Dance with me

Eric Clapton's " Wonderful Tonight" is a really great slow dance song or Bob Seger's "Turn the Page" Rod Stewart's "Tonights the Night" are good ones too.
dance with me

Your song references make me realize what a codger I'm getting to be, pretty. Also makes me realize, I probably own some underwear that's as old as you are. Probably wearing it right now. You know how us guys refuse to part with skivvies. "Just 'cause a garment has some age on it, don't mean it's no good".

Back to dancing. Use it like you would teasing. Great for checking the temperature of an encounter.

I used some hot dancing in my last chapter of my "Janice" series. More than a few feedback emails mentioned it. Seems to be an overlooked little device in erotic stories.
this post started the dog bit I am droping it now

MsLinnet is correct!

One Dances with Wolves, or Foxes.
Never with Dogs!

( Sorry all you K9

BTW: 'Dirty' Dancing as a temperature check in fiction is okay. In RL the problem may not be 'Fear Of Flying' but 'Flinching from Flailing Feet'.

My "dance" story is out and about on Literotica right now, categorized under "Romance"

Go ahead and take a look, please - follow the link in my signature line.

dance with me

prettyLS, the woman in my life agrees with you totally about the underwear drawer. I just hate to part with old friends. Twenty five years might be a bit long, but not by that much.

How about four women who all write erotica in a love triangles, each one of them knows that there partner is seeing her and one other of the four, none of them know that any of them are seeing all the others. There stories and their post on the bulletin board reflect their relationships, each using any information they gain from the others to work their plots. It could have some real twists and turns.

Love Linnet :kiss:
dance with me

Dance with this puzzle. MsLinnet can write a nice story. She makes perfect sense in her stories.

BB posts, by contrast, are some of the most confusing, incoherent collections of gibberish. How is that possible?

Four women in a triangle? If it's a triangle, doesn't that make one woman too many?
How about four women who all write erotica in a love triangles, each one of them knows that there partner is seeing her and one other of the four, none of them know that any of them are seeing all the others. There stories and their post on the bulletin board reflect their relationships, each using any information they gain from the others to work their plots. It could have some real twists and turns.

As I first grasped MsLinnet's plot, there were four women mixed up in four separate triangles.

If we call the women: A, B, C, and D; we would get the following triangles: A-B-C, A-B-D, B-C-D, C-D-A. An added complication is that some of the women are 'cheating' on their triangle with the fourth member.

My first thought was that this seemed a bit complex for the writer. With further thought, it seemed likely to prove onerous for the reader, also.

On closer reading, MsLinnet's plot could be 4 women in 3 triangles: A-B-C, B-C-D, A-C-D. That would make A & B focal characters, and C & D background characters.

Writing and reading would be even easier if there were only 2 triangles: A-B-C and A-B-D. This way, A-B would be the focus of conflict, while C and D are closely aligned - one to each primary character - as subordinates. (And of course, the 'cheaters' crossing over.)

I do not claim that this is what MsLinnet meant to communicate.
I only claim that this is what I understood.

Of course, I often suffer from delusions of competence. :(

Either way, Quasi, the story would have to include a "Dramatis Personae". It would also need a program with diagrams - who is doing what, with who. You can't tell the players without a program.
Well, maybe; but they give me both of those every time I attend a performance of Shakespeare. :)

Lobby Page Boy: Last call for alcohol, curtain going up on the "Merchant of Venganace." :D

Hell I never new it was going to be that complex
I didn’t understand it but it was a good explanation.

Love Linnet :kiss:

Is that an order of dittos

Or an order of dildoes*

Just trying to keep the orders straight! :confused:

*Or is it ‘dildos'?
Webster's is no help at all! :eek:

We are all guilty of taking this thread out for a walk. It was about dancing as the setting for a story. Chicklet already posted one. Good enough story, but the dancing part is fairly incidental to the action.

Any dancing story idea probably needs a new thread. Wading through all our detours could derail anyone interested.