Drowy (Drobabes) General OOC

"Oh damn, I completely forgot about his protagonist powers!"

Oh my god, why did that get me? XD
Also, (I know I'm a little ball of hyper right now cause I hit a second wind or something), but I was looking through some old stuffs and I was wondering if it would be interesting to throw Damien and Cora into the old Perdition thread at some point. Like, maybe at a point in their lives where they are both adults, but never met yet, and like, maybe Kuznet captured her again and this time she couldn't take it, so she found a way to really kill herself.

I mean, grain of salt, cause when I get hyper like this my brain goes all super jumpy mode and is like "LET'S THINK OF EVERY POSSIBLE SCENARIO! LET'S GET EVERY ENDING TO THE GAME! WAHAHAHA!"

Now watch me absolutely crash again in like...I'm gonna give it twenty four minutes this time.
Lol the series is fucking great. Every time the smooth sax comes on I find it just sooo funny. XD

<_< Your brain was working at 200% power. As for perdition, that’s an interesting idea. If she died that way, perhaps Damien was murdered by a victim or a business partner. Or even better, maybe he just got into a car crash or something. We could pursue that at some point in the future, perhaps. :D
I know, the fucking sax got to me too! And when his face turned from that derpy emoji style to the serious, hansem face XD

My brain feels like a cheetah sometimes >_> I can go really fast for a few minutes,and then I have to crash and spend the rest of the day recovering >_>
“No homo.”

“No! All the homo! 😫

Lol fucking fantastic.

Hmm. A cheetah, eh? I really liked the post though. XD Quint is damn funny and I feel like his tentacles have only increased his comedic power.
Bro things :D. God that ending killed me XD

Quint has indeed become too powerful >.>

I shall post here in a bit, I just gotta...finish doing my taxes that I should have done a month ago >_<
Anything with Classmate-Kun. He was the best character in my humble opinion. I love in one of them that he was like, “oh yeah, I used to be a protagonist too before I lost my face.” XD

Kuznet: You two look to be in good spirits. Let’s go on a vacation!

Sayori: Vacation to where?

Kuznet: HELL.

Taxes? Psh haven’t done them yet? Iiiiii did my taxes... <_<“ “>_> Way earlier than a couple days ago, that’s for sure. Mhm.
Kuznet: You two look to be in good spirits. Let’s go on a vacation!

Sayori: Vacation to where?

Kuznet: HELL.

>_> ahem...

Quint: *starts slapping his face* "wake up wake up, wake up!"

Taxes? Psh haven’t done them yet? Iiiiii did my taxes... <_<“ “>_> Way earlier than a couple days ago, that’s for sure. Mhm



Edit: shh. You saw nothing.
You know, I was so tempted to have Sayori stand over Quint and basically Pretend to T-bag his body, but I didn’t want to flash him. She’d probably say something like, “get dunked on, scrub.”

<_< suspicion increasing...
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Holy fuck, he would have cracked up XD

Well, we'll just have to save it for when she has pants :D
Indeed we will. :D I swear to god she’s going to find some pants or shorts or something in that room, even if they’re sickly cute. Although... after what’s going to happen to her feet (and hands if she falls), she might appreciate having a dress on for ease of use. <_< Poor bird. Her feet are going to be fucked.
*nervous sweating*

You know, playing a villain is fun and all, but then you come across these terrible moral quandaries. Like, do I have Kuznet forcer her feet into a bowl of the healing goop after a while of torturing her? And then send her out for a round two? Decisions! Dx

Also, she's your character, so how many 'rounds' she gets is ultimately up to you :D
I personally was thinking that she’d only go through it once, but that it would be about three/four meters of spikes she had to walk across. They would fucking shred her feet very badly, so by the end I don’t think even the healy goop would have her ready for a round two. Her hands healed fast because they were little cuts, but shit like the spikes would take longer to recover from, especially due to all the blood she’ll probably lose.

Although... if you were feeling extremely sadistic, he could say something like, “you did so well, Sayori that I’m not going to make you walk across again...”

Sayori: O’:

Kuznet: :devil: You’re going to crawl on your hands and knees.

Sayori: ]’:
Or, if you wanted, another idea would be to have her walk across the spikes, dunk her feet in the gel, then tie her up so that she’s standing all night and leave her there til morning. If she puts weight on her feet, it’ll hurt, but if she puts weight elsewhere, it might dig in to her. So she’d have a torturous, sleepless night.
Hm hm. It seems we were on similar thought routes. I think I have a plan brewing now :devil:
Well, she might be >.> We'll just have to see how she handles her evening :devil:

Also, I'm going to try to keep my promise and post, but that second vaccine shot is makin my stomach do some nasty flips >_>
Very true. I suppose it's possible for her to be grateful that he deigned to come back at all and not leave her there for several days. Still, sticks and stones may break her bones, but chains and whips are also not on her list of fun things. <_<

Hm.... Well, I hate being nauseous, so if you just need to sleep it off, then I fully support that. I'm glad you got the second shot though! That's great. :D

Also, a skyrim video for your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDu7ybZYSvs
hot beans, served~

Skyrim vid? o: I shall watch soon! Got a chill step on right now for my husband :D
I might edit a bit later. Nothing that would make you have to change your post, I just want to pretty up my sentencing a little. I don't like how I've been writing lately, if that makes sense >_>

Like I feel like I've only been saying enough to get the point across, and I don't like reading that after I post. I want to add some texture and flavour to that text :D
You've got "a chill step on for your husband?" For some reason my brain isn't computing what you mean by that. @_@ Are you getting your cool groove on?

Oh okay, I'd be interested to see what edits you make. I like your style of writing so I don't see anything that could be critiqued, but I suppose anything can be improved upon. :D

Sayori knows that the General knows. And now the General knows that Sayori knows that Kuznet knows. <o<

^ chill step :D

I just feel like my writings gotten a tad lazy lately, probably just with everything going on. I don't add in the little facial expressions as much, or...I don't know. It know it's wrong, but it's difficult to explain >_< it's like how you can look at your own body and see if you have lost or gained two pounds, but someone else won't see it XD
Oooo, that's nice. Chill step is definitely accurate. Reminds me of some of the cafe music I listen to sometimes.

>it's like how you can look at your own body and see if you have lost or gained two pounds, but someone else won't see it XD

Oh yeah, my brain definitely computes. In that case, edit to your heart's content. :D
Yea, and that artist is a good one for that type of music.

Okies. I'm back. May not be back for long, but damnit, I wanna rp! >.<
Cheesus Crust. O_O” I fall asleep early and proceed to have an awful nightmare including screaming and stabbing. I’m so glad you posted because it’ll give me something to read and take my mind off it while I think of a response.