Dragons and Magic II: The Hunt for DreamWeaver

Cormac turned as Ona approached, offering to take over the watch. "Aye, sleep would be pleasant." he said, rising. "Have you a weapon?" He asked, offering her his sword.
Idrial watched Ona go and had stood to follow Her eyes had not missed the burnt ground around where Ona's form had lain and she worried for her, but something in Ona's expression stopped her, she was not yet ready to trust them with her thoughts.. Idrial hoped that she would open up to them in time so that if they were able they could help her.

Hearing O'Bonn's words Idrial nodded she knew they fay spoke with O'Bonn often wether in the form of the majahi or in dreams as they had now, tho she didnt need O'Bonn to tell her what he had seen for she could well guess.. the walking dead were only the beginning if they failed Rhys would die along with the land. Everything and everyone would be lost.

Watching O'Bonn rise to stand next to her grabbing his pack she smiled as he pulled out a tin I would be glad to, depending on the swamps this may be the last chance we have to camp for awhile, and i wouldnt mind spending more time with you.

Glancig in the direction Ona had gone she watched as she sent her donky Bardo away and moved to speak with Cromac to take her trun at guard duty.
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Cormac's sword felt awkward in her hand, she was pretty sure that she would have no idea what to do with it if the situation required it. She knew though what an honor it was for the warrior to offer his own sword. Smiling apologetically she handed the weapon back to him.

"I think that if we were to come under attack it would serve best in your hand, friend Cormac. I am unskilled with such weapons and would do it an injustice trying to wield it. I thank you for the offer though, I am greatly honored."

Ona circled the camp and then settled into a spot where she could watch over them from the shadows. She sat down with crossed legs and opened her consciousness, expanding it to encompass the surrounding area. Now if anything approached too closely she would sense it and be able to raise an alarm if need be.
Cormac chuckled good-naturedly as Ona held his sword so awkwardly. "Aye, lass, maybe for the best. I can teach you if you'd like." Cormac said, sheathing the weapon. "I'm off to sleep, Conchobar and Eoghain are about, they'll make themselves known if theres danger." cormac said, moving toward the fire to his bedroll.
Looking at O'Bonn as Cromac joined them at the fire pulling out his bed roll so that he could get another hour or so of rest. I worrie for Ona, I wish to know what troubles her but do not wish to push her ither, do you not see the grass where she was laying.. i think she is afraid she may do us or herself some harm but i do not know... what do you Ither of you think? she asked wanting to know there thoughts before she approched Ona, they couldnt help her if they didnt know what it was that troubled her.
As O'Bonn poured the water from the small kettle that Idrial had heated into three cups, he looked over to where Ona had disappeared into the underbrush.

"I can not say, M'Lady," he told her. "Ona has indeed been troubled since we met her, and I do not know why. I suppose if she had wanted to tell us, then she would have done so." He handed a cup, now full of the rich, dark tea from the Great Northern Lands, to Idrial. "If you can speak to her, and she will tell you of her worries, then I will lend my sword or counsel to vanquish whatever demons hound her."

O'Bonn looked to Cormac, preparing a cup of tea for him as well. O'Bonn did not know if the warrior had fallen asleep yet or not.
Cormac listened to their talk of Ona. "I do not know, I have not been around her very long, but her eyes speak to me of great pain, great loss. I do not think it wise to push her into talking, she may snap and cause harm she does not mean too." he said, gratefully accepting the hot tea from O'Bonn. He produced a large bottle from his saddle bag and poured a bit of amber liquid into the tea. "A little nip anyone?" he asked offering the liquid around "uisce beatha" he said
Valanthe slept while O'Bonn, Idrial and Cormac spoke waiting to be woken when it was her turn to guard.

Garth however listned quietly keeping his own councel when he noticed the moon. DAMN he thought.. another night and the moon will be full. Garth was strong enough to control the transformation but it took alot out of him because he was fighting with the wolf inside, but what if he couldnt this time.. he had travled alone sence his curse, he didnt know what the effect the others would have on his sences.

Idrial listened to both Cromac and O'Bonns thoughts on the matter before deciding. I will give her some more time, as you both said we do not know much about each other and it could be that she needs more time to get to know us before trusting us enuogh to share her thoughts
O'Bonn eyed the amber liquid Cormac poured into his tea. O'Bonn shook his head, "None for me, my friend," he said. "The last time I drank spirits this early in the day was with Belos the Half Horse, and we ended up drunk by mid-day and got upon a boat to fish. Centaurs and boats, you know...."
Cormac laughed at O'Bonns comment about centaurs and boats. "Oh aye, who hasnt been there a time or two?" he said still chuckling. "Why I and old Turin, a most reputable and jovial gentle-satyr, went out a-roisting one day, and ended up with us fishing, and old Turin being dragged through Lough Fadda by a boreas fish." He said laughing, tears of laughter coming to his eyes at the good memories. he took a long swig of his tea. "Happy days those were, the best part was that we did up spearing the beast, and roasting him for a bonfire in the valley of Leyth. Where we had a most marvelous time, members of my clan and the satyr tribe. Many good pots of beer and bottles of uisce were had that day."
O'Bonn smiled upon hearing Cormac's tale. He then cast a glance to the fire, and the sky that was beginning to lighten with the coming dawn.

It had been many years since he had seen Belos the Half Horse. Belos ruled over the kingdom of the centaurs now. But, before, he and O'Bonn had lead great armies of centaurs and elves against the warlord Ur. O'Bonn made a vow he would go to the centaur kingdom and have a drink with old Belos as soon as this task was finished. And he would invite Cormac, too, and together they would all drink and tell tales of battle and lust.
Cormac's expression then turned grim "It was just after a year later, that Turin was killed in battle, along with most the men of his tribe. We couldnt get there fast enough. When my kin and I arrived, the bloodshed was severe. Turin still lived, but was mortally wounded, some 20 goblins lay strewn about him. He sold his life dearly did Turin, he was the best friend i ever had. Our last talk was of that memory, of him being dragged through the lough by the most massive boreas we had ever seen. Even as he lay dying, Turin could have a good laugh." Cormac said, drinking heavily of his tea. He pulled one of his necklaces forward, showing it in the firelight. "This is a fang from that fish, Turin and I both had one. I buried him myself, with his fang about his neck. Then my kinsmen and I, along with what was left of Turin's tribe, and a few youths from another tribe of satyrs out for their blooding, tracked the goblin warband and fell upon them in the night as they were drunk and reveling in their victory. We slaughtered them in detail, leaving not a drop of their blood unspilt. I myself killed 25, along with their Warchief, a bear of a hobgoblin whos name I didnt bother to learn." Cormac said, as the light grew in the sky.
Idrial sat quietly gazing into the fire lisiting to O'Bonn and Cormac speak abou there past adventures, and fallen comrads.. Idrial herself had no such stories half breeds were rarely welcomed in many regons and as a result she had fought almost all of her battles alone.. As far as she could remember this was the first group she had been apart of.

As the first rays of the sun begain to appear Idrial begain to awaken Garth, Valanthe and the other elven lady who travled with them. They could take there turns at watch when next they camped, and let Ona, Cormac, O'Bonn and herself rest a bit then. We should get ready to move, I dont think it wise for us to stay in one place long
Tiana shivered and tried to melt into the wall behind her but to no avail. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to count to ten, using her fingertips as a guide and once finished, she opened them again. Promptly, she squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered.
They were still there. Her father and his three friends, their masculine outline dwarfing the small table at which they sat. They all roared with laughter as they played their little game of cards and dice, their breath stinking of liquor and general bad health.

She opened her eyes again and saw a spider edging close to her. She wanted desparately to move away, she was deathly afraid of spiders but her back bone stiffened as she remember what her father had told her almost an hour before.
"Don't you move, you little tramp or I'll give yer a lashing yer'll never forget!"
She shivered uncontrollably, unable to take her eyes from the men that had ignored her through out the evening. She found herself praying that the night would end soon and that they would all just go away. But it was not to be.

She stiffened, her eyes going wide as her father turned to her after a particularily raucous round of laughter.
"Come!" he bellowed and her feet numbly obeyed, her mind screaming with horror, her lips silent.
Impatient, he got to his feet and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her to the small table and with barely an effort, slamming her onto the table top and flicking up the sturdy little woollen skirt she had on. Her mind screamed again as her body fell limp; numb.

"Yer won yer game, now git yer prize!" her father bellowed once again, too full of liquor to realise there was no need to shout. A friend laughed and grabbed her roughly by the ankles and as if the trigger of a crossbow had been pulled, Tiana suddenly became a hellcat.
She kicked out with her legs, trying to dislodge the man's groping hands and reached out with her fingernails, trying to pierce skin. She screamed and cried but the man at her feet simply gripped tighter, bruising her delicate ankles. He would bruise alot more before he was through with her.

"No!" she screamed as she felt herself being dragged towards the man that held her ankles.

"No!" she screamed, only then realising that the gentle hand on her shoulder was that of a street urchin that had come to her rescue. Tyler. He was a boy and that was what she liked about him. He was too young to have such lustful thoughts and she knew that she would never trust him as a man.
"I'm okay," she whispered, her voice hoarse from her constant screaming through out the night. Unwilling to share the visions from her past, she turned away and Tyler, wisely, did not press for further information. "Is there food?" her scratchy whisper wasn't enough to disguise the hope in her voice.
Ona heard Idrial's words and stood stretching her body toward the morning sky. A few snaps and pops echoed softly in the air and she shook her lean frame. The morning held a feeling of expectancy. From here on the journey would become truly perilous.

She nodded to her companions as she returned to the fireside, crouching down and unneccesarily holding her hands out to warm them. The low burning flames seemed to glow a bit brighter as if in welcome.

"It looks to be a fair day ahead. We should make good time." She looked from Idrial to O'Bonn and Cormac then beyond to the others just waking. As she had stood watch her mind had mulled over her nightmare and she had come to a conclusion. She needed to use the crystals before they met battle, and she needed to confide in her companions concerning her fears. Her gaze settled on Idrail, their leader, and she steeled herself.

"Lady, there is something I would discuss with you....all of you....that you need to consider before allowing me to continue this journey with you." Ona felt her hands begin to tremble and wondered at her nervousness. She glanced down and saw that the flames were flaring higher, reaching toward her. This was exactly what she needed them to understand. "I...I fear that I may in some way be more of a danger than an asset to you all."
O'Bonn calmly swallowed a sip of tea. He then turned to Idrial, and placed his hand gently on her shoulder. He nodded his head towards Ona, and ever so lightly gave Idrial a push.

"She is offering her trust," O'Bonn whispered to Idrial in Elvish, "let her know we accept this gift by offering our own."
Idrial nodded at O'Bonn's words and moved closer to Ona sitting near enough that Ona would not need to raise her voice.. As Idrial watched the flames seeming to move twards Ona's hands in a warm caress.. she remembered seeing Ona light the arrows afire by the river, and knew that she had some sort of bond with flame but that was all she knew..

I am here to listen if you are ready.. Idiral said not wanting to push her further than she was ready for.
Ona took a deep breath and drew her hands back forcing herself to be calm so that the flames shrank back down. She looked at each of her companions once more and then stared back into the flames, her voice soft as she began her tale.

"I have no memory of a life beyond two summers ago. I know nothing of who, or what I was. I know that I can manipulate fire...." she twirled a finger toward the fire pit and a spiral of flame shot up briefly. "I know that I can move objects by thought and I have a few other handy tricks of the mind."

"I also know I can't always control these things." her glance flicked to the place where she had lain during the night and saw clearly the singed grass around her pallet. "When I become nervous, or frightened and especially if I become angry things tend to....catch fire. It nearly cost me my life back at the Keep, but I was spared and sent with you."

"The gift the dragons imparted to me will in some way help me gain control and focus my talents, but there may be a side effect." She looked up and met Idrial's gaze with her own troubled eyes. "I may begin to remember. Some memories already have begun to surface while I was within the Keep, most were very....uncomfortable. Usually I suffer great pain as well as sever loss of control when memory flashes come, but the pain at least has lessend a bit. I am afraid that I may have been a very unpleasant person in my past."

Briefly she told them some of the dream that had woken her and the deep fear it had caused in her heart.

"My point is that I do not want my lack of control to endanger this party or its mission. You all need to know that I could be a possible liability at times. I want to come with you. I want to lend you whatever aid I am able, to see this through to the end....if you will still have me."
O'Bonn listened to the words Ona had spoken. When she was finished, the High Warrior moved to stand beside Idrial. He took her hand lightly in his. The message was clear: whatever Idrial decided, O'Bonn would stand by her.
Cormac stroked his beard, as he listened to Ona. "What devilry?" he said when he saw her manipulate the flame. He was leery, but the good in her showed. "I would have you, I will not turn you away."

Khan's reply did not seem to sit particuarilly well with the elves, given their deepening scowls. The woman bent her head back slightly, whispering to one of her nearby companions with her quick, accented elvish. The other stepped away and out of Khan's view.

"You are arrogant." she said. "And a second-hand thief is still a thief. Given your disposition, who is to say that these trinkets you have for identification have themselves not been stolen?"

"Your words are evasive, you presence in our city was unasked for. Even now you hide your identity from us. We cannot see who you truly are, but we can feel the magic that you cloak yourself in."

"Why are you here? What is your true intent within our lands?"

Bladesman said:
"By the Abyss!" Draken's curse was full of venom as he leapt out of the way of the girl's fists. He groaned to himself, why did he have to tangle with a monk. Why was his luck like this. Couldn't a job be straight forward for once? He shook his head and dodged again, lashing out quickly with his scimitar, slicing a gash in the back of one of her knees near the tendons but due to their rapid movements, he couldn't tell for sure.

The battle continued at a frantic pace, the girl kept a constant pressure on Draken, who had to dodge, parry and evade a rapid and flowing onslaught of kicks, punches and strikes. Draken himself had managed a few quick counters and while he had the advantage of weight and reach, the girl was much faster and stronger than she appeared.

He had scorred one hit against her leg and another across one arm, although he was certain the latter was superficial. He himself had taken a blow across one cheek for it and had to constantly move to prevent her from either escaping or manouvering him into a bad position.

She was good, he had to admit, but she still had to die.

Had he not been in excellent physical conditioning, he would have tired long ago. The girl likewise seemed tireless, but finally, Draken spotted someting, minor perhaps, but his strike against her leg might have been better placed than he thought, the girl seemed to be favoring that leg.

Tyler's face held firm for a moment before slowly shaking from side to side.

"No, but.." he hesitated for a moment, quickly looking up and down the stalls before continuing. "But I think I might have a mark, some rich old fat guy. He's always throwing gold coins around, comes through every now and then...and I think I know where he's gonna go. Might be able to get enough for a week even."

Tyler smiled mischeviously for a moment.

"Course, unless you have some more stuff to sell..."

Tyler's voice fell off. Tiana considered for a moment. Much of her awuired jewelry and coins were long gone. All that remained was a single pair of pearl earrings, her own mother's wedding band and..the monocle.

Always the monocle.

Save it. her subconcious whispered. Trust no one, not even him..
Draken kept moving through the vivid pain from his arm. He sheathed his scimitar quickly and pulled a poisoned kukri from his belt. The poison was fast acting and deadly. If he could strike close to a vein, she would last maybe five minutes before she would be collasped on the floor. He quickly batted aside another strike, followed by another. Draken kept dodging, moving around, over and under her blows but he still couldn't land a worth while hit on her other then her leg.

Then he realized, if he could open another gash on her leg, he would be able to get the poison into her blood. With a renewed determination, he began to fight, blocking her attacks, all the while looking for his chance to slash her leg again. His chance came when she lashed out with a devestating upper kick that Draken ducked then slashed the kukri across her leg again, leaving a second gash along her leg.
Mantra said:
Khan's reply did not seem to sit particuarilly well with the elves, given their deepening scowls. The woman bent her head back slightly, whispering to one of her nearby companions with her quick, accented elvish. The other stepped away and out of Khan's view.

"You are arrogant." she said. "And a second-hand thief is still a thief. Given your disposition, who is to say that these trinkets you have for identification have themselves not been stolen?"

"Your words are evasive, you presence in our city was unasked for. Even now you hide your identity from us. We cannot see who you truly are, but we can feel the magic that you cloak yourself in."

"Why are you here? What is your true intent within our lands?"

Khan looked at the elvish woman with a blank stare. Unless he had been lied to, it was impossible to lie in the elvish tongue. And Khan had no reason to believe had been lied to since it was one of the high elves who had taught him how to speak elvish. So, given that it was impossible to lie in elvish, why hasn't this woman realized that he hasn't told a lie yet?

"Untie me, and more than one of your questions will be answered," stated Khan, still in elvish. He could probably snap the robes that bound his hands behind his back by extending his wings, but he didn't want to risk it. He might end up hurting himself and/or provoking an attack. Plus, his shoulders were getting sore, from being tied back. "You have my word, on my honor as a warrior, that I shall cause no harm nor threaten you or your people intentionally. Besides, you have my sword and shield in your possession."