OooooC that’d be cool. I’m excited to hear Kuznet’s satisfaction. As well as the confirmation that his deal little Quint has lied to him. I’m also looking forward to him actually watching the tape.
By the way, just so I’m on the right page, we jumped a day ahead for Quint and Sayori, so are we going to do a time-skip where the three musketeers arrive that day at the complex?
Hm hm. Yea, we could say they stayed at that one base all day, didn't see anyone, so maybe they plan on travelling to the next closest base? There's only so many bases, after all, and that's where the most people are residing.
Also, should we save the tape for when he has his little Cora again? Maybe he wants to show her how fun their new toy is?
Also also, I've been trying to think of where Kuznet's old house could be, as I want it to be somewhat nearby. But the other part of it is that he can't devote a bunch of resources to someone monitoring it at all times, though he would have someone there pretty often to check up on things. So this was the idea I had for his house:
-Pretty big and fancy, I'm thinking at least two stories, if not three, with a well finished attic and... basement
-heavily reinforced to make escape difficult, though in a very deceiving way, such as the windows are clear bulletproof glass, the locks are pretty top notch despite not looking like anything special, and there are of course alarms that go off should any doors/windows be opened without permission
-the property itself is tucked away out in the woods, a very special spot that is pretty high up on a cliff almost, where there is really only one safe route in and out
-he used some of his resources to clear out any life giving vegetation, such as edible berries and plants, and then planted a bunch of toxic berries and such, so as to ensure that should anyone escape, they wouldn't be able to survive in the surrounding woods. At least not easily, and not without giving him plenty of time to find them.
-he also chose a property that has a very high concentration of predators, such as cougars and bears, so as to make it even riskier to escape
Now, this may have worked for normal people, but I'm thinking now that Sabastian and Quint have super strength and smell, they won't have too hard of a time getting everyone safely down that mountain The only problem that might come is if the fire shifts to start burning the side of the hill, after it's eaten through the house >_>