you look so romantic with your tongue pressed against the looking-glass...mummm! Makes me yearn to be inside your room wearing nothing and appear behind you with one hand over your breast and the other between your legs.
i was hoping for the nurse series but hot dang! 2 maes touching and kissing as always you outdo yourself every post just as i think they cant get any better - they do
love all your posts
Mae....The idea of using a mirror was *wonderful* and you used it so well ! I am a push-over when it comes to candles in romantic/sexual situations and the way that it higlighted your body was incredible. I've always loved the way candlelight washes over a lover's body in a darkened room...mmmmmmmmmm
mae... i always seem to just miss you, i think this is your best set yet! i't refreshingly inovative, and aluring. i never read the sugestion, but it must have been tastefull. wondering if a conversation would be a posibility. hope to hear from you, felix
Mae- VERY VEEEERRRRRYY good there! I LOVE the photographic and literary blend there.....makes for a VERY sexy and yet sooo innocently sensual, sounding story! Ya made ME happy with that one hun!
The work of literature that you have created in your photos speaks to the very heart of all those that are lonely and come so close yet end up empty handed by some strange twist of fate.
In the case of your post, it was the invisible barrier between yourself and your "partner".
In another view, the longing one has to be comfortable with oneself is brought to play, as you are so close to being comfortable with your image in the mirror, but in the end, the lights grow dim and you are as far apart as when you began.
Mae, the pictures you have just created are gallery quality. It is the finest amatuer post I have ever seen. If a picture speaks a thousand words, your series spoke tombs.
Each time I look at it, I find a new relation with it in my own life.
You pretty much hit it on the head. What I intended to start out as more of a sexual theme, almost of two female lovers, quickly became something else once I looked at what I had taken.
I enjoy my solitude, I relish it in most accounts of my life right now. It is not an easy path I have chosen for myself, and having spent the greater part of this year alone, it makes that even more obvious. The pleasure I find within myself and the world around me comforts and sustains me at most times. However, there are days and times when the irrevocable truth comes settling in; that being alone can really be...well, lonely. *shrug* Can't find a better word for it right now. It isn't easy feeling like there are few who understand you, or truly accept you for everything that you are. Soulmates who aren't actually looking to mold you into what they desire you to be, instead of desiring you for what you already are...
Nights when all you long for is (depending on the mood and your inclination) someone to speak to with your heart, to dance with, to hold, to love, cherish...or to fuck completely senseless. Although I'd warrant my Muse this night wasn't caring about the latter...
Not sure if this is right (my curious mind had to hunt and see what Shukran meant ) but...
Ahlan wa sahlan?
I can't believe that you've outdone yourself again, but you have. I very much liked this series. Very sensual and erotic. The forlorn lover yearning for the touch she will never have again.
A wonderful set of pics, I thought the darkness was deliberate. It adds an air of mystery. However the pics seem to have reached a lot of people of different levels, and each has his/her own interpretation. To me it looked like you were searching for a lost quality, seeing beyond the reflection in the surface layer of the glass, touching the twin to test it's realism then trying to move beyond, to foresee the future or relive the past? Strange, like in the mirror we see what we want to see, the reality is never quite the same.
Thank you for sharing your beauty and most of all your spirit. I can feel you have a strong spirit within. I hope you will find your lover who is capable of sensing your inner self, that you may both be able to grow in each other. Yours is such a precious gift!! Most don't know themselves well enough to know this of themselves, let alone share it with another.
Best wishes with your soul. Thanks again for sharing...........most beautiful.