"Doctor Who: Powers of Ten" (OOC)

I personally loved the "still not a ginger" comment.

& you think that glove was the twin to the one used in the first episode of Torchwood?

Loved that! Though a lot of people thought he was relieved he wasn't redheaded, and were offended. The production crew had to remind people of Ten's earlier complaint.

And, no. Excellent inference, but I believe Rassilon was wielding The Hand of Omega. The other Resurrection Gauntlet shows up in a turning point of Torchwood Series 2.
Loved that! Though a lot of people thought he was relieved he wasn't redheaded, and were offended. The production crew had to remind people of Ten's earlier complaint.

And, no. Excellent inference, but I believe Rassilon was wielding The Hand of Omega. The other Resurrection Gauntlet shows up in a turning point of Torchwood Series 2.

oh. haven't gotten very far into season 2
Watching Law & Order:UK right now.

Has Jamie Bamber (Apollo from the new Galactica) & Freema Agyeman (from you know what) starring in it.
There are a bunch of the Tom Baker Dr. Who's on the instant view on Netflix

City of Death; The Ark in Space; The Armageddon factor; The Three Doctors; Pyramids of Mars

lots & lots of episodes it looks like

The villain in Pyramids of Mars is voiced by the same guy who did the voice of The Beast in "Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit."

Also, Sarah Jane is a hottie.

"City of Death" I've seen part of, Romana the Second in a schoolgirl outfit running around Paris hand-in-hand with Four... they were a cute couple.

I saw the beginning of "The Three Doctors," the bickering is just brilliant.

Putting on my thinking cap.
