"Doctor Who: Powers of Ten" (OOC)


i gets it now

*hugs* is alright. glad you're alive and well now ^_^

...I haven't been really terribly active either...though I'm working on gathering steam again. I gots married ^_^
*gets a dancing Nine and is happy* thanks...it's been interesting but for the most part we work..I has hope for the future.
So I hear!

Though I have to say I'm most interested to see if Rumplestiltskin's xanatos gambit extended as far as all this because OMGTHATWOULDBEFUCKINGAWESOME!

This show is one of the few that has ever made me a fan of the villains. Not that I'm rooting for them per say but they are oh so interesting and I can't hate them even when they're being unbearably stupid and stubborn.
So I hear!

Though I have to say I'm most interested to see if Rumplestiltskin's xanatos gambit extended as far as all this because OMGTHATWOULDBEFUCKINGAWESOME!

This show is one of the few that has ever made me a fan of the villains. Not that I'm rooting for them per say but they are oh so interesting and I can't hate them even when they're being unbearably stupid and stubborn.

All the characters are amazing. Except King George, he can go die in a fire.

I mean, seriously, Grumpy Dwarf is a bad-ass, Jiminy's human form is the town psychiatrist, the local fire dog is named "Pongo"...

And we got to see Amy Acker in a faerie costume!

I kind of root for Rumple, but I didn't have one iota of sympathy for the queen 'till she put her agenda aside to help her kid.

Love her in those low-cut dresses, though.