Earth 3: OOC

Would it be upsetting if one of the gunmen actually wound one of the party guests?

I want to spill some blood :D
Would it be upsetting if one of the gunmen actually wound one of the party guests?

I want to spill some blood :D

If they are so inclined as to incur the wrath of the Martian Manhunter, then by all means....
just dropping a quick line to let you all know i'm still alive. Things have just been hectic with the new job.
Its true.
My laziness seems to set the pace

Hey, don't be down on yourself!

Green Lantern hasn't posted in awhile, Starman seemingly bailed after making a slew of false promises, and Hawkgirl's understandably unconscious.

It's just that kind of thread-pace, can't say I'm complaining.

(Okay, I'm complaining about Starman repeatedly saying he was going to post and then never actually doing it, that made me mad, but just going with the flow is perfectly fine.)
One of the many reasons I don't join group threads, as a rule.
But, since someone won't write with me otherwise, what choice does a girl have?

I'm... I'm glad you're here.

I'm sorry for dropping the ball with our previous solos.
Hey, don't be down on yourself!

Green Lantern hasn't posted in awhile, Starman seemingly bailed after making a slew of false promises, and Hawkgirl's understandably unconscious.

It's just that kind of thread-pace, can't say I'm complaining.

(Okay, I'm complaining about Starman repeatedly saying he was going to post and then never actually doing it, that made me mad, but just going with the flow is perfectly fine.)

For some strange reason I feel very guilty right now

-types up some action for Ollie-
Sorry y'all, been busy trying to get back into the swing of school and work and posting:D.........
I can't imagine why! o_O

You've been one of our more active posters!

I don't understand my sudden guilt either O.O

But the post is up and per usual if there's any issue with it kindly let me know if I stepped on any toes.

Now back to farming :-D
I don't understand my sudden guilt either O.O

But the post is up and per usual if there's any issue with it kindly let me know if I stepped on any toes.

Now back to farming :-D

I think it's a great post, DK.

As usual.
I have good news and I have bad news.

Good news is that I think I'm starting to come out of my funk. Bad news the ideas I've been coming up with aren't really for a DC type of game. In fact it's actually for a table top game that I've played in the past and have been trying to revive. Some of you elder gamers like myself might remember the name Rifts by Pallaidium. What i'm thinking of doing is translating this idea into a thread. For those of you that don't know a thing about Rifts here's a page from the wikia that can give you some ideas of the setting. Please feel free to comment on what you think about this idea or if you even think it might be feasable.
Well by some miracle i have managed to get something out. It isn't much. but it's something.
I even managed to scribble something to the thread. It's not much, but I think it will work.