CuntClinton believes in selling BABY ORGANS

Another busy body post another absolute wrecking of his already worn out asshole.

Adult stem cells. These stem cells are found in small numbers in most adult tissues, such as bone marrow or fat. Compared with embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have a more limited ability to give rise to various cells of the body.

Until recently, researchers thought adult stem cells could create only similar types of cells. For instance, researchers thought that stem cells residing in the bone marrow could give rise only to blood cells.

However, emerging evidence suggests that adult stem cells may be able to create unrelated types of cells. For instance, bone marrow stem cells may be able to create bone or heart muscle cells. This research has led to early-stage clinical trials to test usefulness and safety in people. For example, adult stem cells are currently being tested in people with neurological or heart disease.

•Adult cells altered to have properties of embryonic stem cells (induced pluripotent stem cells). Scientists have successfully transformed regular adult cells into stem cells using genetic reprogramming. By altering the genes in the adult cells, researchers can reprogram the cells to act similarly to embryonic stem cells.
This new technique may allow researchers to use these reprogrammed cells instead of embryonic stem cells and prevent immune system rejection of the new stem cells. However, scientists don't yet know if altering adult cells will cause adverse effects in humans.

Researchers have been able to take regular connective tissue cells and reprogram them to become functional heart cells. In studies, animals with heart failure that were injected with new heart cells experienced improved heart function and survival time.


So then the Dr didnt say she used ultra sound to mske sure she didnt crush limbs etc

Stfu wiyh bs

I thought they used US to avoid crushing the abdominal organs. Fetal bones, if there even are such things, ones are of little value in research.
it doesnt matter whatever they did with fetus when it was aborted, as there are laws in every state about when a fetus is viable... and if it was aborted before then, it wasnt a fucking person

science is scary

secondly it doesnt change that this practice of reimbursing organic doantions has been going on for a hundred fucking years and is practiced in each every single solitary hospital in the western world

you're a fucking moron bb... pure and simple
it doesnt matter whatever they did with fetus when it was aborted, as there are laws in every state about when a fetus is viable... and if it was aborted before then, it wasnt a fucking person

science is scary

secondly it doesnt change that this practice of reimbursing organic doantions has been going on for a hundred fucking years and is practiced in each every single solitary hospital in the western world

you're a fucking moron bb... pure and simple

I was under the impression that the donor - the woman who undergoes the abortion - donates the fetal parts to PP, who then gives them to the research facility. Nobody was paid, but the parts must be moved expeditiously and this costs the researchers something.

PP would not make a profit on the transfer of the tissue and neither would the donor. The research facility might or might not. The commercial carrier that delivers the tissue would make a small profit in the ordinary course of business.

At least, that's the impression I got. No laws would be broken because there would be no actual sales and genuine research would be a legal way to use human or fetal tissue.
Murder Inc shouldnt be tax payer funded

Who ever wants to KILL BABIES should pay for it

CuntClinton and Hussein (half)Black Obama have plenty of money
I was under the impression that the donor - the woman who undergoes the abortion - donates the fetal parts to PP, who then gives them to the research facility. Nobody was paid, but the parts must be moved expeditiously and this costs the researchers something.

PP would not make a profit on the transfer of the tissue and neither would the donor. The research facility might or might not. The commercial carrier that delivers the tissue would make a small profit in the ordinary course of business.

At least, that's the impression I got. No laws would be broken because there would be no actual sales and genuine research would be a legal way to use human or fetal tissue.

This is all correct. The process is very similar to standard organ donation. There is no problem here. Just a manufactured scandal designed to limit women's access to forms of contraception. The teahadists representatives even knew about this in advance.
These christian talibanitas are dangerous. We must stop them.
As to the bullsh*t about medical research:
DEBUNKED Planned Parenthood undercover videos are PHONEY
They are a typical right wing Christian Taliban smear campaign.
The New York Times has investigated the two videos released by The Center for Medical Progress that are attempting to smear Planned Parenthood, and have come to the conclusion that the women’s health organization has done nothing wrong.

U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research
Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

What is it about the rubes on the right that they need to have a daddy figure to bully them?
A fertilized egg is a zygote.
A zygote turns into a fetus
A fetus has only the POTENTIAL of becoming a baby
.After the fifth month the Developing baby has the potential of becoming a child that that breathe without help (if healthy)
A woman is a person with actual feelings and intelligence and should have the right to make decisions for her body. There is a mind-body connection for which immense suffering can occur for having to carry to full term the baby of a rapist, as well as any other unwanted pregnancy. Giving up a child never fails to produce wonder about where that child is and what is happening to him or her.
Note: In the 1500's the Pope declared that abortion was a sin due to the church needing more people and money. Up until that time a pregnancy was able to be terminated.
These christian talibanitas are dangerous. We must stop them.
As to the bullsh*t about medical research:
DEBUNKED Planned Parenthood undercover videos are PHONEY
They are a typical right wing Christian Taliban smear campaign.
The New York Times has investigated the two videos released by The Center for Medical Progress that are attempting to smear Planned Parenthood, and have come to the conclusion that the women’s health organization has done nothing wrong.

U.S. Scientists Speak Out About The Need For Fetal Tissue In Research
Vaccines have been one of the best things to come out of fetal tissue research.

What is it about the rubes on the right that they need to have a daddy figure to bully them?
The CMP is connected to people who are convinced that vaccines are bad, and they're trying to prevent their children from being forced to get vaccinations. Some believe that vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue, which isn't true.

No, what you idiots don't realize is those tissues and cells that are being taken out are going to help cure things like cancer and other medical reasons. So for any of you that gets cancer or any other bad health issue you better hope it wasn't a baby's organ to help your ass then you would be a hipacreat. So read and understand before opening your mouths and one damn video does or doesn't justify anything.