Drowy (Drobabes) General OOC

I'm writing post right now, please don't post lasagna cat! Dx


My husband: "If you don't post before sexy Garfield happens, I want a divorce"
Are those... Beans I smell?

<_< Damn. And I had an image picked out and everything. He was thicc as fuck.

I too thought the dude's haircut was kinda silly, but yeah. We'll just have to imagine Quint in that dude's clothes. :D
Don't worry, Quint's gonna drag them into lots of shenanigans I'm sure :D

Cora: "Guys, have you seen Quint?"

Vin: "He was just here a min-"

Quint: *comes barreling through some clothes racks at a mall, dressed in a white tuxedo*

"Sabastian! Dance with me! I get a little bit Ghengis Kong! Don't wan'chu to get it on with no-buddy else but me, ooh-ooh!"
Uhm o_O

I thought this was gonna be some kind of sexy 'raining men's video. I am severely disappointed D<
Oh there's definitely some ass in the forecast, but Baby Ray's is savin that >_>

I'm thinking he'll have left Damien something a little special in his car, not having planned on Damien sneaking off with the rebels :D
<_< *Quint left the chat*

Oooo, you got me curious. At some point Damien should go to the car and see... Maybe Vin can come with him.
Hmm. Well, let's 'make' the video first, since Cora and them are still behind in the timeline :D Then maybe Vin can be Damien's jailer XD

Although...thats gonna be a sad jailer. Ooh, maybe that's what spurs them into trying to go and get Cora on their own? With or without the rebels help? >.>

*stirs the pot of beans*

Any seasoning you'd like to add?


Edit: I wanna do the posts, but I must sleeps T_T
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Man, Kuznet is so thoughtful, letting Damien see a wholesome home video of him and his family.

Ooooh, you know what. Maybe Vin can enlist Sabastian's help as a safeguard while they track down Cora. If Damien runs, Sabastian can track him down easily and would be able to catch him and incapacitate him easily (especially since Damien can't light a fire to save his life).

As for seasoning... what kind of seasoning do you mean? Like what I want to happen during their search for Cora?
... Sabastian can track him down easily and would be able to catch him and incapacitate him easily (especially since Damien can't light a fire to save his life).


As for seasoning... what kind of seasoning do you mean? Like what I want to happen during their search for Cora?

Yes, any and all seasonings are welcome~ Or just suggestions on tweaks to what's already planned. I'm still not sure how they'll find them unless they get the idea to check his actual house.
Hmm... That's a good question. So lemme think. Vin and Damien see the video from the car, they decide that they need to get the women out of Kuznet's grasp asap, the two of them turning to Sabastian for support. They probably wouldn't tell Robert, especially after Jameson's speech of not going off on their own.

The three of them head out, not even knowing that Kuznet's house is somewhat nearby... Hm. The only thing I can think of is that the rebels have to have been keeping tabs on the General's movements to and from the base. While they wouldn't be able to follow him or see where he went, they should at least have a heading for the direction that Kuznet goes in. The only one who would know about Kuznet's house might be Jameson, Fran, or maybe Tommy. Maybe they overhear Jameson talking with one of his officers about movements while in the hospital room, and he casually mentions his home or something. It only occurs to them later when they see the tape.
Ooh! Maybe one of the dogs barks, and they hear the dog in the background? Or see a dog in the background? And maybe Jameson is talking about, 'they'll have to take the dogs out so they aren't alerted', or something along those lines?
If they're in the bedroom, I think it would be more realistic for them to simply hear the dogs bark unless he has one of them pressed up against the glass of the window or something, but yes! I think that would be a good idea. :D
I was actually thinking how to get around that-cause he's going to want to make his little home video in the basement >_> So I'm thinking maybe he'll make a two parter :D

One part will be the beginning where he's capturing her reaction to him telling her that they are going to send Damien a message-which will completely freak her out and make her refuse to do it, and then the second part will basically be after he breaks her, and showing Damien that he's in control :devil:

But the first part I'm thinking is where they might hear the dog bark
Aw. T_T Oh Cora. Damien's going to be such a sad boi. When they reunite there will be much tear-shedding.
Depending on what he sees, he’s going to be a very angry boi too. I imagine that Kuznet won’t include his face in the video, but that doesn’t mean his dick can’t be in it... and in other things. He could send Damien a video of Cora and Sayori sucking his dick or something.

Get you some coffee girl, you deserve dem beans.
Had me some coffee, had me some postas as well :D

Now I'm...*shudders* cleaning >_>

Hmm. Well, this particular video may just be between the three of them :D But Sayori will be getting lots of attention so she doesn't feel left out :devil:
Mmm... delicious postas.

<_< the dreaded laundry... I’m doing office work, wishing I could frolic it the fields...

Oh okay, that makes sense. Yeah, Sayori would feel super left out. :devil: Heartbroken, really.
The fields call to us Poprockz. The grass and the sun T_T

*sigh* tis not meant to be, today T_T
No, it’s not..,

But at least I have attained freedom! For the rest of the day at least. :D