Editing blues

Note to self:

If whispersecret ever consents to edit one of my stories don armor. hee hee ;)
LOL! Good idea, High Peaks. If I ever rejoin the ranks of the Literotica Volunteer Editors, I'll make sure that my blurb is full of warnings, disclaimers, and advance apologies. I may even write up a letter that outlines exactly what the author can expect from me and what I expect from him/her. ;)
Whispersecret said:
I may even write up a letter that outlines exactly what the author can expect from me and what I expect from him/her. ;)

Oh sure, destroy all the mystery in a new relationship (editor/author that is)! LOL ;)
I think the whole problem could be solved if (as I suggested in my long, babbling post on the editor's forum) the author was honest with the editor as far as what they wanted from them and, more importantly, they were honest with THEMSELVES. Writers shouldn't ask for in-depth plot critique when all they want is a continuity and grammar check. There's no shame in saying, "Hey, I don't want to much exmination - I just want to make sure the plot make reasonable sense and that I didn't confuse any 'there's and 'their's." Having a story made public is an ego-booster. IMHO, it's probably a good idea for new writers to get a few up before they start looking for deep critiques.

Also, writers need to keep in mind that the editor's opinions are just that - opinions. They may be educated ones or not, valid ones or not. You can take them or leave them, but if you're interested in improving your writing, I think you should consider all criticism from all sources. Take it all with a grain of salt. Think about the comment, then think about your own work, and then decide: will this improve my story? Is it in line with my original intentions, or does it change my storyline into something else? If the critique helps to improve your story without making it into someone else's story, then keep it. If not, reject it and move on.

If you're serious about improving your writing, you must be prepared for the occasional beating. No proficiency comes without effort. However, not every beating is justified, and there's no reason to waste valuable time and emotion on criticism that doesn't apply to what you're trying to accomplish. A thicker skin (but not rhino hide) is definitely helpful.
Laurel said:
I think the whole problem could be solved if (as I suggested in my long, babbling post on the editor's forum)

LOL, Laurel you must feel like a broken record sometimes (oops I can hear all the under 30 people thinking, 'broken what?') I hope you have these comments archived so that you can cut and paste them. Good advice bears repeating. Thanks
Just when I thought this thread was finally over!

I AGREE that authors should tell editors what they want.
I wasn't the one that submitted my story to her, otherwise, trust me, I would have. And I DO read everything with an open mind. Honestly 99% of the time people say things that others may take offensively, but I step back and read it with an open mind.

Seriously, can we please please please end this thread? WS and I have finally worked things out between us through email and I respect her greatly. I am so afraid that everyone coming back in here and essentially repeating what has already been said is going to re-create the entire situation.

Sorry, I am just exasperated... going to go cool off, nothing personal anyone.
Violet said:
Just when I thought this thread was finally over!
...I wasn't the one that submitted my story to her...

You are not really ending this thread with a bombshell like that are you? Submitted without your knowledge? That's awful!

When is this story coming out and what will it be called? I can hardly wait. This will be a must read story if it caused all this up-roar.

I don't usually get into this writing and posting stuff but I couldn't let this go.
