DGAF About your extremism

Both parties don't do much, or any, long term planning or thinking. For example, keeping religion out of government and government out of religion made Christianity stronger here while it dies off in Europe. But now the churches are getting involved in government. That two-way street inevitably leads to government controlling and destroying the churches, faster than they would die by their own failures. Since the churches are seeking government power mostly through the Pubs and the Pubs are too stupid or greedy to tell them to fuck off, that's one on the Pubs.
Both parties don't do much, or any, long term planning or thinking. For example, keeping religion out of government and government out of religion made Christianity stronger here while it dies off in Europe. But now the churches are getting involved in government. That two-way street inevitably leads to government controlling and destroying the churches, faster than they would die by their own failures. Since the churches are seeking government power mostly through the Pubs and the Pubs are too stupid or greedy to tell them to fuck off, that's one on the Pubs.
Churches are getting more involved in supporting Republicans, not “government”.
When you say Lindsey Graham is a “warmonger” what position of his do you object to? I also don’t understand your objections to Romney, McConnell and Susan Collins. What have they done that you disapprove of?

Graham the Incorrigible Warmonger​

The fact that such a deranged and irresponsible character continues to be taken seriously after all these years is a damning indictment of our political class and our foreign policy debates.


Mitt Romney is an elite slimy swamp rat. He voting Democrat this year, he's been whatever he has to be to remain in the DC club. The same goes for McConnell and Collins. They do what their donors tell them to do and the hell with their constituents and the country. To them pubilc office is a get rich scheme. They aren't the only ones either.
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