and raspberries lingered in my mouth. A piece of prime meat. Maybe it was Mt drive. Maybe it was the chocolate. I couldn't think about it any further.

Reaching out and grabbing her shoulders, slowly drawing her in, giving her time to reject, I planted a wet kiss on her lips, surprisingly finding them in the darkness.
She was going to reply to him, but she found a pair of lips pressed against her. Not that she was complaining. Like that sweet delicacy, she melted against him and kissed him back softly. There were a few metal clunks as she discarded several pieces of armor onto the floor, leaving her in her catsuit only. It was then that she turned her body to the side and sat on his lap.

Her lips pulled back from him for a moment and she chuckled, "it seems that despite my ineptitude, my seduction ultimately resulted in success. I don't mind you assuming that I want to be intimate with you- I have a very high drive, so more often than not, you will be correct in your assumption."
For someone who was inexperienced in sex, Gra'tia was finding more and more of it inside her than she realized, or at least as much as I realized.

Her hot and heavy body sat across my lap. Instantly my right hand slowly stroked her catsuit covered thighs slowly up and down, from the knee to ankle. The other wrapped around her waist, effectively arresting her against my own body.

Her heavy chest pressed against my my own and her tined thighs and large backside on my lap. Ah, yes. Heaven with the perfect body.

"I just didn't want you to think it was going to be all sex all the time," whispering to her as we are at point blank range that I can feel her hot breath splashing against my face. "We have had chocolate sampling to the mix to spice things up."
"Sex all the time doesn't sound like the worst fate I could conjure up..." she mused with a smile, "but I understand your sentiment. I too hope that you know that I don't simply desire you because of your sexual prowess and irresistibly handsome face. You are a man of good character with a playful side, and I find that... very attractive."

Gra'tia leaned in and kissed his neck, grateful that now they were finally alone. Unless someone attacked them, they would be left to their own devices and could do whatever they pleased. What she desired was to make a memory with him that he would remember, being that when he was inside her the two times prior he had no recollection of those actions afterwards.
Leaning away to expose more of my neck to her, let Gra'tia wander up and down my neck. She was in a good position to do so. Meantime my fingers graced up and down her body. It didn't sound so bad after all. Just so long we both understood each other. Clear communication was the key. At least that's what I heard someone say at one point. Don't remember who that was. Sex with Gra'tia was intriguing for a number of factors. The mystery of her true appearance. Her hot body. Willingness to do things most others would not. A seemingly insatiable drive. What a time it would be to keep pumping her fat backside and tits.

The hot, wet sensation of her lips and tongue sent jolts of electricity rolling through my body. The hairs all over stood on end. "Mmmmmm. Yeah..." gasping. Eyes rolling back while her lips worked their magic. Letting her do this for awhile was my tactic. Give her a chance to work on her abilities some more.

Doesn't mean I was entirely idle. No. Fingers on the right hand went up and down her thighs as the other wrapped around her slender hips. With that the right hand went upwards and cupped her covered chest. Fingers lightly pressing against the catsuit layer.
She worked her way down his neck to his collarbone and then back up, though about half-way up she decided to simply drag her tongue along his skin before nipping at his earlobe. He was always so considerate of her, being conscious about what might hurt her feelings or please her. The very fact that he cared how she felt made her quite enamored with him.

“You were the first man in both places between my legs, you know, but I’m glad you don’t remember the first time. We’ll have to make up those memories as we go, won’t we?”
Mentioning the 'first time', it's for the best that I don't remember it. "Yes. We should...not just yet..." whispering as she nibbled upon my ear. For I really enjoyed what she was doing to me at the moment, the succulent licking and such was making me hard. It could be felt running down the left inner thigh. "Keep doing what you're doing. I like it!" A smile beaming.

While she was doing my left hand let go of her hip and travelled slowly, following the curvature of her spine. The smooth feeling of her catsuit just on the tips. Until finding the space between her shoulder blades where stroked lightly. Other hand continued to play with her chest. Squeezing it a little harder. The material form snuggly around her body.
She felt very pleased with herself, hearing that what she was doing was getting him riled up. Though she didn't have to take his word for it either, as she could certainly feel the erection that was starting to rear its head. Gra'tia agreed that their light touches, their flirty caresses were a very enjoyable thing. There was no rush; they could take all the time they needed since they were all by themselves now.

His earlobe was abandoned as she returned to his neck, kissing it once more in greeting before gently sucking on his skin. There was a slight pinch as she left a little love-bit upon him, though the next moment her lips were pressed tenderly upon the nape of his neck.
Shiver after shiver rolled through my body. Oh, yeah. That's the ticket! Her touches are unrelenting and I loved it! Just about as much as I loved to play with her chest. Clutching the mound in one hand, giving a firm squeeze. Like stiff dough against the fingers. Letting go and feeling it inflate to do it all again.

"Mmmmm. Keep doing that, baby..." addressing her with a pet name just happened. Just so wrapped up in the excitement. "OH!" a sharp pinch followed by her lips on the nape. "That feels great!"

Others have tried to do this to be before. Eh. I didn't like it all that much because most had bad breath. A couple were also a little aggressive.
"Mm..." she hummed softly, enjoying the gentle squeeze of his fingers on her breast. Her nipple was starting to get hard from his attentions. She had never been called by a pet name like that, but she had to admit that she liked it. Perhaps it was because the words were from his lips though.

The woman kissed along his jaw until she was able to travel to the other side of neck, to which she lavished the same sort of attention. Her mouth relayed to him her lust and affection by her sweet smooches, while her playfulness was relayed in the occasional hickey she left bright on his skin. Though he couldn't see them in the dark, he would definitely see them in the mirror for several days afterwards.
Let her keep doing what's she's doing. The woman knew what to do. "Oh. Oh! Oh!" faint gasps when she pinched my again and again. Such a little minx. Soon I was going to have to punish her for her actions. Hehe. Wanted to at the moment. Just didn't have the angle. Plus I didn't want to end her fun right now. It was just as much fun to feel her chest and her lips.

"Mmmmm. Keep going. That's it...." whispering. "You're so good.....mmmmm" Not afraid to let it be known.

It felt like she was marking her territory. These marks would be seen by anyone, and I wasn't going to try and hide them. It would tell any woman that, I was taken. To any man, well, 'you will envy me.'

The more she pleasured me, the harder I became. It was screaming to be let out, and becoming angry the longer I refused it. What woudl I do to her when it was my turn? A wide array of things came to mind. Every time my mind tried to think of a good one, her lips would send my mind into the clouds, scattering the thoughts, forcing me to try again.
She kissed her way back up to his ear before giving it a lick from lobe to tip, her lips then hovering nearby so she could whisper, "you still have a wish, you know. From when you bet on the warrior back one Mandalore. You could use it now if you wanted to."
"I can? Hmmm. I wonder what I could wish for?" feigning innocense. What was desired was already sitting inside my head. Waiting for the right moment. This foreplay was so much fun that I wanted it to continue for a little while longer, feeling her warm body against me and her breast in my hand. "If you had a wish, Gra'tia, what would you wish for?"
"I would wish for Mandalore to be lush and prosperous, and for the people of Mandalore to be safe within its lands," she replied without hesitation, though she did pause for a moment afterwards.

A gentle hand came to his opposite cheek and she held his face tenderly before she continued in a somewhat quiet voice. "Though if I were only wishing for myself... I think I would want a day to relax where I didn't have to worry about myself or the cause, where I could take my helmet off and on as I pleased, where I could do... whatever I wanted. And I would want you to be there with me."

She pursed her lips. Gra'tia hadn't meant to bring the mood down, but she herself hadn't realized how heavy the cause felt on her shoulders at the moment. What she did was noble, and it helped a lot of people, but as a result she felt as though she didn't have a life of her own. Meeting him gave her the sweet, tempting taste of what life might be like if there wasn't a collar around her neck.
'Wow. That was something, wasn't it? Listening to her, taking it all in, reminded me how much of a damaged people the Mandalorians are. People that lost pretty everything in their life, their culture and people. I had nothing to lose, except the ship. That is before Gra'tia showed up.'

Not knowing how to answer her first request, I didn't say anything. Rather letting it slide right into her next request, which more agreeable. "Definately think that last one can be arranged," my wide was so wide that my cheeks ached and turned a shade of red. They felt heated as well. Just as the rest of my body was.

Showing her my affection, letting her continue to wander about my neck and head, my hands wandered up and down her body. One stroking her by following the curvature of her spine. The other, releasing her chest, went down, across her flat stomach and down her toned thighs all the way to the knees. Coming back up again, feeling the smooth texture of her cat suit.
Her hands went to his shoulders and she started gently massaging him. As always, her hands moved with grace and expertise, applying the perfect amount of pressure to be both relaxing and firm. Maybe his body at least remembered the massage she had given him that night at the hotel.

"You have tense muscles..." she murmured.
"Yes. They're very tense," chuckling lightly. Her touch sent a warm wave all through my body. Strangely, it felt familiar. As if this happened before. The 'tense muscles' and such felt like words that I have heard before coming from Gra'tia, as it was her voice in my ear speaking, but she wasn't physically at the moment. Why did it feel this way?

"Huh. I had a strange sense of deja vu? Like we've been through this exact event before. Have we?"
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Gra'tia perked up, feeling a bit excited that while he might not remember it clearly, he still had some sense of what had happened. His body remembered the caress of her hands and the way she had made him feel. "I gave you a massage that night we went to the hotel. It was a full-body massage and you seemed very satisfied by it. You seem to really like them, is that right?"
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Perking up and looking in her direct in the darkness. We did have this before? I must have enjoyed it if I could remember at least the memory of it. Blinking several times, drinking it all in. "I must have," speaking softly to her question. If my body was feeling this way, tense yet eager, that must mean that it wants another one of her massages.

"Could I bother you to give me another one of those massages, Gra'tia? A full body massage, if you don't mind. You're right. My muscles do seem tense. They could use some relaxation." A particular muscle in me was certainly tense. In fact, it was throbbing, yearning to be caressed.

"Maybe, once you're done, I could try the same on you. I may not be as talented as you are, perhaps, but I am a fast learner."
"I would be happy to," she replied eagerly. "I just need you to lay down for me.

Her hands directed him to lay down on the bed before she started her work on him. She first wanted him on his back, seeing as he was completely hard. Gra'tia wasn't sure if he would want to turn over when the time came since he was so erect, but she was happy to massage him if it wouldn't be uncomfortable for him. As far as her own massage went, she was interested to see if his hands would be sensual or rough; she could handle it either way.

Like before, she straddled his body and worked her way from shoulders downward. Her movements were diligent, working out his tenseness without being overly rough.
Before I knew it, I was on my back and she was on me. On my back first was best. Right now my cock felt like a kickstand. If I tried to roll over, it would stop me from going all the way. Arms relaxed and slightly spread from the side, allowing her fingers to work down their lengths. The widest of smiles was on my lips. My cheeks ached from smiling. My face was hot. Almost as hot as Gra'tia was. Even though I could not see even the slightest bit of her, I felt that she was the most beautiful and hottest being in the Galaxy. Here she was, straddling me, giving me all the attention.

Thoughts flowing through my mind, 'Don't explode! Don't explode!' That catsuit covering her body was the only thing separating her body from me. That would not last long. Right now it felt nice on my skin. A tight and smooth surface. Carefully breathing through the nose and out the mouth kept the heart rate from going critical. If I was being extra naughty, I would grasp hold my member and slap her large ass with it, a reminder of what lay ahead.
She continued to let her hands travel his body, squeezing and rubbing the tense parts of him. Even the parts that were relaxed, she gave them a cursory rub just to get them warmed up. There was nothing like a massage to get the body engaged and rejuvenated; perhaps when she was done he would feel more ease with their upcoming romp. Gra'tia had noticed that he tended to get very sore a lot of the time, whether that was from his movements or his bed, she wasn't sure. Whatever the case, his body wasn't as sturdy as hers was, so she wanted to treat it with care.

Switching positions, she rubbed his thighs and worked her way down his legs now. Though he couldn't see her in the dark, he might feel her breasts press against his thighs near his knees as she leaned over to massage his calves.
Shifting of her body then came the hands. Oh? Are those her breasts on my thighs? That means what's parked on me is her large, succulent ass! Thanks to her diligent massages, the feelings in my hands and fingers returned. A little tingling now that the blood flow was rejuvinated.

Another soft moan left me. Now I was holding it back. Laying my head onto the pillow with the mouth open slightly, out came a long string of deep inhales and exhales. Her fingers found the knots infecting my body. Working them out sent a jolt of pain up my body then came the relaxation of her rubbing.

"Mmmmm. Yeah......urk! Mmmmmm......oooooh.....mmmmm urk! Mmmmm"

Moving down my legs, I just couldn't hold myself at idle. Lifting my hands I grabbed either side of her ass, rubbing gently against the catsuit.

This is what I wanted. Felt that, she was feeling me up, I should feel her up. Just a little. A little squeeze and cupping, lightly pressing my thumbs against her catsuit. That fabric must be clinging to every curvature of her body, enhancing it. Holding in her breasts and ass. It was a mircle it could keep it all in. Wonder if they jiggle when she walks.
Normally, her breasts would have been bound, but it wasn't as though she had enough time to do so that morning. Thus, she had simply squished her way into her armor. It had been a bit uncomfortable, but she thought to herself that things had worked out pretty well in the end. She hoped he could feel them against her legs, especially since she knew he enjoyed breasts quite a lot from what she had seen.

And then she felt his hands on her ass.

She leaned her body back slightly to press her plump cheeks more firmly against his hand like a friendly cat rubbing its head affectionately against their owner's leg. Any man who grabbed her ass in normal circumstances might find themselves on their back in the dirt or with their wrist broken. Redar was the only exception; he could touch her ass as much as he liked as far as she was concerned.

"Are you trying to check for secret compartments?" she asked with a smile to her lips.
Smiling widely from ear to ear, "Mayyyybeeee....?" Here I was being so greedy with her body. Feeling that this was all mine. Gra'tia was still a woman and a Mandalorian. Have to respect that. May sound repetitive, it's me reminding myself that she's not like the others that came before.

The woman had skills. Maybe there was something hidden inside her. Inside the catsuit, or inside her body? Questions for later. Slowly digging my fingers into her catsuit, trying to feel the flesh that was concealed underneath before giving her backside some tender strokes with the tips of the fingers, lightly teasing her with my affection, letting her continue to stay on top.

Later, I could feel it, I was going to give her backside a spanking.