Deity College.


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
Gregory smiled to himself as he watched student after student file into class. The blue button up he wore rustled as he leaned forward, planting his hands on his desk. A moment passed, and finally all the students were seated. Clearing his throat, Gregory adjusted his glasses absently as he began to speak. "Welcome students, to a new year. My name is Professor Gregory and this is Metaphysical Creative Writing 101. Now, by the end of the year, each of you will be expected to have written your own personal worlds into existance. Sounds quite a challenge, I know, but once you have learned the basics I am sure you will be enthralled by the intricasies of this daunting, yet attainable task. Let us continue by taking any questions you might have about the class, shall we?" And with that, Gregory looked over the class to spot any raised hands.
Athen grabbed a seat towards the front, taking out two notebooks, a pencil, a pen, a calculator, a small drink, and a highlighter, which he stood up on end. Doublechecking everything, he looked up at the instructor beginning the lesson.
Metaphysical Creative Writing, 101.
He underlined it in pen.
Couldn't be too careful... this was one of the most important classes after all. At least, to him it was.
Ahhh, their own worlds? Didn't that sound intriguing. He took the pen to write that down. Then, questions came. Perect. He had some already.
"I'm sorry, I just need get a few things straight. If the world coming into existance is the final, what is the midterm? Are there any restrictions to creating our own world, we certainly have to obey things like gravtiy and such... or can we literally create anything?"
His eyes sparked interest as he picked up the pencil.

"Oh, the moment you write something into existance, it will be there... So the midterm is more of a test to see how functional your world is, and weather there are any flaws you will have to correct within it. The only hard and fast rules I need to impose on you is that none of the people or animals you populate your world with suffer undully as a result of your direct influence. However, I would suggest you make it possible for you to be able to survive in whatever environments you do create..."
Rowan came to the door of her Metaphysical Creative Writing, 101 class, cursing herself silently as she snuck in the door, grabbing a seat as far back as she can get, sliding out her beat up old note book and starting to take notes on what the teacher was saying with a blue pen. "This sounds sort of interesting, maybe taking this class wasn't such a bad idea after all" she thought to herself, all the while hoping that the prof hadn't seen her sneak in.

Just as he finished answering the first students questions, Gregory looked up to see a tardy student sneeking into a seat in the very back. "Hello Miss, do you have a question as well?" Several of the other students shifted to look back at her then.
... make the people and animals survive.
He put highlighter on it, making sure it would stick. He nodded as the professor answered his questions. Now, all that was needed to be done is to create the darn thing. That, and listen to the instructor, no doubt he had plenty of things to say about this entire project.
Not wanting to waste the classes time, he waited for others to ask questions. Hey, what do you know...
Rowan sunk low in her seat, a blush spreading over her cheeks as she mumbled back to the Prof "Um.. No.. Thanks, You Explained what I needed to know. Sorry about being late" and finished her notes. She then turned to glare at the students who were looking at her as she waited for the rest of the lecture.
A short skirt and a pair of long, long legs showed up. That was what people noticed first about Corinna. Eyes traveling up would notice a tight sweater drawn over lush breasts. Blonde hair in a ponytail and bright blue eyes behind turtleshell hornrims. Brains and beauty.

She strode up to the front row, diagonally from another smart-looking student. Out of her backpack, Corinna took out a tape recorder and switched it on. She crossed her legs, folded her hands on her lap, and looked up at her new professor with her baby blues.

(pronounced sweh- nios)
Suenos looked up from his black paper and gel inked notes. His long black hair set of his sky eyes. his recorder was catching everything as he slowly began to scketch his 'dream' world. He stopped himself reminding himself that he had to pass this class. He started to plot an outline for the world itself and midway through caught himself doodling again. He stopped as he considered population...'collective unconciousness' he thought to himself and resumed his outline only long enough to jot a few notes and the doodling continued. He was distracted for a moment by angelic figure in the front row and shook himself out of it long enough to consider enviornement... as he pondered the soloution he caught himself drawing her...he grimaced to himself...'im never gonna pass this class...'
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When the door to his class room opened again, Gregory felt a little annoyed. He'd already embarassed one student, he didn't really want to do it again. This one, however, came in with style. She wasn't at all embarassed it would seem to have been late for class. She simply strode right to the front of the class, easy as you please, and took her seat.

"Glad you took the time out of your busy schedule to join us today Miss..." Gregory said as he began to smile. Lifting his gaze to the rest of the class he continued. "If there arn't anymore interuptions I will continue taking questions..." He shot this new girl a humored look.
Moon sat quietly in the class as she took her notes.

Originally posted by Ravenloft
"Welcome students, to a new year. My name is Professor Gregory and this is Metaphysical Creative Writing 101. Now, by the end of the year, each of you will be expected to have written your own personal worlds into existance.

She already knew her existance into her new world. Moon smiled silently as she continued listening.
Sounds quite a challenge, I know, but once you have learned the basics I am sure you will be enthralled by the intricasies of this daunting, yet attainable task. Let us continue by taking any questions you might have about the class, shall we?" And with that, Gregory looked over the class to spot any raised hands.

Moon watched as she jaunted down a few notes. She already knew where her 'world' lie, and how it had already formed. She drew the medallion she had already created, that would serve as a religious icon. Her new world consisted of a communication system used by both the military already in existance, as well, as the 'religious order' already in place. Her 'world' was already founded. It was called Dionysis. Her lead player, Demetria, a cleric and daughter of the King's Master of Arms, already played a key role. Nicole was one of his champions, a paladan, and brought here from yet another world, would be another. Who else should be brought in.....she thought as she continued to listen to her new professor of this unusual class.....
Rowan looked at the other late girl, rolling her eyes a bit as she looked over her notes, trying to see if she had any questions, every once in a while glancing at her fellow students, thinking about who they might be, and what they might ask.

Ravenloft said:
"Glad you took the time out of your busy schedule to join us today Miss..."

Moon looked up from her newly created world for a moment and smiled at her new professor's humor. She liked this professor very much. Perhaps he would fit well into her new world as well.....

"Glad you took the time out of your busy schedule to join us today Miss..."

Corinna Martin stated her name in a voice like warmed brandy. She did not apologize, not wanting to waste more of the instructor's time. That could be accomplished easily enough after class.

She felt eyes boring into her from the back of the classroom, but she refused to turn around. It would simply not do to show that level of inattention to the professor. Instead she focused on the discussion at hand.

Corinna raised a slender arm upwards and waited to be acknowledged.

When she received a nod, she said, "I have a question, more of a suggestion really. Perhaps you and we, as the members of this class could introduce ourselves, give out a little information about our background, so to speak."

Michael sat quietly in his chair. He had hist chin resting on his right hand, propped up in the "great thinker" pose. Michael really wasn't thinking, at least not now. He had noticed the entrance of several women into the class. One late arrival caught his attention. However, he knew that they were all probably out of his reach.

He adjusted his eyeglasses upon the bridge of his nose. They weren't ugly glasses, at all. His blue eyes shown with a strong intellect behind them. Maybe that was his problem? He was too smart? Nah, he was in a class right now with beings equally as smart as he, some of them surely more so.

He had heard the professor ask for questions. Michael didn't have any questions. He just waited to hear what was expected of him. He had a notebook sitting in front of him, and a pencil. He always used a pencil. Pencils made for easy erasing. And he did a lot of that.

Michael had already started forming ideas in his head. Then he heard the late arrival girl say something about names and backgrounds. Great. Michael hated that. He hated talking about himself. Michael hoped that the professor decided against her suggestion.
Rowan sunk lower in her seat, thinking to herself "Wonderful, now we get to do the entire social thing. Just let him get on with the Class!"
Bacchus was the class voyeur. He never spoke much, but enjoyed the class dynamics. He had inherent ability to sense the energy in a room. And this room had energy.
Timothy Westran

"Fuck, I'm late. Goddamn it, stupid car...." he said, racing down the hallway. "What a way to begin the first day. Shit!" His tall frame raced down the hallway, easily sliding past students, and faculty alike. Rounding the corner, Timothy almost slid off his feet, he was moving so fast. Coming up to the door, he skidded to a halt. "Shit, teach is gonna be pissed...." he said, wiping the sweat off his brow. He pulled his long hair out of his eyes, and let it fall to the middle of his back. As silently as possible, Timothy tried to open the door.

The door swung open with a loud creak. Blushing, Tim just gave a slight laugh, waved to the teacher, and made for the nearest seat he could find. Right next to Rowen. "So, did I miss anything usefull?" he said, a slight smirk on his face.........
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"Excellent idea Corinna." Gregory said as he lifted his eyes to look over the class once more. "Okay... Shall we start with..." Just then, yet ANOTHER tardy student burst into class. Gregory's expression clouded with a somewhat less than pleased look. "How about you, Sir... Care to introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what you would like to take away from this class perhaps? ...Or do you need to catch your breath???"
Timothy Westran

Tim looked up, slightly suprised as the professor called on him.

"Umm, well, heheh, catchin my breath would be nice," he said, standing up. "Well, to introduce myself, my name is Tim, and as far as what I'd like to take from this class? Well, a good grade for one." he said, laughing, more to himself than anyone. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Anyway, I'll ummm, just sit down now. Might be the best thing for me. Heheh." Timothy said, his cheeks turning a bright red.

Sliding down as far as his body would let him, Timothy slouched in his seat. "Not a good way to start dude..." he whispered to himself......

"Ah... Okay." Gregory sighed, seeming rather unimpressed. "And you Miss?" Gregory asked, indicating that it was Rowen's turn to speak.
Rowan sighed then stood up, she hated this sort of thing, and didn't think she was very good at it.

"Hello, I'm Rowan Bloodthorne, I am taking this class because it sounds interesting, and what I hope to get out of it is a comprehensive veiw of the subject, and not alot of useless stuff."

She sat down again, brushing her long black bangs out of her grey eyes and looking around, her pale face set in a look of tired wariness.

Nodding appreciatively toward Rowen, Gregory spoke. "And I hope I am able to present you with what you need Rowen." Continuing on down the line, several more students introduced themselves. Finally he jestured toward Suenos. "And you, sir?"
Madison Stark:

With the box of books, CD ROMs, and files in her hands, Kate pushed against the door with her back and entered the classroom. Class was already in session, but it made little difference to her, as long as she had what the professor wanted handy when he needed it, and was on hand to help any students that might be falling behind, then she was doing her job. With her glasses slipping down her pert little nose, and her mousy brown hair piled neatly on her head, she looked every part the assistant, and was proud of it. She had graduated top of her class the previous year, and in order to continue her studies, she offer to work with the professor as his assistant. So far, the arrangement was working wonderfully.

Looking at the faces of the new students, they looked much like any other she had seen on the collage. By the time mid terms came about, 25% would have dropped out, having no real idea what a magical journey this class was. She gave the professor a curt nod, and took her place off to the side of the room until she was needed again.

Smiling as Madison walked in, Gregory held his hand up to stall Suenos. "Ah good! Maddy, you can set the stuff down right here." Gregory said, motioning to the side of his desk. "Okay class, I'm going to have to put a hold on the introductions... What do you all say to an impromptu field trip?" Gregory asked the class as a whole, flashing Madison a knowing look as he did. He reached down into the box that she sat next to him and pulled out her book, the book she wrote the year before. "That is... If you don't mind them checking out your work Maddy..." He looked up at her as he held the book open midway through, propped against his chest.