"Die Trying" (Game Thread)

Move for Paula

Paula is going to respond to the voice calling out, moving to the room.

However, their conversation is being held at a location away from the other characters. Which means that some of what they discuss is not common knowledge to those characters at the Autzen Stadium Complex.

Therefore, I have created a Scene Thread called "The Shrink and the Aussie where that conversation can be held.

You are welcome to follow along with the conversation is you want, but it will be rife with SPOILERS. If you want to NOT read it for now, I will post a link to the game thread when the information contained within it becomes common knowledge. And I am sure that AnthonyBarker will post the information in the OOC portion of the game thread as appropriate.

Your call...

Introducing Dr. Paula Davis: (Player: Alice2015)

  • Unlike those PCs introduced so far, you was not infected with the virus killing millions.
  • You are a psychiatrist who was on duty at the Lane County Mental Health across the road from the Autzen Stadium complex at the start of our Game.
  • You knows things about what's going on and about the virus that no one else knows, with the possible exception of Major Riggs (the Host's PC) and some of Autzen's medical staff (who are NPCs). (I am hoping you saved the "confidential" PM I sent you.)
Your Situation:
  • You are on duty when you hear a man in a locked room on the 2nd floor calling out.
  • You know it is a virus survivor who was brought to you.
  • You don't know who he is.
What next:
  • Do you go to him?
  • Do you ignore him?
  • If you go to him, you can:
    • Have a very basic, interaction here in the Game Thread, limited to just a few posts.
    • Or start a scene thread (like we used to do in TBWTG) in which you can write as many short, quick replies as you wish.
    • It's up to the two of you.

I need to clarify something about the Autzen Stadium complex. While the stadium -- like all stadiums -- has snack bars and bathrooms and gift shops and athlete exercise areas and team shower rooms, the building that includes the fancy amenities that I have been talking about in Howard and Mara's posts are actually located in an adjacent building called the Casanova Sports Center.

I just wanted to clear that up. I will specify between "Autzen", meaning the stadium; and "Casanova", meaning the sports center in the future to avoid confusion.

By the way, if you have never been to the Casanova -- which I have, twice -- you have got to look at this article or do a Google search for more on it. The Casanova is one of the most luxurious athlete services building in the word. It was conceived of and in great part paid for by Nike's Ted Knight. It has been said that most professional football teams do not have the amenities that this college team has.

In exchange for building Casanova, the U of O named its new baseball park after Ted's son. And all of this spending on sports related buildings is occurring at the same time that the Knight Library -- named for Ted's father -- is crumbling to the ground, with ancient stacks and carpet held in place by duct tape. No shit. Been there, saw it.

Sorry. I needed to vent.
Result for Mara:
  • What you learn and see is both similar to and different from what Howard learned and saw, as described in this post:
  • No one knows how you got here.
  • No one knows how long you've been here.
  • You are fed:
    • At the Casanova Center's dining hall.
    • But after the same meager and simple portions Howard got...
    • ...you are taken to a smaller guarded dining area where:
      • There are a salad and fruit bar, better juices, milk, and more.
      • Where only medical staff (male and female) and other attractive females are eating.
      • And where -- after she learns you are new -- a female server tells you, "Remember, this is our own little secret, honey."
  • You get the tour:
    • For more on the Casanova Sports Center's amenities, see this news article.
    • You see Soldiers at all of the exit doors of the Casanova.
    • Are they there to keep others out or you in?
    • A tour guides tells you it is not safe to go outside.
    • Intelligence Ability: you sense half truths and possibly even lies.
    • At the "The Duck Store" (the gift shop/book store) you are offered any clothing or other things you want:
      • Almost everything bears the U of O Ducks logos and/or name.
      • Almost everything is a combination of green and yellow (the school's traditional colors) and/or black and silver (the colors Ted Knight pushed upon the school by providing Nike uniforms.)
      • Winter clothing.
      • Summer clothing.
      • Even undergarments and swimming suits.
  • You meet in passing important Host PCs:
    • Major Roberts Riggs, National Guard. You catch him ogling your body before duty pulls him away.
    • Dr. Phillip Kim, the CDC virologist who supervises all medical duties and personnel.
  • Work:
    • You are told everyone works.
    • You are offered a position with the medical staff, despite your lack of experience.
    • You are quietly told with a knowing smile, "Riggs and Kim prefer the good looking women work inside".
    • You are told there are jobs outside Casanova, but you likely won't be allowed one of them.
    • The outside jobs are mostly for the men, the manly women, and the unattractive women.
    • The biggest outside job is dealing with the dead.
  • About what's happening outside Autzen, you learn what Howard did:
    • Millions are dying.
    • The death rate is rising exponentially.
    • No one knows of a cure.
    • And there is a rumor -- just a rumor! -- of cannibalistic madmen killing other people.
    • It is stressed that you not talk to others about this.

What do you do now?
  • Begin work with the Medical Staff?
  • Try to take an outside job?
  • Choose to just sit in a corner and cry? :)
  • Continue to ask questions? You are Intelligent, so you know that:
    • Being forceful might attract unwanted attention.
    • While being patient and less demanding will be a slow process but might yield more in the end.
  • Other...?
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Major Robert "Big Rigg" Riggs

Long Term NPC:
  • Written by AnthonyBarker
  • National Guard Commander, Autzen Complex.
Physical Description:
  • 38 years old.
  • 6', 210#; very fit, strong.
Abilities: 20 points due to experience
  • Strength=4
  • Dexterity=3
  • Intelligence=3
  • Leadership=6
  • Charisma=4
  • Strong, confident personality; Alpha type.
  • Demanding of his men.
  • Sexist. ("A woman's place is on her back under a man.")
Possessions Worth Noting:
  • Side arm.
  • Emergency Responders Radio.
NPC's Sexual Role Play Biography:
  • Very much a manly man heterosexual.
  • He is available for both interactive, descriptive and fade-to-black SRP.
Doctor Phillip Kim

  • Written (for now) by AnthonyBarker
  • Available to another writer if desired.
  • CDC Supervising Doctor, Autzen Complex.
Physical Description:
  • 48 years old.
  • 5'4", 110#; slim, slight.
  • Of Korean heritage (although a 3rd generation American)
Abilities: 18 points due to experience
  • Strength=2
  • Dexterity=2
  • Intelligence=6
  • Leadership=4
  • Charisma=4
  • Quiet, reserved.
  • Troubled by the virus.
  • Troubled by the government's response to the virus.
NPC's Sexual Role Play Biography:
  • Not a sexual role play character at this time.
Move for Mara:

I will show gratitude and cooperation to all who help me, but I know that there is something going on here that just is not right.
  • Why are the beautiful women seemingly separated from those who are not? If I can find someone I think will answer this question, I will quietly ask.
  • Why are their Soldiers at every door? I do come to the conclusion that they are there more to keep me inside than keep any danger out, though I could be wrong. Again, I will try to find answers.
  • I will look for an exit to the outside but will only go out it if I can do so without getting caught and if it looks safe. I am still not entirely certain whether or not the warnings about outside danger is real or far fetched, so I am nervous about going outside too soon.

At the Duck Store, I select as many sets/pairs of clothing as I am allowed, including body hugging shirts, athletic shorts, exercise clothes, loose fitting, warm sweat pants and tops, sports shoes, and a swimming suit after hearing there are exercise swimming spas in Casanova. I couldn't find a single suit that looked good on me, so I selected this top and these bottoms.

I presume I am given a place to keep my stuff and sleep and make my way there with my new possessions. I will set up my stuff as appropriate.

I will take a position with the Medical Staff as a volunteer. I do not have a problem with blood or puke or anything, so I will fit in quickly. I have sympathy for the infirmed, so the patients will like me (I assume). And I am a dutiful worker, so the rest of the volunteers and Med Staff will like me (I assume).

I will thank Major Roberts Riggs for protecting me. I will ignore his ogling of me, but if given a chance I will ask one or more women about his interactions with the other women. Is he fucking someone? More than one? Is he a nice guy? A pig? I won't ask if I think I will offend anyone or bring myself unwanted attention.

I also thank Dr. Phillip Kim for -- I assume -- being part of the reason I am still alive. Looking at his profile, I assume that he will just treat me like another patient. (I didn't see anything in his profile that would lead me to think he would ogle me or hit on me but would instead just show me the appropriate bed side manner and move on.)

I will, however, ask Kim if he can tell me anything more about the virus that is killing off humanity. I will take what ever answer he gives me and save the rest of my questions for other Med workers. I do not want anyone being suspicious or leery of me.

Result for Mara:
  • What you learn and see is both similar to and different from what Howard learned and saw, as described in this post:
  • No one knows how you got here.
  • No one knows how long you've been here.
  • You are fed:
    • At the Casanova Center's dining hall.
    • But after the same meager and simple portions Howard got...
    • ...you are taken to a smaller guarded dining area where:
      • There are a salad and fruit bar, better juices, milk, and more.
      • Where only medical staff (male and female) and other attractive females are eating.
      • And where -- after she learns you are new -- a female server tells you, "Remember, this is our own little secret, honey."
  • You get the tour:
    • For more on the Casanova Sports Center's amenities, see this news article.
    • You see Soldiers at all of the exit doors of the Casanova.
    • Are they there to keep others out or you in?
    • A tour guides tells you it is not safe to go outside.
    • Intelligence Ability: you sense half truths and possibly even lies.
    • At the "The Duck Store" (the gift shop/book store) you are offered any clothing or other things you want:
      • Almost everything bears the U of O Ducks logos and/or name.
      • Almost everything is a combination of green and yellow (the school's traditional colors) and/or black and silver (the colors Ted Knight pushed upon the school by providing Nike uniforms.)
      • Winter clothing.
      • Summer clothing.
      • Even undergarments and swimming suits.
  • You meet in passing important Host PCs:
    • Major Roberts Riggs, National Guard. You catch him ogling your body before duty pulls him away.
    • Dr. Phillip Kim, the CDC virologist who supervises all medical duties and personnel.
  • Work:
    • You are told everyone works.
    • You are offered a position with the medical staff, despite your lack of experience.
    • You are quietly told with a knowing smile, "Riggs and Kim prefer the good looking women work inside".
    • You are told there are jobs outside Casanova, but you likely won't be allowed one of them.
    • The outside jobs are mostly for the men, the manly women, and the unattractive women.
    • The biggest outside job is dealing with the dead.
  • About what's happening outside Autzen, you learn what Howard did:
    • Millions are dying.
    • The death rate is rising exponentially.
    • No one knows of a cure.
    • And there is a rumor -- just a rumor! -- of cannibalistic madmen killing other people.
    • It is stressed that you not talk to others about this.

What do you do now?
  • Begin work with the Medical Staff?
  • Try to take an outside job?
  • Choose to just sit in a corner and cry? :)
  • Continue to ask questions? You are Intelligent, so you know that:
    • Being forceful might attract unwanted attention.
    • While being patient and less demanding will be a slow process but might yield more in the end.
  • Other...?
Result for Mara (AngelEyes1994)

This result comes from what you hear and see over the rest of the evening:
  • You do get a lot of answers to your questions and suspicions.
  • Two women open up to you a bit:
    • Rosie:
      • Available NPC (or even PC) if you want her. PM me for more information.
      • She is a Medical Services Volunteer. No other information yet provided.
      • From her, you can gain great insight in your future Moves.
      • She is a gossip and tells you some juicy stuff:
        • Major Riggs -- a "sexist pig", she calls him -- gives the attractive women special treatment to lure them into compensating him and his men with sex and other female services.
        • Every Soldier and some of the more helpful men has a girl friend or two.
        • Some women have refused to serve and have been sent out of the comfortable Casanova Sports Center and into the less comfortable Autzen stadium areas, such as the equipment rooms. They have access to the very basic practice area locker/shower rooms, but not any of the Casanova amenities.
      • Rosie if fucking one of the Officers for his pleasure and one of the Soldiers for her own.
      • She says she tried to go outside a couple of times and was told it was too dangerous. Yet she sees other people go out all the time, so she thinks its because she is one of the women servicing Soldiers.
    • Kathy:
      • Available NPC (or even PC) if you want her. PM me for more information.
      • Local nurse working for Dr. Kim.
      • She tells you a little bit about the virus, but it's nothing you didn't already know.
      • She (or me, specifically) will tell you more either over time or sooner if she becomes your NPC/PC.
  • You won't find a way out without getting caught. All the doors are guarded and all the windows are alarmed. You can try a window, but if you get caught, is it worth it?
  • You are, in fact, set up with a place to sleep and store your things. Several of the Coaches' offices have had actual beds moved to them; and there are lockers, desks, and every thing you could want in them. However, all of the communications items have been removed as if someone doesn't want you to know what's going on out in The World: televisions, radios, computers, tablets, etc.
  • Assignment:
    • You are given a job with the Medical Staff.
    • The patients like you. You are assigned to general duties surrounding 24 patients, either in varying stages of virus-induced semi-consciousness or other injuries/illnesses/ailments.
    • If you want to talk about specific patients, feel free.
    • The Med Staff likes you, too. They won't tell you much about the virus, though, and it seems obvious to you that they are hiding something.
    • The Med Staff finds Dr. Kim stiff, but they thinks its just the strain of the job.
    • There are rumors that he knows more about the virus than he's telling, but when asked, he only tells people to pay attention to their own work.
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OOC: I wasn't sure whether or not I was supposed to post this here. Forgive me if this is wrong.

I would like to offer myself up for several roles if someone has a need:
  • Non-sexual as well as sexual role play parts, the latter to be written in scene threads of course.
  • An older woman for either a younger woman or man; a younger naïve woman; an experienced woman for a same aged man or woman.
  • A woman trapped out in the city within view of Autzen. One night she catches sight of a Guard in the stadium and makes contact via Morse Code, which she is teaching herself via a boy scout book she found. She will be desperate to get to a safe place. Autzen is her best option. Being attractive, the Soldiers will want her with them.
  • A woman inside Autzen/Casanova who wants to get to her family to see if they are alive. She will be willing to service others in humiliating ways to get what she wants.
  • And a flat out whore, willing to do anything to get ahead.
  • Also a woman who controls a storage unit facility who will have resources available for trade.
  • You may post messages like that which Alice did IF you are a currently accepted and posting writer.
  • Prospective writers who have not yet joined the role play should NOT post such messages.
  • In fact, writers who have not joined the role play should not post anything here please. PM your interest to the Host instead.
  • DO NOT reply to messages like Alice's here in the thread. PM writers about joining them in such ideas.
  • If you post a message like Alice's, return to them to indicate when roles are filled by altering your original post, NOT adding new posts that say "Filled".
  • I will even create a link on the first page of the Game Thread that will lead writers to such posts to make it easier to fill those roles.
  • I am eager to allow writers to find writing partners, but I don't want the game thread to turn into an OOC style chat thread PLEASE!
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Move for Mara

I am very interested in having both Rosie and Kathy as NPCs. As you requested in the PM you sent me, I will send you the very basic information for you to add to my profile for them.

I spent a good deal of time with Kathy during the work day. Again, I asked casual questions, as well as questions I think will make me a better worker. What did I learn from her?

As I worked, I inconspicuously asked questions of some of my patients. Chatty stuff, like where they were from, what they did, etc. My goal is to glean more information about what is happening out in the World beyond Autzen that the authorities in Autzen might not be willing to give up.

Do I learn anything?

Toward the end of the day, I sit down with Rosie over a shared bottle of beer and make friends. Even though I am interested in making a new friend, I am more interested right now in getting her to open up. I believe that my charisma and intelligence are sufficient for me to buddy up to her, but I will let you decide that.

During dinner in our private girls only dining room, I quiz Rosie with a BFF like attitude about her Soldier lovers just to see if I can learn more. Plus, I've always liked dirty stories anyway.

If approached by one of the Soldiers or other males looking for a girl friend, I would be interested in having a Scene Thread conversation. I will not be hooking up with anyone as I am still a virgin!

I am disappointed that I can not find a way out of the building. But honestly, I am not in too much of a hurry to get outside yet. There is still a lot to learn within these walls.

When the end of the day comes, I am exhausted and want to sleep. Rosie tells me she won't be back until morning because she is spending the evening with her Officer lover. I am a little paranoid about being in this situation, particularly alone. I set up a trap in case someone comes in my room: using dental floss, I stretch out a trip wire at knee level across the little path that accesses my portion of the room I share with Rosie and attach it to a pair of ceramic coffee mugs. If someone comes into the room, they will knock those cups off to the floor, which is concrete covered by indoor/outdoor carpet.

Result for Mara (AngelEyes1994)

This result comes from what you hear and see over the rest of the evening:
  • You do get a lot of answers to your questions and suspicions.
  • Two women open up to you a bit:
    • Rosie:
      • Available NPC (or even PC) if you want her. PM me for more information.
      • She is a Medical Services Volunteer. No other information yet provided.
      • From her, you can gain great insight in your future Moves.
      • She is a gossip and tells you some juicy stuff:
        • Major Riggs -- a "sexist pig", she calls him -- gives the attractive women special treatment to lure them into compensating him and his men with sex and other female services.
        • Every Soldier and some of the more helpful men has a girl friend or two.
        • Some women have refused to serve and have been sent out of the comfortable Casanova Sports Center and into the less comfortable Autzen stadium areas, such as the equipment rooms. They have access to the very basic practice area locker/shower rooms, but not any of the Casanova amenities.
      • Rosie if fucking one of the Officers for his pleasure and one of the Soldiers for her own.
      • She says she tried to go outside a couple of times and was told it was too dangerous. Yet she sees other people go out all the time, so she thinks its because she is one of the women servicing Soldiers.
    • Kathy:
      • Available NPC (or even PC) if you want her. PM me for more information.
      • Local nurse working for Dr. Kim.
      • She tells you a little bit about the virus, but it's nothing you didn't already know.
      • She (or me, specifically) will tell you more either over time or sooner if she becomes your NPC/PC.
  • You won't find a way out without getting caught. All the doors are guarded and all the windows are alarmed. You can try a window, but if you get caught, is it worth it?
  • You are, in fact, set up with a place to sleep and store your things. Several of the Coaches' offices have had actual beds moved to them; and there are lockers, desks, and every thing you could want in them. However, all of the communications items have been removed as if someone doesn't want you to know what's going on out in The World: televisions, radios, computers, tablets, etc.
  • Assignment:
    • You are given a job with the Medical Staff.
    • The patients like you. You are assigned to general duties surrounding 24 patients, either in varying stages of virus-induced semi-consciousness or other injuries/illnesses/ailments.
    • If you want to talk about specific patients, feel free.
    • The Med Staff likes you, too. They won't tell you much about the virus, though, and it seems obvious to you that they are hiding something.
    • The Med Staff finds Dr. Kim stiff, but they thinks its just the strain of the job.
    • There are rumors that he knows more about the virus than he's telling, but when asked, he only tells people to pay attention to their own work.
Move for Howard:
  • Remember, everyone: Howard is one of the Host's PCs, here to:
    • Offer interaction opportunities to other PCs;
    • Offer exposition/description. Speaking of which, check out the death toll stated below.
    • Allow the Host to experiment with this new format of posting (which, I think, I've got down by now ... so ... moot now.)
  • If I am allowed to make some friends (Host??) I will. I will talk to them about some of the points I make below.
  • I'm a little bit peeved that no one knows how I got here or how long I've been here.
  • But as I learn that over half of the population of the US is now dead and more deaths are expected, I begin to understand the mayhem and confusion, even here ... or especially here!
  • I am impressed with the Casanova, of which I will speak to others.
  • I could stand to live here forever, of which I will speak to others.
  • I'm not too impressed with the food, though, of which I will speak to others.
  • See a trend here? If you, the other Players, want to "hint" at giving me "points of discussion" with NPCs, feel free to come up with your own methods or copy this one.
  • Major Roberts Riggs seemed like a dick ... of which I will speak to others. (Are you tired of me yet?)
  • And Dr. Kim seemed overworked and in need of some bed side manner lessons. But I thank him for his work. I am grateful to be alive.
  • When I am told that they need laborers to dispose of bodies, I can't help but laugh. I was a "disposal engineer", a fancy name for garbage man.
  • I'm not too tickled about having to handle dead and decaying bodies, but when one of the other laborers nods toward a woman smiling at him and tell me there are advantages to doing such work -- insinuating that maybe some of the women "compensate" us with sex -- I whole heartedly agree ... presuming its safe.
  • I laugh at the rumor that some people are running around like wild animals killing other people. "Bull shit!" I respond. But, some of the guys tell me they've seen it themselves.
  • I ask to see the outside. Am I permitted...?
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Andrew Biggs (Written by TheNextNewGuy, aka TNNG)
(Only male in picture.)​

Physical Description:
  • 18 years old.
  • 5'8", 130#; thin, skin'n'bones.
Abilities: -2 for youth.
  • Strength=2
  • Dexterity=4
  • Intelligence=3
  • Leadership=2
  • Charisma=2
  • Senior: Sheldon High School (Average student, B- GPA)
  • Nerd. Student Council Member (various positions over the years).
  • Skate boarder, skilled.
  • Family:
    • Parents were killed by Crazies, protecting the children.
    • Sisters are:
      • Betsy, age 16. Written by Alice2015.
      • Calli, age 13. (Shared by TNNG and Alice2015)
      • Dolly, age 4. (Shared by TNNG and Alice2015)
  • Quiet, shy.
  • Horny.
Possessions Worth Noting: Coming.

Other Things To Know: Coming.

PC's Sexual Role Play Biography:
  • Virgin.
  • Horny, but too shy to do anything about it.
Betsy Biggs (Written by Alice2015)
(Eldest female in picture.)​

Physical Description:
  • 16 years old. (NOT a sexual participant!)
  • 5'6", 110#; developing into a beautiful young woman.
Abilities: Current total=16
  • Strength=1
  • Dexterity=2
  • Intelligence=7
  • Leadership=2
  • Charisma=4
  • Adjustments:
    • -3 for youth.
    • +4 for this post, #46): +2 Intelligence, +1 Leadership, +1 Charisma.
  • Junior: Sheldon High School (Average student, B- GPA)
  • Computer/Technology student. Sharp, innovative.
  • Small group of tight friends.
  • Mostly hangs with other tech geeks.
  • Family:
    • Parents were killed by Crazies, protecting the children.
    • Siblings are:
      • Andrew, age 18. Written by TheNextNewGuy.
      • Calli, age 13. Shared by TNNG and Alice2015.
      • Dolly, age 4. Shared by TNNG and Alice2015.
  • Bold. Confident.
  • Intelligent and sensible both.
  • Becoming interested in "adult things" (but as I said, NOT an SRP participant due to age.
Possessions Worth Noting:
  • A jerry rigged radio with which she can connect to other two way radios.
  • Other personal computing devices, though all either have no signal or are dead.
  • Leather bag tool kit with tools (for tinkering around with computers and such).
Other Things To Know:
  • If you have a tech problem, she is the person to have helping you.
PC's Sexual Role Play Biography: NO!! She is only 16.
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(OOC: Per AnthonyBarker's direction, I am posting my first Move myself.)

Move for Andrew Biggs

(OOC: When you look at the picture below, keep in mind that it is October 30th in Eugene, Oregon, 60 miles from the nearest ocean. Imagine the kids in winter clothing.)

Andrew and his sisters had been hiding in the attic of their 2 story home for over two weeks, since a madman entered the house and -- it made his skin crawl just remembering it! -- attacked, killed, then began eating his father! It was like something right out of one of those really bad, free, Amazon Prime horror movies. Andrew had tried to intervene, slamming one of his dad's driving woods over the invader's head. But the golf club had simply bent in two, not even slowing the maniac down.

Andrew's mother rushed the four kids upstairs and into the attic. Then, as they watched from above, another -- then another and yet another -- maniac tackled their mother and killed her too. She had been able to push the attic door upwards, hiding them. For over an hour, they listened to their mother being eaten below them. The girls cried through the entire event, with little Dolly eventually falling asleep from exhaustion. Andrew had cried, too, though he didn't let the others see him. Eventually, the sounds below stopped, even though the crying above them didn't.

It wasn't until almost sunset of the next day that Andrew -- and only Andrew! -- descended from the attic to assess the situation. He would never have known that the corpse on the second floor landing was his mother is he hadn't seen her die there. There was little left of her: bones broken in half so that the marrow could be sucked out; a skull also cracked open and practically emptied of its highly nutritious gray matter; and a skeleton now absent of soft tissue with little more on it than ligaments and tendons.

It made Andrew retch on the floor, which he then repeated when he got downstairs to find the same with his father's corpse, which was now partially located in the living room, kitchen and back hall way. It was over an hour before he could bring himself to do what he'd come down to do. It took another hour or so for him to make six trips from the kitchen to the attic door, carrying up food, bottled water, toilet paper, books and toys, and anything else that he could think of to allow the four to live in the attic for as long as possible.

Andrew, age 18, had done all the work, leaving Betsy, age 16, to watch over the two younger siblings -- Calli, age 13, and Dolly, age 4. But in all honesty, it had been the eldest of the three girls who had suggested their hiding, who had made the list of needs, and who -- for the last couple of days -- had been trying to find a way for them to get help from someone beyond the house.

(OOC: As we talked, Alice2015 is going to post for the sister, then you can make a result for them and get them started on their adventure.)
Continuing with the move for the Biggs:

Betsy Biggs looked up at her brother with wide eyes, nodded affirmatively, then -- a bit louder than she'd planned as she was wearing headphones -- whispered to him, "I got'em."

When this madness had first begun, Andrew and Betsy had been smart enough to bring up with them all of the cell phones, tablets, and lap tops in the house, seven devices in all. But one by one, each of them had either died (because Andrew hadn't been able to find the chargers) or had lost their internet capability (because the home's cable-provided wifi had stopped working for an unknown reason). They'd wanted to go back down, but every day since their parent had died, one or two or sometimes ten crazed people entered the house through its open doors and ran about the two floors below them, presumably searching for more people to kill and eat!

So, for the last three days, The Smart One -- as Betsy's parents had always called her only when no one else could hear -- had been trying to communicate with the outside world by a less modern and high tech method: she was trying to modify the signal capability of an old radio they'd found amongst their deceased grand father's things in the attic. And now, finally, she'd done it. In the ear phones, she was hearing scratchy voices, and while she could only made out a fraction of the words with clarity, those few words and the cadence of the voices sounded authoritarian to her, like the police or military.

"I still need to--" She stopped short as her brother held a finger up to his lips, then made a quieter gesture. She realized it was the head phones and took one of the big cupped halves off an ear. "I need to fine tune it, but ... I think I might be able to talk to someone soon."

She looked past him to where the two younger girls were -- for the umpteenth time -- reading And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street. The now 15 year old copy of the Dr. Seuss classic had actually first been Andrew's book. Despite having several pages taped in place after being ripped out; having some replacement pages from other copies taped in place of those destroyed beyond belief; and having pencil, pen, crayon, and marker writing throughout it -- contributions from each of the children over the years -- the tattered book that should have been replaced in whole a decade earlier had continued to be handed down, one child after another. It had been the favorite of each of them at the appropriate time, and -- now being her favorite thing in the world -- it had been the only thing little Dolly had cried for when Andrew went downstairs almost two weeks ago to gather supplies.

She looked back to her brother again, slipped the head phone back on, and whispered, "Let's give this a try."

Question for the host: What happens next? Does she get anyone? And, if so, is it a good person or a bad person?
OOC -- For all concerned, the following character was approved yesterday (via text from my RL friend Andrew, who for reasons I do not understand has not posted her profile yet. Bad Andrew ... baaaaad boy. You want a spanking...? Probably!)

OOC -- Also, for the picture below, she is dressed this way but she is not carrying a gun or bag of cash.


Lane County Mental Health Services Building
Eugene, Oregon
Across MLK Jr Blvd from Autzen:

Vicki paced up and down the back hall anxiously. It had been almost six hours since she had last gotten her fix! She was beginning to tremble, and her palms were getting sweaty. She again rubbed them upon the soft cotton of the black tee shirt she was wearing. She liked this tee because of how much of her shapely, erotic figure it showed off in combination with the only other items she was wearing, a pair of knee high faux-suede boots and a thong!

And then she heard the footsteps of her dealer approaching. She hurried into the open door of one of the exam rooms and waited. The man entered, ogling her with a devilish smirk. She demanded, "Give it to me!"

"You're one sick puppy," the man said without concern for where they were or that she was suffering from her addiction. He closed the door behind himself, and the look in his eye told Vicki that he was more than happy and ready to give it to her. He added, "But I'm here to help you."

Vicki quickly pulled her thong down to mid-thigh and leaned over the exam table, presenting her bared, beautiful back side to him ... for the reason she had come to what she liked to call The Cuckoo's Nest three weeks ago was her weekly appointment with Doc Paula to discuss her sex addition.

Anthony: As directed, I left open which man treats her and whether or not he is an overall good or bad guy; and as directed, I left the actual sexual role play out. This is a fade to black post. BTW, get my profile up Slow Poke!.

What happens?
Result for Mara:
  • Consider Rosie solidly your NPC.
  • Your Intelligence Score means that -- short of being openly endangered or betrayed -- she will do pretty much what ever you ask and answer pretty much any question you ask in a Move.
  • Consider Kathy your NPC, too, but she will take a week or so of working with you before she becomes as solidly yours as Rosie is.
  • The time you spent with Kathy was sufficient to get her to tell you everything that was learned about the Crazies in the Scene Thread "The Head Shrinker and the Aussie".
  • Assuming you haven't already been reading it, you may start now without any spoilers. Subscribe to it and follow along.
  • Getting chatty with your patients only gleaned you some horrific stories, nothing of great use now. However, later some of the things you learned will suddenly begin to aid you in ways you didn't expect. (I will drop hints to you occasionally.)
  • Your day's end conversation with Rosie over a beer did get you some dirty stories. I am not going to tell you what you learned. Why don't you make something up yourself. Have fun with it.
  • You will be approached by one of the Soldiers at dinner, but I would like to write that out with you in a Scene Thread if you are open to it. You will not be hooking up tonight as you said.
  • During the night, you do wake up suddenly to the light of the hallway falling in upon you as you sleep. But after a moment, the door closes and nothing more happens that shouldn't.
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Result for Vicki:
  • You get laid, obviously.
  • Sex is not to be role played here in the Game thread, but if you want to role play it, ask Aussie, TNNG, or me and I'm sure someone will want to write it with you in a Scene Thread. :D
  • You can post a "fade to black" result here if you wish.
  • As far as your question about which guy gave you your "fix":
    • It was a Soldier.
    • He didn't care too much about your own climax.
    • When he was finished (figuratively), he was finished (literally).
    • Did you "finish", too? If not, how does that make you feel.
  • When you finish, who should happen by but Doc Paula, who knows what you have done. How will she react? We'll let her tell you in her next move.
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Result for Howard:
  • Abilities (just a reminder): Strength=5, Dexterity=3, Intelligence=2, Leadership=3, Charisma=2
  • Concerning making friends:
    • Some of the manly man types are taking to you quickly.
    • They like your macho attitude.
    • Despite the end of the world being at hand, they still do the things guys do: rather rough touch football in Autzen's indoor practice field; body building in the Power Room; poker games where resources and "chores" are wagered in lieu of money; guy talk about the women in the Casanova; and, of course, actual "chasing" of women in the Casanova.
    • They invite you to participate.
    • You are even brought to the attention of a couple of the female laborer types.
    • Three take interest in you: Amy, Bev, and Carol (A, B, C).
  • Some of the guys agree with you about Major Roberts Riggs being a dick. (More about this below.)
  • You are reassured that the Crazies outside are real. One of the laborers gets permission to take you to a position where you can look out on the city through binoculars. You can't believe what you see (the same as is described in this post from "The Head Shrinker and the Aussie".

  • Do you align yourself with the guys who support or oppose Major "Big Rigg"?
  • Do you do so openly or quietly. (There are guys who both support and oppose him, both quietly and openly; and at this point it is still too early for you to know which side will benefit you more.)
  • Each of the women has something to offer you, both good and bad. Feel like taking a chance? (I, of course, know what each has to offer you, though I'm not going to tell you. I solicited votes from the other Players. :D)
  • How do you feel about the Crazies?
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Result for The Biggs, both Andrew and Betsy:
  • Concerning Andrew specifically: image (only boy) and profile:
    • You have done a wonderful job of protecting your sisters.
    • You have learned a great deal in just 2 weeks.
    • You should be proud.
    • And you should be rewarded: +1 Intelligence, +1 Leadership, +1 Charisma
  • Concerning Betsy specifically: image (oldest girl) and profile:
    • You, too, have done a wonderful job of protecting your sisters.
    • In addition, you have really put your brain to the test.
    • You have learned a great deal in just 2 weeks.
    • You should be proud.
    • And you should be rewarded: +2 Intelligence, +1 Leadership, +1 Charisma
  • For both:
    • Betsy does make contact with someone on her jerry rigged radio.
    • A male identifies himself as a Linn County Sheriff's deputy based in downtown Eugene.
    • He asks about your situation: are you safe, do you have food and water, do you need rescue, etc.
    • He asks specifics: your names, your ages, your genders, your address, other family members locally, etc.

Questions for next move:
  • What do you do?
  • How much do you tell the man?
  • Do you trust him with your information? your location?
  • He says he can send a rescue party if you want.
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Vicki Volstok -- Written by AngelEyes1994

Physical Description:
  • 22 years old.
  • 5'10", 124#; 34C-23-35; super model sexy.
  • Long, straight black hair.
  • Deep brown, mesmerizing eyes.
  • Various tattoos (to be described).
Abilities: 13-15 (see below)
  • Strength=2
  • Dexterity=3
  • Intelligence=3-5 (see Adjustments)
  • Leadership=1
  • Charisma=4
  • Adjustments:
    • Intelligence fluctuates: mental illness (sexual addiction), -2 when not being treated with drugs and counseling.
  • High School drop out.
  • She is intelligent but often overwhelmed by lust.
  • No career. Men take care of her.
  • Family: Kicked out of her home at 14. Hasn't seen family since.
  • Strong, confident personality.
  • Sex addict. When treated with drugs and counseling, she can function normally.
Possessions Worth Noting: None.

Other Things To Know: Yet to come.

PC's Sexual Role Play Biography:
  • Oh my god, really...? Sex addict!!
  • Will do both males and females but prefers the former.
  • This character is intended for both game thread situations and 1x1 (or even 1x2) Sexual Scene Threads. Don't be shy guys (or girls).
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From The Host:
  • I reorganized the opening page. It was cumbersome.
  • I found some errors in my links and -- embarrassingly -- in some profiles:
    • I sometimes use an existing profile as a basis for creating a new one.
    • I quote the already posted one to preserve all of the formatting.
    • Then I delete the specific information of the previous character and insert the new information for the new character.
    • Sometimes I forget to delete things from the previous character. That was why Andrew Biggs, a skinny high school boy, had the shapely measurements of 34C-23-35 before I caught my error! :( Oops.
    • My point is that if you see and error in your profile, please bring it up to me.
  • I want to again thank TheNextNewGuy for the story concept and notes he gave me from his original story idea, "Rise of the Crazies", upon which this role play is based.
  • I want to tell you that as PCs are established and situations described, the speed of the game portion will speed up. I promise you that!
  • I want to thank all of you for joining.
  • And I want you all to solicit each of you to talk to your writing partners in other role plays to consider coming over to our Game. We could use 2 more females and 2 more males I believe.
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  • Aussie_Wolf and I have just concluded a Scene thread called "The Head Shrinker and the Aussie."
  • It contained some spoilers about the Crazies, so we urged others not to read it until most of the other PCs -- located in different locations -- had learned that which was contained in the thread from other avenues.
  • Anthony thinks it's time.
  • So, if you have not already been following along, please read the thread now.

As far as moves go...

Anthony, I know you have been following along. You can post results for both Paula and Adam now if you wish. We're ready for our adventure: give us your best shot!! :)
Result for Adam:

I am going to put the fate of your mission in your own hands. If the next person that you hear speak in RL is female, then you are within earshot and will be able to hear the soldiers talking. If the next person you hear speak is male, not including yourself, haha, then you are not close enough and must get closer, and the risk of getting caught increases. Do you continue to move closer, knowing that the risk is higher? Post and describe as you wish your move and I will post a result at my next opportunity.
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