Dragons and Magic II: The Hunt for DreamWeaver

O'Bonn replaced his helm, and spurred his horse to move ahead.

"There has been much battle," he answered Cormac, "yet nothing like there is to come, I fear."
The shout from behind and O’Bonn’s quick reaction had Ona instinctively turning her mount to face the newcomer, shielding her passenger with her own body. She watched quietly as the unique party approached and listened to the ensuing conversation. A glance over her shoulder at Aranel made her agree with Idrial that they needed to find a safe place to camp soon as they could.

Ona watched the creatures and the man they accompanied and smiled in a cautious yet friendly manner. She would save any sort of introduction for later when they camped, if Cormac did indeed join their party. She gave the man a nod as he fell in with the rest of them and they moved on down the path.
After traviling awhile longer they found a place to camp in a glen that wasnt to hard to defend so long as they took shifts. I think we should camp here for the evening. I'll scout out around the area to make sure its safe if you'll begin setting up camp. she said and waited for there responces before moving out.

She thought about asking one of them to come with her incase another situation occured like at the river where she didnt have time to come back for aid, but also knew that they would need as many hands as they could spare to set up camp and check Aranel's wounds.
"Ill send Eoghain with you, if it pleases you." Cormac said. "There is no better scouting partner then a wolf in my experience." He said taking the saddle off Setanta and tossing its bags on the ground. "If it pleases you all, i shall hunt for food, and bring firewood." He said pulling out a small tool and cleaning Setanta's hooves.
Ona listened to Idrial and their new companion, Cormac, and nodded as she swung one leg over her horse’s neck and slid to the ground. She helped her wounded passenger down from the horse and removed the packs from Aranel’s pony setting them down beside the woman with a smile.

“Perhaps you should rest while we get things set up, then someone can see to your shoulder.”

She then removed the packs from Bardo’s back and the saddle from her own mount. There was a wide patch of green grass nearby and she led the three animals there so that they could graze and still be in constant sight.

Taking a small flat spade from her bundles she began to clear leaves, twigs and grass from a circle on the ground for a fire pit. If they built their fire carefully there wouldn’t be enough smoke to draw unwanted attention. They couldn’t do without fire, they would need hot water to clean Aranel’s wound. She also didn’t fancy eating raw meat if she could avoid it.
The High Warrior O'Bonn watched the others prepare their horses for grazing. He removed the saddle bags and weapons from his own, yet he left the saddle. He knew it was not a good idea to remove the saddle, lest there should always be one who could ride immediately should trouble find them again.

O'Bonn pulled a pouch of dried fruit, and even had a small kettle he could set in the fire to make tea.
Idrial nodded and smiled in Cormac's direction as she responed. I would be glad of Eoghain's company if he so choose's to join me, and thank you for your offer to hunt for food. She said watching as Ona helped Aranel to dismount and the others begain to set up camp.

She also noticed O'Bonn picking up a pouch and gathering the kettle out of his pack that he had used the first time they had met, and couldnt help the smile that came across her face nor resist her next comment before slipping into the woods, and wondered if he would even remember his comment to her that eve. I hope thats not wedding Tea O'Bonn..

Strange much had happened sence she had found Rhy's in the burned down village. She had met many allies that night. Many of them had gone and made room for others, but O'Bonn had stayed constant. He had lead her and Rhys to the dragons, and the matriarc. She hadnt forgotten her search for her brother Garret, and from time to time wondered where he was and how he was doing, but for now Rhys was her main concern..and the quest before them, she would honor her vows even if they should mean her death.

Idrial continued to scout out and around the area not finding much save for the normal animal tracks for the area they were in. Tho she was glad of Eoghain's company as they made there way silently back twards camp, and spoke to him quietly as they travled.

Shall we head back Eoghain?? my thanks for your company, tho i think we should not yet lower our guard.. we've not travled far enough away from the area of the fire and those orc's as i would have liked but twill have to do for now, besides your companion Cormac and the others who wernt at the river will wish to know what occured, and we still need to establish the order of watch for the evening.

Idrial watched Eoghain and smiled seeing the intelligence behind his eyes and knowing that he understood what she had said and the rest of the journay back to camp was silent from there until they reentred camp, and she greeted the others.
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O'Bonn chuckled at Idrial's comment. "For you, my lady, it may very well be such," he told her, smiling. He then laid out pieces of dried fruit, offering some to everyone. It would be good with some coneys, he thought, if Cormac managed to bring some back to roast.
The young stag had led him on a merry chase, but had left him wishing he had a bow. He thanked the spirits of the hunt for the kills he made, his snares had caught two jackrabbits and this stag, though smallish, was a fine catch for an evenings hunt. He resolved to use its hide and bones, along with a few good sticks to make a battle quiver to hold his weapons in. he had another hide in his pack that would do nicely to make the quiver big enough. He also cut down two stripling trees go make javelins with, a glaive and hand axes were not suitable weapons for hunting. He walked back to camp having bound the two rabbits and the stag to the pole of his glaive and carrying them on his shoulders. he also carried a bag of firewood hanging from his belt. He walked back into the camp, "Rabbit and Venison for dinner" he said approaching the fire and dropping them on the ground. "I hope this will be sufficient, i know little of the appetite of elves." he said as he sat down to dress the kills, lighting his pipe.
Aranel felt better after having clean bandages applied and warm food in her stomach. She also felt more alert and began to watch her new companions. She had felt more at ease hearing them joking around with each other as they set up camp. It was good to be around people again. Night had fallen and everyone was settling in when Aranel began to speak.

“As I explained earlier, I’m from the Temple of Uineeniel. Four days ago, Cedwynn, our wisest druid of the First circle, came out of her fasting to report the rise of a great evil. We had been aware of evil walking the lands in the south and disturbances to the east. Normally when such things arise we take no mind.” Aranel shrugged and looked into the fire before continuing.

“The balance may tip but some good always seems to re-establish the balance. But the very earth itself trembles at the approach of this darkness. It was decided that we needed to consult our allies. I was sent to the dragons and their matriarch to find out what is happening and how to help. I didn’t know that the situation was so bad that raiding orcs can be found so close to the dragons. Things are progressing faster then we could have imaged and we are entering this fight late in the game.” Aranel re-adjusted to get more comfortable and said, “That is why I am here but I am alive because of you and I thank you all for that.”
"A druid?" Cormac said, feeding a strip of venison to Conchobar, who was perched on his shoulder. "Elves have druids? I thought only we had had druids, to tell us the will of the gods." Cormac said staring into the fire, the scars on his face brightly illuminated as they furrowed with his troubled thoughts. "Do elfkin talk to the gods? Cernus the horned one, Danu the mother, Luagh the spear dancer?" He asked, tossing a large piece of meat to Eoghain, slightly troubled that he did not know such things before.
Aranel turned to Cormac and smiled. She hadn’t been expecting this to turn into a theology discussion but was pleased that he was curious. She had sensed no evil in him which was why she had spoke freely of her task in front of him and was happy to answer his questions. She sipped her tea as she paused for a moment to collect her words.

“The Gods speak to anyone they wish, Wolf-brother. Well, anyone who will listen. Our druids speak with the forces of nature. My order believes that it is through these forces that the gods speak with us.”

Aranel watched Eoghain eating his dinner and looked from the wolf, the raven, to the horse. She wondered how much Cormac could understand his companions. Obviously his companions understood him enough to loyally follow him. “Our gods are probably not that dissimilar. The druids of my order celebrate the goddess Elonnah. She is the goddess of magic and healing.”
"Elonnah you say?" Cormac said, brightening up. "We worship Elunnara, goddess of healing and childbearing, maybe they are the same?" he said wondering, "Danu is our mother, and mother of all the gods and spirits, She was wed to Aongus, the sky. Upon her he conceived the the twin gods Cernus and Luagh, who share the domain of war. Luagh is god of honour also, while Cernus is god of the hunt as well. They then conceived Taranis the Stormcrow, god of weather and Narn the god of fire. Finally they conceived Elunnara the favored, the little sister of the four great gods, and they protect her fiercely. Aongus was then slain treacherously by Crom, the dark one. Who took as his spoils mother Danu, and upon her conceived the lesser spirits. He was cast down by Cernus and Luagh, in vengeance for their father the Sky, he then became Crom Cruach, god of death. This is what our druids say." Cormac said chewing pensively on a piece of venison. "How does nature talk to you? Like Conchobar, Eoghain, and Setanta talk to me?"
Ona sat cross legged on the ground chewing slowly on a piece of roasted hare as she listened to the conversation. She knew nothing of gods and goddesses, at least she didn’t now. But she found their talk curious. Had she once believed in such things, fought to defend her beliefs perhaps? A chill breeze made her shudder slightly. Or perhaps she had worshiped other darker things, selfish things. Phalanx had told her she was a killer and that she had enjoyed the kill. Was there a god for such a person as that? If so, she didn’t want anything to do with it now.

She set aside the small bones from her meat and took up a piece of the dried fruit O’Bonn had handed out earlier. It made a nice, sweet finish to her meal. She listened to the others as she ate and found herself smiling. This camaraderie seemed new and yet familiar at the same time. She gazed into the low flames of their campfire and let her mind wander. A child’s lilting laughter drifted through her mind and she saw a sweet, chubby face form in the center of the flames. The flames shifted to a smiling, wrinkled face and a soft voice accompanied the laughter…’everyone needs a family, child.’

Ona sighed softly and closed her eyes. Here at last was a memory that didn’t cause pain or anger. She wasn’t sure yet what it meant but she did understand one thing. Locked away with all the frightening and unpleasant memories were some that were treasures of joy. For those it might be worth facing her past.
Idrial sat silently eating upon her own bit of meat, and fruit she hadnt missed O'Bonn's comment about the tea as she had slipped into the woods, and knew he had been teasing her, but wondered once more how he might feel if she were to say something, but decided against such as she had noticed O'Bonn's sadness over Morganna's death and knew that if he had loved her she should say nothing and let him be, if he were intrested he would speak with her when it was time, and if not perhaps there was another out there for her...

She shook herself turning her thoughts back to Rhys and the things at hand listining to the conversation between Aranel, and Cormac, smiling softly as she thanked both O'Bonn and Cormac for there provisions. Your tea is as delishious as i remember O'Bonn i thank you, and i thank you as well Cormac for the game you gathered this eve.

When Aranel and Cormac paused in there conversation, Idrial remembered Aranel's words about traveling to the matriarch, and the dragon's for aid, and felt that it would be good to fill both of them in on what was happening and where they were headed. There is much you both need to know should you continue to travel with us.. I would not have you walk into things blindly.. I should start at the beginning, when i first found Rhys..

Idrial begain to explain about the burned down village, finding Rhy's meeting up with O'Bonn and there journy to the Matriarch.. letting O'Bonn, Ona, and the others join in and tell what they would as well. Speaking of the propacy and more..

There were some things that happend while Idrial had been near death in the Dragons Keep that she did not even know, she remembered the fight with the ogers and returning to the keep, but not much after. She made a mental note to ask O'Bonn what had happend to her as they had left as soon as they had been able, they continued to explain things telling them about Dreamweaver, the item which might hold Dreamwever's soul and what it was they had to do, all up to her jumping in after Aranel, and the fire.

The rest you both know... she said and looked into the flames of the fire giving each of there new companions time to think on all that they had been told. Idrial did not fear there words being over heard as she held faith in the necklace the dragon kind had given to her to sheld there words from those who would listen in.
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A black and purple glowing portal signalled the return of the Prince of Shadows to the surface world. A moment later, two other drow elves followed him through the portal. "My Lord Draken, the Dark Queen of Dragons sends her blessings to you and orders you to speed on your way to find the adventuers. She offers you this sapphire pendant to summon the Grand Lightning Wyrm to do your bidding as you obey the Dark Queens command. Now go."

Draken slammed his right fist against his chest in salute. "It shall be done." The two drow vanished leaving Draken alone on the side of a mountain. He would have to find the adventurers that he had tracked into the Dragon Thorn's lair once more.
Aranel was interested in how much the story of the gods changed depending upon what type of society the person was from. Through different emphasizes she could tell that Cormac hailed from a patriarchic warrior society.

As she mulled over Cormac’s understanding of the gods and the best way to answer him, Idrial explained the journey that her and her companions were on. To Aranel it sounded like there would be no need for her to continue on to the Dragons when this appeared to be where she should be. To be sure, she would consult the bones to help her decide which path she should take.

“Thank you for sharing the story of your adventures. You have given me much to think on.”
Cormac watched as the druid considered his words, and listened to Idrial tell her story. "A most worthy quest indeed." he said, chewing pensively "The seanchai would tell of such a mighty quest as long as my clan survives."
O'Bonn said nothing as they talked of druids and gods, simply staring at the flickering flames of the fire. He listened as the Fay spoke to him in the night, the spirits of the trees, the wind, the very earth itself. The fellowship camped around the fire offerred much interest to their kind, and he missed the presence of the majai-hi, the Fay hound who had befriended him on their journey to the dragon's keep.

O'Bonn caught Idrial's eye and held her gaze for a moment. He then motioned up with his amber eyes. The night sky held the stars in view, and N'eras'te, the Elf Star, shone brightest. Legend held the star had been placed by an ancient dragon for Galas, the first High Warrior, to show him the way home after a battle with evil. Tonight it cast its light upon a circle of friends.

"There is that which we can not know," he said at last. "Things which only those that made us may see, yet we know they are there because we believe with our hearts. It is thus that a warrior must fight with his heart as much as his mind, and when he loves he must love with all of his heart, for that is the greatest fight of them all. Things that are given us, such as wood for this fire, horses upon which to ride, and steel with which to fight are gifts we must see with our hearts as we do our eyes. It is only then we can truly know ourselves."
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The minotaur and the parchment.

Optimas said:
One of the assassins motioned to the other with confirmation of their target this was their last mistake in this world.

Borgus saw the motion and happy with the intentions he loosed an arrow at unnerving speed. In a flash the other arrow flew like death through the still night, both assassins fell to the floor in doomed silence. Borgus picked up the quiver and tied it to his back he holstered his hammer and clutched the bow, he moved back to the first assassin he killed and pulling the dagger clear moved off into the land. He was not sure what to do but he would try and help his tribe as much as he could, he remembered the bit of parchment but thought it could wait. So he moved off into the night and onto his destiny, Borgus of the Thaurian tribe.

Borgus had been moving for most of the night moving around patrols as he saw fit, He then remembered the parchment that had been handed to him by Moon Shank the Thaurian chieftain, he read the parchment.

Borgus huffed and fumbled with the tied roll of parchment.

Borgus was a creature of action, and as such, had to read the scroll three times to fully understand the contents. Not that he was simple or uneducated, but the scroll seemed to hold numbers of crops grown, plunder siezed, slaves taken and traided and the like. Borgus scowled at the mere thought of ecconomics, his idea of such thing was 'raid, plunder, eat. Repeat as nessessary.' Still, from what he read, he became a bit more understanding of Moon-Shank's desire to join with others at this gathering.

His tribe was on the verge of starving.

Crops were not doing well and the Taurians were bever farmers in the first place. Most crops and herds were tended by slaves but the year had been harsh for such things. The dwarves and heir hated demon-warriors had thrown back every forrage into the mountain and many of the forrages into the deep forest had failed to return. Raids against the human and elvish settlements were successful, but they were not numerous as there were not so many groups to raid so near the mountains. Also, there were many Beast Tribes which were doing the very same thing which only served to thin the heard even more. No, as he read, there were only two real options; barter or war with a fellow Beast Tribe. Borgus snorted with discontent.

"Or..." came a smooth, silky voice. "Unity."

Borgus lept to his feet, bringing his warhammer up and whirled to meet the voice. He hesiteted as he saw Doorna standing some 10 feet away.

"Now you see." he continued. "We are all suffering under the damnation of the mountain. Demons from on high and the Dead Ones from below. Do we starve, do we destroy each other or..." and his golden eyes narrowed with intensity. "Do we fight back?"

Doorna stepped closer, hissabre swung easilly on his hip and his feet made no noise as he walked, but he moved with fluid, easy movements.

"I am curious about you Borgus of the Banished. Are you so willing to fight for a cause or do you just fight like a brute in a pit fight? Things might be different if you were not so ... anxious to kill your own."

He smiled, showing rows of tiny, sharp teeth. An odd expression to see on a cat's face.
"Or if you see a rival, there might be..opportunities on the field of battle which do not include you being banished or your tribe being massacarred to appease a blood debt."

"Does any of this interest you or may I simply take that parchment back to it's rightful Chief and leave you to wander, clannless, honorless and devoid of a future with your own kind?"
Draken's entry ..er, RE-entry post :)

The winter snow was stained here and there with blood but the mob of humans did not seem to care that nearly a dozen of their fellows had fallen with little effort.
They were a strange lot, this mob. Men, women and children, of all ages were present, most still wearing bed clothes or other clothing completely inappropriate for the snow or the forest. They carried a poor mishmash of weapondry, makeshift clubs, tools or anything else they could find at hand. It seemed that an entire town had just up and wandered off to fight....

And were doing a rather poor job of it.

They didn't hurry, that was for sure. They came on without care or reason and fought mechanically, if at all. Neither threats nor carnage seemed to deter them, not that Draken cared, he'd kill the lot of them without a second thought.

...But then, that's what was odd about it.

The centaur female, was being driven back, by sheer numbers, even though the twang of her bow had laid low some six of her pursuers. Draken himself had killed nearly twice that number, but they wouldn't fight him.

Each that had approached near enough to make eye contact, had simply stopped and pointed South, back the way they had come and stood, usually as Draken killed them. Yet even as his blades ended their lives, they never moved to defend themselves, never stopped pointing and once they died, the next simply repeated the actions.

Wierd, even for stupid humans.
Draken pondered for a moment while maintaining his defensive stance. They were all pointing to the south and they were also holding the Centaur back.He drew back his weapons, holding them down by his sides as he moved closer to the crowd. The crowd parted before him opening a path to the south. On the way through the crowd, Draken noticed one man that appeared to be a leader. He pushed his way through the crowd and quickly disarmed the man, shoving him forward toward the south.
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Idrial and her Party...

The evening drew on contentedly for the group. For a moment, they were all just sharing a supper and having some pleasant, if somewhat hushed, conversation and reflecting on the lives of one another. The smell of cooking meat drifted pleasantly through the timy camp when from off in the not so distant, dark, came the sound of a braying donkey. Bardo's head came up as his ears swiveled towards the sound of one of his own but fortunatly did not reply in kind.

It seemed they were no so alone in the forest as they might have hoped...
Mantra said:
"I am curious about you Borgus of the Banished. Are you so willing to fight for a cause or do you just fight like a brute in a pit fight? Things might be different if you were not so ... anxious to kill your own."

He smiled, showing rows of tiny, sharp teeth. An odd expression to see on a cat's face.
"Or if you see a rival, there might be..opportunities on the field of battle which do not include you being banished or your tribe being massacarred to appease a blood debt."

"Does any of this interest you or may I simply take that parchment back to it's rightful Chief and leave you to wander, clannless, honorless and devoid of a future with your own kind?"

Borgus pulled the parchment to himself, He pointed at the cat man in front of him. The war hammer held relaxed by his side. "I protect my clan, my family and do what Is right." Borgus moved his head side to side his giant horns wickedly sharp. "I trusts You, Borgus like your eyes, but I will not let assassins kill Moon-Shank, I am war chief of my tribe. I will never be honor less and I will fight by anyones sides to save Me ThauIans."

Borgus looked at Doorna, He placed the parchment inside his armour, and spun his hammer round and smashed it onto the floor. He put out a massive hand to Doorna, "Borgus not a pit fighter. . ."He paused, ". . .Too Easy. I am Borgus War chief of the Thaurian clan, Tell me your plannning Doona And I will tink bout it." Borgus tried to smile.