Do any of you authors write in Script Format?

Theoretically you can upload a story in script formatting to any category. Though I don't do it myself and can't say it would be well received, I don't see any reason why you couldn't do it.

I’ve done this. It wasn’t well received, but I think that’s more because there wasn’t any sex in the story and readers were expecting some…

(My story “Love Bug” is in screenplay format)
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I am new and just joined today. I looked at all the stories and I have seen there is no "script offer" section for writers to upload to. I did, however, see an audio section for VA's and people willing to voice stories.

So I was wondering if anyone else here writes any stories in script format (script offers). Since there's only a handful of audios on Literotica, it could help the audio people get more content on this site.

There's another place for script offer/script fill, but a lot of people are losing their accounts there for no reason, so I thought this site COULD BECOME a good alternative place for that place. And another place to get the VA's work out there even more.. and another place for script offer writers to upload their stuff as well.
I write in a screenplay format. That is where you have the character's name then their dialogue. If you were ever in a school play, it's like the script book you receive that has everyone's lines in it.

Roger: "Damn, your tits are incredible"

Judy: "Well you can thank my plastic surgeon"

Roger: "Can he make my dick bigger?"

Judy: "That's my job."

(zipper sound effect)

Judy: "Hmmmm, Well I can't work magic, but I'll give it a try."

(music with heavy drum beat)