Creepy True Stories

Not creepy but sorta funny...

Government man came to a local farmer's house and said he wants to inspect his property for illegal crops there or stolen property.The farmer tells the guy he is free to look at anything he wants he's not nothing to hide.Pointed at one pasture and told the guy he shouldn't go looking there though.Govt man pulls out his badge flashes it and says I can go anywhere I want dude you don't tell me where to go or not to go.

Farmer says whatever go ahead,little bit later he sees the Govt man running for his life across his pasture as a big bull is after him as he crashes into the gate.Govt man yells let me out and the farmer says "just show him your badge".

Good grief...
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Ok story time again...

Maybe you've met someone that just loves to smell gasoline,well I knew someone actually it was a female back in the day.What I've read is they put benzene in it and to some people it's just an irresistible thing to them ,basically it drives them nuts.Anyways any chance that girl got would just smell and smell gasoline either filling up at the pump or me putting some in a a can to mow.

Then one day I reckon the urge was just too great and I seen her actually taste gasoline.I yelled "don't do that"!! but too late as she was spitting it back out.After a few bottles of water she was fine though but

Good grief...
One night, my grandmother heard someone knocking emphatically on the front door. There, was a women covered in blood...i need help...we had an husband is trapped...we went over edge and into the river. My grandma called 911. She asked the woman her name, but turned around and saw her running back towards the wreck...and a name was yelled back at her and my grandmother was was her name. The first-responders came and pulled the man out, seriously hurt...but alive.

The sheriff came to interview my grandmother. In the process, my grandmother asked about the woman. The sheriff got quiet...and listened to her story. He shook his head and said she didn't make it. The woman...with my grandmother's name... had died instantly in the accident...decapitated.

This is a true story.
had died instantly in the accident...decapitated.
Do you though? If your heart stops beating you have about 20s before you pass out. Therefore I think if a person is decapitated it will take some seconds before they lose consciousness. Its a terrifying thought. Like when people say, so and so died instantly, I don't think that's true I don't think its possible to die instantly unless you are incinerated in a nuclear blast. For things like car accidents and the like I feel there must be some consciousness before death, it may not be coherent consciousness unless they black out at the moment of impact. Just a thought
Do you though? If your heart stops beating you have about 20s before you pass out. Therefore I think if a person is decapitated it will take some seconds before they lose consciousness. Its a terrifying thought. Like when people say, so and so died instantly, I don't think that's true I don't think its possible to die instantly unless you are incinerated in a nuclear blast. For things like car accidents and the like I feel there must be some consciousness before death, it may not be coherent consciousness unless they black out at the moment of impact. Just a thought
The point is her body was in the car...unmoving. Yet...there she was.
My UFO Encounter

I have several, but I don't want to share them right now for various reasons. But I CAN tell you about my UFO encounter, I had 2 years ago.

It was another slow day at the kiosk in the state park where I worked. At exactly 2:23 in the afternoon, I happened to glance up at the sky through my kiosk window. Suddenly, a I saw it. A dot of light hovering in the sky performing strange maneuvers, no sound emanating from it. I immediately knew it was no ordinary aircraft. I grabbed my camera and attempted to document the object. The dot of light was moving further away and I had trouble locating it in my view finder. I decided to zoom out and just start clicking, hoping it would appear somewhere in the picture. After maybe 30 seconds, I was finally able to locate the object in my view finder and zoom in on it. I tried to focus my lens to get a clear image, but the object was moving too fast. At that point I figured it was better to capture a fuzzy image than no image, so I just started clicking away, as I knew there was always a chance of digitally enhancing the image later. It was only after I zoomed in, that I realized just how bizarre this object was. It was donut shaped, and appeared to have lights emanating from it, though looking at the picture now, I see it might have been the sun reflecting off the craft. The craft stayed within my view for a few minutes, but as soon as I attempted to get a video of it, it took off to the north, as if the occupants knew how to avoid being documented, a theory I've long had.

Anyways, right as the craft was flying off, a line of customers started to form. I could still see the object, but didn't dare point it out to them for fear they would think I was crazy!

Approximately 7 minutes after my sighting, a Sheriff's helicopter flew overhead in the same vicinity the object had been in. The helicopter returned several more times. And yes, I know EXACTLY what you're thinking right now, and we'll get to that in a little bit.

Of course, I immediately went on my phone and Googled "Donut Shaped UFO", and quickly discovered that my sighting wasn't the first of its kind. Apparently, there have been quite a few sightings of donut shaped UFOs across the world. Some I could tell right off the bat were fake. Others on the other hand, seemed more convincing. But just like me, no one was able to get a clear image of it.

I also attempted to find out if there was anything in the locals news or social media about the object. I wasn't able to find anything, which made me think the object was nothing out of the ordinary. With its close proximity to the highway, I knew there was no way others couldn't have seen it. I DID eventually come across reports of other UFO sightings in my town, some of which had logical explanations, others did not. Which leads me to THIS.....


What I Saw Was Just The Sheriff's Chopper

After the Sheriff's helicopter showed up, this was the first logical explanation that came to mind. Here we see the same object at a different angle. As you can see, the outline looks very similar to that of a helicopter. The yellow light could simply be the sun reflecting off the chopper. HOWEVER, I have never seen any helicopter maneuver in such a way that it forms a perfect donut shape, with a hole in the middle showing through to the sky. Also, helicopters make sounds. This object didn't. It is possible I couldn't hear it because of the loud swamp cooler in my kiosk, but based of the object's other appearances, I am not so sure this was a helicopter. Also, I saw the Sherriff's chopper a few other times that day, at various distances, and it was obvious it was a chopper. Despite the photo comparison I have here, I do not think that this object was a helicopter. The Sherriff's chopper was possibly tracking it.

The Object Was A Weather Balloon

This is by far the most popular explanation for UFO sightings. And after finding reports of other sightings in my town that turned out to be weather balloons, as well as this picture, showing an object attached to the weather balloon which is similar to the object I witnessed, I begun to think that this is the most logical explanation for what I saw. However, there is one problem with this theory...."Where is the balloon?" Even if it was clear/white, the object was close enough to me, that I most likely would have seen some sort of balloon structure attached to it. The donut object I saw didn't appear to have anything attached to it, which makes me question this theory.

Some Sort Of Drone Or New Military Craft

Researching other sightings/images of donut shaped UFOs all over the world, one popular theory that kept appearing is that this is some of new military craft. There are some air-force bases not too far from my town, so this could be a possible explanation. Another theory my mom came up with is that it might have been some sort of strange drone. Since my math skills aren't good enough to calculate the size of the object, I can not say with certainty whether one of these theories are true.

It Really WAS An Alien Spacecraft

With the inability to confirm any of the other theories, we must always be open to the possibility that what I saw on the afternoon of September 15, 2019 was indeed an alien space craft from another galaxy. This makes me wonder however, why on earth would aliens want to visit this crappy town, especially at THIS time of the year. Could be they were checking up on the spillway repairs that have been taking place for the past few years. Or maybe they simply wanted to get a closer look at our lakes and geologic features. Or maybe I'M from another galaxy and they came to check on me. Unless I can find some other reports of this object online, we may never know for sure. But it's really cool to think that some strange beings from another galaxy might have been staring down at me through the window of their space ship.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what YOU think this object was, in the comments section.

Here's PROOF that the photos aren't doctored!

I’ve had three encounter with Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP). I’ll relate the first as it sort of piggybacks off your experience.

When I was a freshman in college, I took summer classes. It was only a couple so I had time for a part time job as a night watchman for a major pharmaceutical company. I would make the rounds and the last key check was outside by the flagpole in front of this chemical plant.

It was a unusually nice evening for mid July, not hot and humid, clear night sky with new moon. I was star gazing when I see two “dots” which seemed to be chasing each other. They weren’t doing anything a conventional aircraft couldn’t do and this area had four military airbases within 100 miles of the plant, so I thought I was just witnessing a training dogfight between fighters at high altitude. I only saw the dots. I never saw any position lights that should have been visible but could have been turned off on military aircraft.

After watching this for five minutes it was then I realized I wasn’t hearing anything. I should have heard the deep rumble of GE engines that the local AF base fighters employed. I also remember the dots, which I assumed were the afterburners, were lit the whole five minutes. I now know that this would have been impractical to light the burners for so long.

During this display, sometimes the dots would leave a trail of smaller dots that would quickly fade? The main dot never faded. I had to get back to my post so left and didn’t give it much thought until much later.

Not a creepy story but UFO/UAP is on the scale for some of us!


- the most obvious is was military related. Having served myself I can tell you a LOT of what people ”see” falls under this😁

- not hearing the rumble of jet noise. They could have been at really high altitude and the winds could have been really strong. There were no cirrus clouds which is a clue but even minus that, I should have heard something as they were directly overhead.

- if it was maverick and iceman goofing off that night they were doing it outside of where they should have been doing it. There are MOA’s (Military Operation Areas) that blocks out airspace to de-conflict civilian and military aircraft. These aren’t over major US cities or even usually minor ones.

- I assumed the smaller dots were the afterburners trail or possibly flares.
It may not seem creepy to others but...

About ten years ago, one of my neighbours was stabbed 44 times in the face and neck by her ex-boyfriend. She was a student from Poland studying at the university here. I couldn't pronounce her name but everyone called her Aggie instead.

Anyway, I'd seen Aggie earlier that day as she was approaching the house. I was just getting some stuff out of my car and said hi to her and asked how she was. At the time, I didn't think anything was wrong but afterwards I recalled her looking over her shoulder repeatedly as if someone was following her.

Later that night, her ex broke in and killed her. Police arrived after other neighbours heard her screaming and they tasered him as he answered the door covered in blood and holding a knife.

Anyway, the creepy part (for me) was living so close to her and not actually realising anything was wrong as she was being attacked. It still preys on my mind to this day. Seeing the undertaker's bring her out of the house the next day was very emotional too. Of course, you just see a body bag on a trolley (gurney to my American friends) but I kept picturing her.

To show you what a joke our UK justice system is, the guy was convicted of murder and sentenced to life... With a minimum term of 11 years. He could be eligible for release next year. Life should mean life! 🤬
Oh story time again...

A rich realtor bought a small island in the middle of a lake close by and was hoping to turn a profit by selling it to someone very rich to build his big home on it.Only problem with the island was it was infested with thousands of snakes as he soon discovered.So the guy spent thousands and thousands trying to rid the snakes but no success.Tried everything and nothing seemed to work.

One day he was out at a store or a restaurant and met a local farmer in the area,started up a conversation and the whole island/snake problem came up.When asked the farmer said "Oh I can handle that problem very easily just put a bunch of hogs on the island that'll cure that problem".Guy rounded up some hogs and instantly all snakes were gone in a month or so.And that island is still named Snake Island to this day lol.

Good thing we have people around with common sense. :cattail:
I was driving on a freeway during the day and up ahead a big rig jackknifed. But it felt like I was watching in slow motion and the way it rolled reminded me of how a large dog looks when it lays down suddenly. Haunches first and then shoulders and finally head.

Now everytime I see a dog lay down like that, it triggers the memory from that day.
I’m not trying to hijack this sub it’s just ironic that this just happened to me moments ago.

I was on a trail through the woods. I see a guy with a baseball cap and a Backpack coming towards me. No big deal, I greet him and keep going but decide to keep tabs on him by circling around on a spur so I’m behind him. I get back to the main trail and look both ways before stepping on it. Glance back at the spur. There’s a different man in a baseball cap 5 feet behind me.

I practically scream in his face and he apologizes. He thought I knew he was there. I dart off so I’m practically shadowing Backpack all the way back to my car.

I had my earbuds in and was playing music and I know better.

So, I had a long walk and short drive to ponder Bear vs Man again after letting it go a while ago.