Deity College.

Corinna Martin

Corinna took the cigarette and didn't know what to do with it so she inhaled deeply. Her lungs felt like they were going to explode. She started coughing right through his introduction. Corinna dropped the cigarette as her eyes started to water.

Finally the spasms began to abate, and she dabbed at her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tim."

Her voice sounded raspy and raw, even to her own ears. She swallowed painfully and continued.

"I can't believe this is happening. I don't know anything about fantasy worlds. I signed up for this class as an elective because I can write. This is really scaring me though."
Trinity Vanhorn

Trinity looked around as the world appeared around her. She did a passable job of looking unconcerned. She looked back as their "teacher" arrived. She guessed he was kind of... well... interesting looking in a cute sort of way.

She shrugged as she looked past the other students to see the farmer and his wife approaching.

"That'd be right..." she muttered under her breath... "we get to travel to fantasy land... and it's the middle of fuckin' Ohio!" Still she watched them approach as the others did.

She decided to let the teacher show them his stuff, but she planned on sticking close to him... because sure as HELL she didn't want to get stuck in this dive for all eternity.

She flicked her hair out of her eyes and watched balefully as the teacher walked ahead of them all towards the two persons approaching them.

Suenos smiled at the locals...his heart ached with the beauty of this world... would he be able to create such beauty that would have function as well as form? He was nervous to say the least. He scketched the way these people were perfect..because they wernt perfect..they had basic flaws and mannerisms that made them...."perfect" he said to himself. He scketched ideas in his pad and tried to learn from last years example.

Nodding toward the farmer and his wife as the stood before the class, Gregory strode over to them. "Harry, Helan, how are the two of you today?" He asked with a bright smile. "I'm alright, got a little knee ache though, a rain's coming." The man said. "Oh hun, you and your knee, would you listen to him? Didn't bother him a'tall last night..." The woman shot in with an impish smirk. "Helen, not in front of the youngin's!" He chided her. She waved him off with a soft laugh. "Here ya go children, a cookie, take a couple if you like, I have another plate in the house!" She said to the students as a whole. "Oh come on Helan! They're here to learn, not get fattened up by your cookin!" He said in exasperation, then turned toward Gregory. "M'sorry bout this Professor..."

Gregory waved his hand. "Oh Harry, no need to be, this is more than I could have asked for." Gregory looked around at the students. "Go ahead and try a cookie..." He said with a chuckle. "Thanks Harry, Helan... We only have half an hour here, so I can't take you up on that dinner just yet... Maybe one of these weekends, if Maddy doesn't mind, okay?" Harry nodded with a smile and Helan gave him a wink. "Kay, sounds good to me. Hon, I have to rush back to the house, got stuff in the oven still..." She said to Harry as she pushed the tray she held into his hands and started back for the house. Harry looked a bit flabberghasted at that and gave Gregory a comical expression. Gregory took the plate with a laugh. "Its alright Harry, I know you have some more work to get back to. We won't keep you... Thank the wife for the cookies would you? Thanks!" Harry muttered something as he walked off, scratching his head.

"Heheheh, okay students, still getting over the shock of seeing what I expect from you I see... Well, let me aleviate just a bit of your angzieties right here and now. The people you meet in these worlds, you do not have to write them out in the detail you no doubt assume it would take to create such intricate folk. It is more of a question of formulating an adam and eve really, and even then, they don't need to have such emence detail, no, infact, the more you leave to them to create within themselves, the better. Maddy for instance, she simply stated that Harry would be a tall male, with brown hair, and Helan would be slightly pudgy, all the rest really just falls to chance when making the people... Now, where the detail must come in is if you wish to formulate something that does not exist, that never has existed... A dragon for instance, you can use something like a reptile as a model to make it a bit easier, but you will still have to state by what means it can breath, say, fire, and make it believeable..." Gregory notices a couple of blank looks. "Does anyone understand?" He asked, nervous that he was not explaining things satisfactorilly.

Trinity Vanhorn

"What you're saying is... that humans... are something we know so well it's instinctive... that... even if the image we write is vague... anyone reading it will flesh it out for themselves... thus... in a country setting such as this... the stereo-typical counterparts naturally come to be... but if we start on things that are not of our own world... then to leave it too vague would... cause confusion and an unclear... if not down right unsafe reality?"

Trinity was stunned at her own audacity. She NEVER voluntered information in a class. Maybe she was more intrigued by it all than even her own jaded personality would allow her to believe.

She tightened her lips and stepped back again. Trying desperately to look uninterested.
Corinna Martin

The mention of dragons got Corinna's attention. She looked around nervously. It seemed that anything could appear in this world, limitated only in the scope of what the professor's assistant had written. She eyed the cows in the distance suspiciously, expecting them to take to flight and breathe fire at any minute.

Corinna wasn't satisfied with Gregory's explanation of people either. A cold tendril of unease curled startled her.

"Professor, isn't it true that in a familiar setting such as this, one can't know what to expect from people. If a writer just begins each character with a vague description, what is to stop him or her from evolving into an evil person as the story unfolds. How do we know those cookies aren't laced with cyanide, example."

She looked at the faces of her classmates to see if any of them were sharing her misgivings.

Looking toward the lady student that had spoken up first, a pleased smile creeped across his lips. "Yes, exactly! Perhaps I should have you explain all the harder concepts Miss..." He said jokingly. Corrina spoke then, bringing to light some honest concerns. In responce, Gregory took a cookie in his hand and bit into it, chewing it slowly, then swallowed. "Yes, people can grow to be evil in your worlds, that is just the nature of things, however, things have a way of counter balancing themselves out. And the only thing you really have to fear from Helan's cookies is a tooth ache..." He smiled as he finished the cookie in his hand.
Rowan listened to the prof, her mind running a mile a minute to process the implications of what he was saying. Finally she spoke for one clarification that was bugging her about the governing rules of this sort of writing, a concerned expression on her face.

"What if you did the opposite, wrote a person so detailed you told of their every action. Would that, in the nature of a world like this, take away their free will?"

"Yes, in effect you would be writing a very mechanical human into existance, it would take volumes upon volumes to write out a fully articulated human, let along a worlds worth... Part of the wonder of such things is to see how your humans evolve, if you will, on their own in the world you create for them. " Gregory stated as he looked over toward Rowan. "The only things you will wish to write in detail are things not of the natural world... Bad things can happen if such creatures are left the chance to write themselves."
Rowan nodded, most of the concerned look disappearing from her eyes, yet she still looked obviously uncomfortable with the idea of anything being robbed of its free will.

"what's happening? the meak little boy from the back row asks.
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Timothy Westran

Tim laughed slightly at Gregory's comment of getting a toothache, from the woman's cookies. Taking the last drag off his cigarette, he let it fall to the ground, putting it out with his boot. "So, in essence, this is kinda like those 8th grade science projects, like trying to make a working rain forest, right?" he said to the proffessor. "You have to admit though, this is kinda like playing the role of a god, isnt it? I mean, you want us to create a world, form people and other living things on it, and attempt to have them survive. What if one of us fails at this? What would happen to the world we've attempted to create? Would it fade away? Turn into nothingness?" he asked, taking a cookie from the tray, and biting into it.........

"In the aspect that you are to create everything in the worlds you write, you are in effect a god, yes. But It is advisable that you not portray yourself as such when you enter into your creation. I've seen it before and it always seems to create complications. Remember that once a civilization has been written into existance, you are no better then they are, the people you create would be just as capable of taking this class as any of you, they will be as real as any of you are. They will not be paper cut outs for any of you to toy with, trust me, I know..." He looked as though he were gonna say something more but fell silent for a moment. As far as your world fading away if for some reason you fail... It does not, it will simply meet whatever end it is led to... Under no cercumstance are you to erase anything you have already written, if you make a mistake, it will simply have to be worked out with more detailed work. Understand that none of these worlds, just as our own were never intended to exist forever, everything goes in a cycle, birth, life, death, and rebirth. Now, a fair measure of your success will be how long lived and health your reality maintains itself over the course of the years. If there are fatal errors, they will become evident long before this class is at an end, if they do not degenerate by that time, you will have crafted a fairly stable world." Gregory fell silent and chewed at his inner lip, he didn't feel he was explaining things very well, this was only the second year he had been allowed to teach this class... He wasn't sure if he would have been asked to continue if it hadn't been for Maddy's assistance this year even.
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Ooc: If this is your first time, why do you have an alumni student?

"How does it work exactly?" He asked, still amazed at the dirt.
"What exactly do we have to do? Is it the paper, or the book itself? What kind of structure for the writing is used? Is it like a book that deals with plot, or is it a horribly long list of details and things you want on the planet. How does the time field itself come into existence? Does time flow by itself, or do you need to make it happen?"
He pointed to the long strand of grain in his hair, "Take this piece of wheat for example? How vague or specific must one be to actually make it so these things grow up? Who inteprets this stuff? I mean, you write something vaguely in a book and someone reads it, like the stereotypical farmers, and you understand that they are stereotypical farmers, but to my knowledge none of us have read this book before? How can we experience something like this if we don't know the context?"
His eyes were that of a child that had just found a toy of his dreams.
(if you want you can say that my character simply asked one question after another, doesn't leave you overwhelmed that way)

Back in the class room, Maddy watched the time, wondering how the other students were dealing with her world. She loved it there, sometimes wishing she could step into the book and stay there forever. She was always adding new things to it, small details that made life all the better for the people and creatures that lived there. Not everything in her world was all sunshine and light though, it had a dark side as well. For extra credits, she has created a few creatured that didn't really exist, and she wondered if the new class was ready for ALL her world had to offer.
OOC: Pooh, thanks for catching that man, I fixed it...



"Its not really the book or the pen that creates your realities, they are just the tools that you use. These worlds would continue to exist even after the book they were written in was somehow destroyed... However it would be effectively sealed off from ever being visited again... The book and a pendant are needed to move between the worlds..." Gregory paused to let the students gather that in, then continued. "As far as what sort of written structure you use, most prefer to write things down as as though they were strolling through it, visualizing what they wish to see in their minds eye and simply letting the images that come to them flow down onto the page... This method also makes for a much more flowing outcome." Clearing his throat, Gregory went on. "Your worlds time line begins from the moment you write your first word in the book you will be given. That is a constant, and does not need to be dictated by hand. In fact if you force time to skip ahead for instance, it may cause mass confusion amongst the people in your world."

"The context is dictated by the tastes and mind of the original author really, for lack of a better way to explain this, your worlds will be born on your imaginations. The richest resource each of you posess."

Rowan started to toy with the pen she had used earlier for taking notes, thinking about what the prof said. She took a breath and spoke quietly, wondering just how imaginative the Aid had gotten with this world, and if they were in any danger.

"um, Sir? What about the laws of physics? Do they apply to these worlds? Also, just how creative can we get with these worlds?"

"Yes, the laws of physics do apply in your created worlds, but you can bend them to an extent if you wish when you write... Be as imaginative as you like, just try to root your creations in reality, they will be so much richer for it and be all the more believeable." Gregory said with a smile.
"Where exactly are we right now?"
He looked up at the sky, wondering if they could perhaps see the earth's sun from here at night.
"I mean, is this a physical plane? Or are we in another dimension or something? If we had a space ship capable of deep space travel will we one day come along some these planets students made?"

"We are on New Haven, Maddy's world... It is nearly impossible to tell where, if even in what we know as our dimention it truely lays... In any case, none of the worlds that have ever been created have ever been found through space exploration, hinting toward separate and singular dimentions... But it has never been explored in depth..." Gregory stated as he shifted his gaze upon Athen.
"So..." He always loved going to the furthest extreme, "If one of us were to create a highly technological warring planet with huge ships capable of long distance space travel... in theory some day our same creation might come to earth and try to conquer us?"
He blinked innocently, "how exactly does this all work? You still haven't explained how one day writing in a book produced physical worlds or is that for next class period?" He glanced at his watch, class would be over in about ten minutes, not much time left for anything.
ooc: anyone gonna write me in?


"Again, where are we?" the young lad, that looks way to young to be here, asks with a confused look on his face. "I know i shouldn't have een day dreaming but i was."
damm what am i doing in this class. thought sheetspliter as he rubbed his dick still wet from last nite. i can't keep my mind on this shit and think about her at the same time(never had aqnybody do me like that). what,what did he saY?
"Professor Gregory,"I ask, shy'ly due to nervousness,"my sister was in this class, last year. I want to know, If we, per say, give the people of our world wings, lessen the gravity, and teach them to harness the mana of the area, is that allowed?"
I quietly end my question for fear of seeming foolish.

*The air shifts with enormous force, seems as if the balance of reality is being ripped. The air crackles and a door in reality is opened. A lone figure steps through the whole in reality and lands on the ground. He appears to be a male of 25, around 6'2'', and 225lbs, his musculature is olympian. His eyes are flaming emeralds of power, as his dark long hair cascades down his shoulders plates over his SoulForge armor, that was created at the beginning of time. The air seems to crackle all around his form with lighting shimmering off of his armor, and his two gigantic swords Soul-Crusher and Soul-Reaver shimmer at his sides. He is also wearing a large black wool hooded cloak over his armor with a black leather baldric over his shoulder containing the Dark Impaler in its sheath. His presence is overwhelming and even the night trembles at this display of Godlike power. He walks down the path his steps unheard but his eyes piercing through this new world he has come into, and his senses pick up the activity of the surrounding area......whispering silently into the wind.."I have come, and I find this world ripe for the picking."*