Hehh. Maybe they will. :devili: We'll see if Cora keeps it to herself, or tells Sayori that she better watch her ass because swiggety swooty, he comin for her booty.
Indeed... I have partaken of its legendary beans, its bountiful cheese caressing my tongue with majesty I have not felt since the last time I had a burrito!
Lol, did you ever watch Toradora? There was this scene where the two best friends just break into this silly ass dance, where one stand behind the other to make it look like they have four arms instead of two, and they swing their heads from side to side and wiggle XD
I just imagine Quint trying to drag Sabastian into doing something silly with him, and when he won't, he just hops behind Sayori and they both do a goofy dance while Cora and Sabastian just stand there with their arms crossed, raising their eyebrows at them XD
I watched some of it, but I don't think I saw that part. XD I know exactly what you're talking about, though.
Lol She totally would. While I foresee Sayori being the calmer of the two, she has an endless supply of silly. More so when she's not afraid for her life and booty with a mad General.
lol, he just gets full body armour on and then uses his tentacles to hold four bats
Eheh, alrighty, get them dank sleeps! I may or may not post again tonight. I know I need to work on my other thread, but my brain don't wanna do right now T_T
@Drobabes: Baseball Quint, I choose you! Use home run!
They never catch on to that attack. <_<
The brain is a fickle bitch, no question.
@Jadeknight: Lol that was excellent. I haven’t seen that yet, but it looks great. It’s been a while since I watched the first one, come to think of it.
Hm hm. Me thinks that I should not have gotten into a philosophical discussion about which anime character would be better to take on an adventure and/or which you would choose to fuk, with my husband, until 6 AM
<_< come on, you can’t leave us hanging like that. What were the results?
Drobabes! I have an idea that you totally don’t have to do, but I wanted to share with you anyway. So Kuznet doesn’t want to have to pick glass out of her feet, but what if he had a long mat with a shit-ton of little metal spikes?
He could force her to walk across it, perhaps giving her a threat or incentive. Quint would freak out when he saw her feet (and possibly hands, knees, or sides) after that. Not sure if it would leave any sexy times for the General, but he’d have fun anyway.
“Don’t fall, Sayori.... it will only hurt worse if you fall.”
Edit: And one of the results were I would totally fuck Vash over Sesshomaru any day. They're both ht as fuck, but what it came down to was-if they both have experience (which I think they do, but hubby argues otherwise) I'm pretty sure Sessomaruhs is just selfish experience and wouldn't be the funnest lay